Nanny for Three Alpha Brothers

Nanny for Three Alpha Brothers

Oleh:  Scarlett Orion  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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"Will Elsie be your Luna one day?" "You're asking a lot of questions," Rory stated "But if you must know, no. Elsie will never be my Luna, she is just a hole for me, an obedient toy who is at my beck and call," "If Elsie is not fit to be your Luna, then why is she good enough to bear your children?" the woman lying under him questioned further.Rory grunted once more, "I killed Elsie's parents to become Alpha, why would I want Elsie to be the Luna of the Autumn Pack? Do I look like an idiot? I'll use her for what I need, and then toss her away."After Elsie found out that Rory, the man she loved had murdered her parents in cold blood to claim the Alpha status, she was left heartbroken. 'It hurts, the man I loved, who I trusted and wanted to become his Luna,' I paused, speaking to my wolf 'He murdered my parents for his own selfish needs,' As I said these words, bile rose in my throat and burned my insides.Deceived and upset, she vowed to seek revenge on the Alpha of the Autumn Pack to become a Warrior for Rory's biggest rivals, the Summer Pack.Little did Elsie know the Summer Pack came with three arrogant Alpha Brothers, who she had to prove herself to first before seeking her revenge.

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Mama Dee
Love this book
2023-09-23 01:10:01
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Lynnie H
The story was ok but the book ends without completing the story.
2023-12-19 03:49:53
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CHAPTER 1 From Lovers to Enemies
  Elsie's POV   "Come on Elsie! Faster!"   The encouraging words of my trainer rang through my ears as she kept her commands firm. I felt myself flanking, my energy dipped as my arms began to ache with the effort of slamming my fists into the chest of the human shaped target.  'I want to play!' My wolf Ashe spoke in my mind, but I pushed her thoughts aside.  "Speed up! Are you weak?" My trainer's words dug into me as I gasped for breath, my sweat poured from my forehead and into my eyes.  'Aw come on Elsie!' Ashe whined.  "Now shift!" The command indicated it was time to let the wolf take over.  'Heh, my turn,' Ashe spoke in my mind, her yellow eyes shimmered with excitement.  I leapt into the air, toward the target I had been pummeling with severity. My form shifted into the flame furred wolf.  I landed onto the target, my teeth sinking into the soft plump fabric of its face as I started to gnarl. Ripping the outer layer to shreds as the filling began to pour out of the gash
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CHAPTER 2 The Biggest Rival
  Elsie's POV  'He will pay eventually,' I replied to Ashe 'We will torment him, but for now we have to remain level headed."  I made the decision there and then to leave the Autumn Pack. I didn't want to confront Rory at all, I couldn't even look at him right now.  Taking a seat on a nearby bench, I pulled out my phone and began to read the local stories. One caught my eye specifically.   The Summer Pack had opened their Warrior Selection event, open to anyone under the age of twenty. I was nineteen so I was eligible already. I continued reading the text, it seemed they were accepting anyone regardless of their pack, gender or rank. They even accepted rogue wolves.   I continued reading, the top ten candidates would have the opportunity to become Summer Warriors and join their pack. I chuckled to myself, this would be the perfect way to seek revenge on Rory. The Summer Pack were his Pack's biggest rival.   I would love to see the look on his face when he found out I had become o
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CHAPTER 3 Disqualified
  Elsie's POV  As I stood on the field, the sound of joyous cheers and chants from the audience surrounded me. My chest burned as I tried to steady my breathing, my heart pounded in my chest so hard it echoed in my ears. It had been announced that Elsie Luttrell had come Fifth place in the Warrior Selection! Was this a dream? Had I fallen asleep in the woods and my subconscious was playing all of this in my mind? It was definitely real!  Gracie would be so proud of me. I played with the pendant piece around my neck as I thought about her smiling face.  My heart raced as the adrenaline pumped through me, my excitement couldn't be contained as a broad smile shaped my lips. I had worked so hard to get here, put everything I had into getting into the final ten, and I achieved it!  Leaving my Pack and abandoning Rory for this was already worth it. I wish I could see the look on Rory's face when he realised that I was a Summer Pack warrior. All those years he spent manipulating me, but n
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CHAPTER 4 A Hard Bargain
  Elsie's POV  Feeling defeated, I knew I had done everything I could to try and convince Theo Warren my intentions. It was clear that he wasn't going to be convinced that I wasn't a spy for Rory Roth anytime soon.  "Fine," I exhaled "Thanks for the opportunity at least," I could feel myself deflating as my dreams were being ripped away from me in an instant.  Taking one glance at Theo, his expression had not changed, his eyes burned into me while a wicked sneer shaped his lips. He said nothing as I left, the negative tension in the air felt uncomfortable.   What now? Do I go back to Rory with my tail between my legs? Or remain a rogue wolf.  I left the Summer Pack house, and as I took the few steps which lead out of the large doorway, I saw Gracie playing on the lawn. In her hand, she gripped a bubble wand and I watched her blow the wand, giggling and dancing about as the bubbles danced in the air.  "Elsie!" Gracie beamed as she saw me walking down the pathway "Did you do it? Di
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CHAPTER 5 The Real Reason
  Theo's POV  Elsie's indecision was beginning to irritate me now, I could feel myself becoming more impatient with her. Why was this such a difficult question for her to answer? Yes or No.   Her actions at the moment really showed me what kind of a person she was, flakey and indecisive. Was this really someone I wanted in my pack? Maybe I should retract my offer, I didn't want this to become too much of a chore. Having a nanny for Gracie was to alleviate my stress from me, not cause more work.  "Perhaps some time away will help you decide your answer, Elsie," I spoke up, wanting her out of the way or my blood would begin to boil. Keeping my temper calm isn't my strongest quality at times "Take Gracie into the garden and play,"  I watched Elsie's eyes lock onto me, she held such contempt within her green gaze, and I felt as though she wanted to harm me where I stood. I became slightly amused by her at this moment, it seems she was easy to fluster. A part of me enjoyed that about he
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CHAPTER 6 Theo's Luna
  Elsie's POV  It was really adorable seeing how excited Gracie was about her favourite toys. We sat on the grass, beneath a Willow tree to shade us from the warm sun. As nice as the day was, the Sun had become far too much for me to handle, my redhead skin didn't do well in the Sun.  Gracie had pushed a ragdoll into my arms, and as I inspected her face, I noticed one of her button eyes was missing. The way the embroidery had been torn, her mouth downturned making her appear sad. This poor dolly had been in the wars.  "This is Lucy," Gracie said "She's missing an eye, because she was a Warrior who had it removed by enemy spies when they tortured her,"  I flinched, Gracie really had some imagination. What a dark idea for a small child to have in her mind. It made me wonder what kind of things she had heard, or even seen. Perhaps it was living with three men who possibly enjoyed their violence.  I placed the doll on the ground, face down to remove the thought from my mind, and took
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CHAPTER 7 Under One Condition
  Theo's POV  After the meeting with my brothers, I had excused myself from the dining table, and taken myself to the conservatory. The sun warmed this room like a greenhouse, and as I paced up and down, I felt myself begin to become clammy with the heat. I dabbed my sleeve at my forehead lightly before I perspired too much.  There was a reason for me being here, I knew I had a perfect view of the garden and could observe what Elsie was doing with my daughter. If I could get some insight into how she acted around Gracie, then I could decide whether my offer was adequate for Gracie.   Sure, Gracie appeared to be infatuated with Elsie, but were the feelings reciprocated? Or did Elsie have other intentions of being part of the Summer Pack? I needed to know everything about this stranger who had infiltrated my Pack.  As I paced, my movement slowed, my eyes fixed on the pair sitting beneath the Willow tree. They seemed as though they were in conversation, which was unusual in itself as
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CHAPTER 8 The Rules
  Elsie's POV  Arrogant. Spiteful. Cruel.   These were the words I would use to describe Theo Warren. His ugly heart began to show through clearer the more time I spent with him.   What difference did it make to Theo if I trained for a little while, when I was off nanny duties?   My instinct told me to stick this out, be the bigger person and prove Theo wrong.   "I accept your terms," I spoke through gritted teeth, my eyes fixed on Theo's. Usually so stubborn in my ways, I wouldn't back out so easily from something I really yearned for.  "Good," Theo smirked "A little obedient lady has joined our Pack, my brothers," He turned on the spot to face Kai and Oris.  The brothers both stood to their feet and joined Theo's side. Oris remained silent, but his eyes lingered on me. I felt a sudden wave of heat wash over me, something about the way his eyes so full of wisdom, studied me. I enjoyed his gaze on me.  "Heck yeah!" Kai punched the air "This is awesome!" He approached my side, a
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CHAPTER 9 Jealousy
  Rory's POV  Slamming my fist into the wall, the pain stung my flesh, and my knuckles ached from the pressure. I felt the anger surge through me. After being delivered the news that my baby girl, Elsie had left the Autumn Pack, only to join my biggest rivals, I had wanted nothing more than to cause harm to my enemy. Moreso than usual.  What a slap in the face this was, everything I had done for that little bitch, and this is how she repays me?  I had raised Elsie, given her a roof over her head, and she never needed to ask for anything. She was well cared for. Elsie even had the privilege of taking my dick when I needed the relief, yet the selfish little brat still turned against me.  Resting my palms onto my desk, I felt the anger grow wilder inside me. My wolf, Evander, began to stir within me. Closing my eyes tightly, I saw the vision of my wolf inside my mind.   His grey fur, streaked with black shook as he awoke, and his yellow eyes shone brightly. The scar across his left e
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CHAPTER 10 Hide and Seek
  Oris' POV  Ah, the library. My sanctuary. My solitude.  After today's events, I felt the need to spend some time in my favourite room in the house. Surrounded by books, this to me was absolute heaven. The scent of the leather bound literature, and the dust which gathered on them, to me this was my safe place.  Pulling one of my favourite pieces of literature to study from the shelf, I placed it open on the desk and took a seat. I began to thumb through the pages slowly, taking in the information as I read.   I had studied this book a thousand times, but I never lost interest. Greek Mythology was something I had always shown particular interest in, and today I needed to relax with some of the book's knowledge. I knew these paragraphs nearly by heart now, but the comfort they brought me was irreplaceable.  My concentration was disturbed by the sound of a giggle from down the hallway. I instantly recognised the voice of my niece, dear little Gracie.  Gracie ran into the library, a
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