My Naughty Boastful Boss

My Naughty Boastful Boss

By:  nyxx  Ongoing
Language: English
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Avrein thought that being his secretary everything would be smooth but she was wrong. His boss has a bad attitude that she didn't expect. she doesn't like how arrogant and rude her boss is! Apart from not wanting to lose her job, she does not want him in her life. She often witnesses her doing miracles, but he ignores her.

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3 Chapters


I AUTOMATICALLY turned to my boss who had just arrived at the office. It looks like he hasn't slept or come home to them based on the mess in his hair and the tangled polo shirt he's wearing."I need my schedule for this day right away," he ordered me in a low tone as he finally entered his office.I immediately took my folder containing his appointments for the day and entered his office. . . but I feel like I want to regret my entry without even knocking.He changes his polo shirt and pants! I feel like I want to be eaten by the ground at this time. I never expected to find him in this situation.It's juicy! I admit that I'm not innocent, but don't act like I'm being allowed to watch a live show.I immediately turned around because of what I saw. He just dresses up but it seems like it used to be different and it affects me even if I don't like it."A–Ahh . . . S–Sir!" I almost screamed to get his attention with a strange nervousness that enveloped me now."Have you been there befor
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AVREINWhile Fria was busy shopping for clothes, I watched the beautiful and sexy clothes I saw. A few hours earlier, she brought me here after work hours.Fria was my childhood friend and she knows everything about me. When I decided to apply for a job at Sir Vience's company, she immediately forwarded my resume so I wouldn't be sad.I want this and those but I cannot wear those clothes anymore. There is no one who prohibits me from doing anything. It's just that since I stopped trying to be someone else, I feel more comfortable wearing what I usually do. It's best to wear long skirts or jeans with long sleeves or blouses. Wearing glasses and having naturally wavy hair down to my waist is more comfortable for me than wearing prescription contact lenses."You didn't like anything?" Fria asked me as she approached with a basket full of her chosen clothes."There are many, but I don't want to buy them. I won't wear them either," I answered her."Fine. So . . . let's go? Shall we pay?" I
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AVREINI was SURPRISED when he suddenly pulled me up to the bed and laid me on top of him while his two hands went around my waist.Strange! I'm naked and I know he can feel my body now!"Never been touched," he said while keeping his eyes closed."M–Mr. Montealegre?" I stuttered and patted his cheek."I was awake a while ago, Avrein, I know you were in the bathroom earlier but I'm about to pee. I pretended to be asleep so you wouldn't say I was peeking at you. I had a headache so I laid down on your bed. I pretended to be asleep again while lying down so you don't think I have bad intentions. I pulled you not to insult you. I pulled you because I know you're in cold. I'm closing my eyes now while I'm talking to you because I don't want you to think I'm insulting you," he said in a long tone that almost made me feel stupid. Is he really serious?"Mr. Montealegre—" "Vience. You call me Vience when we're not at the company," he cut me off. "One more thing, thank you for defending me f
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