My Bully's Crush

My Bully's Crush

By:  Jordan Silver  Completed
Language: English
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‘He was mine first, but you lied, and you cheated to take him away from me. Now I’m back to reclaim what’s mine and put you back in the dark where you belong.’Elena and Ryder were teenage lovers who met in the entertainment industry eight years ago. It was love at first sight for these two mega stars, but unbeknownst to them, there was someone else lurking in the dark, waiting for the right time and opportunity to destroy their love.My Bully's Crush is created by Jordan Silver, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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Tammy Tilbe
I thought Elena was with Daniel
2024-03-24 12:43:59
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Delinda Schumacher
40 chapters 7-12-23
2023-07-13 00:13:11
90 Chapters
Chapter 1: ELENA
"So, how was it being a child star? One of the very few who made it out on top?""Well, it had its ups and downs, if I'm being totally honest with you." I fought hard not to pick at my nails or bounce my legs nervously, knowing that the camera never misses anything, and neither does the eye of a well-trained reporter on the hunt for the next big scoop."Explain.""As a child, I didn't know anything more than that I was doing something I loved. How many people get to be on television and get to see themselves portrayed in a fun, wholesome way throughout their formative years?""To me, it wasn't a job, you know; it was just something I loved doing and had so much fun doing it. I didn't think about or understand the fact that it was so out of the realm of normal, you know. I guess I thought that all little girls and boys got to do what they loved, and we were all special."He nodded his head but didn't respond with another question which left me in the awkward position of having to fill i
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Chapter 2: ELENA
I grew up in a time when for me, the world was so innocent. My single mom, who had been a Jill of all trades, most things having to do with the stage and acting, had been my best friend and confidant. Well, as much as a seven-year-old needs one.She was the person I looked up to most in the world, so it was only natural, I guess, for me to get bitten by the acting bug after many hours spent tagging along by her side when the babysitter fell through. I was fascinated by the whole concept, and when I saw my first real TV show, with children like me and not the cartoon characters I knew so well from the only shows I was allowed to watch up until then, it just made sense for me to want to do that.Back then, mom had not pulled any punches; she'd done her best to warn me about the vigors of getting into that life, but not once did she ever try to deter me, especially once she realized that it was my dream. When I look back on it now, I don't know how she did it with the little bit she had.
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Chapter 3: ELENA
And so began a whirlwind of chaos. I had what you might call a manic episode spurred on by her words of encouragement and locked myself away in my room, rereading all that I had poured out of my heart during these past three years of hell.Some of the words seemed so foreign to my eyes that had it not been my writing; I would've suspected someone else of planting them. By the time I came up for breath, it was growing dark outside, and Sydney was long gone.The ice cream, at least one of them, was a melted puddle of cream and sauce and soggy fruit, and I was reminded once again that I hadn't had anything to eat all day, but there was no hint of hunger in me.I had another hunger brewing, one that left me ravenous. It had been so long since I'd had the urge to do anything artistic that that too felt foreign, but when I looked back over all that I had done in the last few hours, I found that I had created three new songs from my pitiful ramblings.I was more surprised by the fact that no
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Chapter 4: RYDER
I wonder what she's doing. It's only been a day since the interview, and there was no way for me to know how she was holding up since no one in her circle would even spit on me, let alone fill me in, but she'd looked bad, and it was worrying me.I gave up wondering a long time ago when I'd stop thinking of her and when I'd lose this feeling of missing a limb or something else just as important and necessary to my existence. That's after I was forced to come to terms with the fact that I'd done something horrible in a fit of anger and torn our lives apart.Something that I could never take back, something that I will regret for the rest of my life. That saying is really true, the one about not knowing what you've got until you've lost it, and my major fuck up had cost me big. I realized it almost immediately, but by then, it was too late. The deed was done for the whole world to see, and there was no turning back.I wanted to hurt her and ended up shredding my heart to pieces in the pro
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Chapter 5: RYDER
The anger I had felt when I made the decision to piss my life away was long gone. Some days I even find myself doubting the rumored betrayal that had led me to make the worst mistake of my life, and that only made things worst.I regret so many things about that day and the time leading up to it. Most of all, the fact that I hadn't talked to her about all this before going through with the wedding. I laid awake many a night wondering how things would've gone had I done that. But a mix of booze, drugs, and anger had spiraled me into a corner that I was finding it hard to get out of.The one person who could've helped was the one person I didn't dare face. Not that I could've even if I wanted to because she'd disappeared. Once the drug haze had lifted a bit, once I realized that she was gone, something I only realized because my heart was beating differently, I wanted to find her, longed for her. But she was gone.I looked for any news, but all that was there were old pictures of the two
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Chapter 6: ELENA
"I can't believe you did all this in just a week and a half. This is unprecedented, and I'm so proud of you. You did good, chicklet." Sydney wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. A hug that I didn't know I needed as much as I obviously did until now. It made the last few days of manic obsession so worth it. And the fast pace I'd put myself through had paid off from the sound of it.I had no reason to doubt her words as she's one of the best in the business, both as a singer and as a songwriter, so the real pleasure I saw in her face helped ease the knots in my stomach. I was still reeling from the fact that I'd done it all in ten days, more or less.I'd had to do some lying and fast-talking to find the time to do it on my own without interruption. In the mornings, I'd feign not wanting to get out of bed, allowing my family and Rachel to believe that I was still down from the outing on the day of the interview, something I'm not proud of.But I knew they wouldn't have given me a mom
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Chapter 7: ELENA
"It's here; it's here, it's here." Sydney came rushing into the kitchen, where I sat eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I saw the magazine she waved around in her hand, and the food turned to sawdust in my mouth. I almost asked her to turn around and leave but knew that I couldn't do that to my best friend, not after all that she'd gone through for me.Wait a minute; she's beaming, smiling from ear to ear. My heart started beating a wild tattoo in my chest and resounded in my ear. "It's good news," I said, it more like a statement than a question, and when she rushed forward to throw her arms around my neck hard enough to choke me, I felt myself relax."It's great news, chicklet, you did it. It's a hit, number one on all the streaming charts. Look!" I looked at the magazine cover but couldn't make out the words through the tears in my eyes. It was real; I'd done it, I'd really done it.After sharing the audio with my manager, who took it to the rest of my team, I've been holdin
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Chapter 8: RYDER
She dropped a new song. How did I miss the fact that she was working again? I've been scouring the Internet ever since she came back to the city, and there was nothing. I had to hear about it from one of those hangers-on that my wife is so fond of. My wife, how the hell am I going to get by her?I'm sure they didn't think I heard their whispers through the voice-canceling headphones I had on, but lucky for me, I was in between playlists and overheard her name, which of course, made me stop in my tracks and listen.Fuck this! I grabbed a light jacket from the guest closet and rushed towards the stairs, too much in a hurry to walk. "Hey, Rye....""Don't call me that; I told you never to call me that." Now walk away before I smash your fucking face in.I used my anger and the shock she was in from the outburst to make my escape. It wasn't the first time I'd yelled at her, and there have been much worst episodes in the past, but it was the price she paid for getting what she wanted and tra
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Chapter 9: ELENA
"Oh no, that's too much. I'm not sure I'm ready for that." Baby steps, people, baby steps. In three, two, one, I'm going to absolutely freak the fuck out. "I can't do a live show right now, especially not an award show where everyone who's anyone in the industry will be there."I felt sick panic kicking in, and had to hold my breath to keep myself from blacking out. What they were offering was both amazing and terrifying at once. To be on that stage is every entertainer's dream, but there was no way I could make it my comeback venue. Are they insane?The song was doing well beyond my wildest imagination, beyond anyone's, I'm sure, and that's no doubt why they were offering me this chance but had everyone forgotten what I'd been through? The whole damn song spells it out, for crap's sake.It was hard enough putting those words to paper, then singing them to the melody that played in my head each time I read them, but to actually perform that song in public, in front of a live audience?
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Chapter 10: RYDER
I let the water run down over me in the shower in the hopes that it would wash away whatever this was that I was feeling. It was the only place where I could be alone these days. Ever since that night that I'd rushed out of the house to go lick my wounds after listening to her song, Janie has been on my ass like stink on shit.Since I refused to answer her questions and she still had no idea where I'd gone or what I'd been doing, she's become even more neurotic than ever. I've been in hell ever since that night, vacillating between happiness, anger, relief, and uncertainty.I was proud of her, of course, though I had to keep it hidden. I must be the only human being on earth who wasn't allowed to show his true feelings one way or the other about her chart-topping song.I knew it was about me; how could I not? Everybody knew it was about me unless they lived under a rock. And even though she'd ripped me to shreds with her words, I can never forget the way it felt to see her again.She l
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