Love, Lust and Blood

Love, Lust and Blood

Oleh:  Cypher Books   Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Desmond Hawthorne returns to Winekove where it all began, to live a simple life. He meets Hope Wallace, and his life changes. He and his brother, Solomon, are attacked later by a vampire hunter, Silas Hermott. He eventually defeats Silas and falls for Hope. Hope becomes pregnant with a baby which is tagged "impossible". They get attacked by many enemies from the past until Suzana, the witch who turned them into vampires returns and requests for their child. Desmond dies trying to save his family.

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Shalom Books
From what I have read so far, the storyline is nice I would love to read the end of this story.
2023-06-10 21:30:42
123 Bab
PROLOGUEWINEKOVE, 1020 AD. I could hear the sounds of my breath bounce off the walls of the cold and quiet cave. Mother had given me instructions not to leave until she had returned. She was gone for a long while, and all I could do to kill time was to listen to the sound of my breath on my knees.I looked around the cave to gather knowledge from my surroundings. It was so dark, and all I could see was a tree at the far end on my left and a large puddle of water a few feet before me; it looked more like an oasis.After what seemed like forever, I heard footsteps coming through the entrance. It was my mother with my twin brother, Solomon. She let him kneel beside me, and he gave a smug look. Only the spirits knew how I would love to slap that smile out of his face."Susana! I have brought them", I heard Mother shout. “Let us keep the end of our bargain."Susana was the chief priestess of our village and also a very powerful witch; I did not know why Mother would strike a bargain with
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I half-filled two glasses with 7.62 while Solomon sat at the fireplace. I hadn't seen him in almost two centuries. Why would he want to see me now? I walked to the fireplace and handed him one glass. "The last time I saw you was in 1864,” I said as I took my seat. "What brings you here, Solomon?" He chuckled softly and sipped from his glass without removing his eyes from the crackling fire. "I missed my little brother," he said and produced that smug smile I hated. "That is a lie, and who made you the senior brother?" I asked, irritated. "But I am," he said, turning to face me. "How do the humans say it?" I asked rhetorically. " Yes, by five minutes." Solomon just chuckled and emptied his glass. "Why are you here, Solomon?" I asked again. "I was told you came back to Winekove," he confessed. " And came to make sure you did not get into any trouble." It was my time to chuckle. Get me into trouble? First, who told him I was back in town? There could be only one person, Alfred.
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I sat with my hands folded across my chest in the cafeteria. The whole place was crowded five minutes after I got there. I came here a few seconds before the bell and took my seat. Solomon on the other hand was getting us lunch. He was at the counter talking to the lunch lady. I knew he was making her uncomfortable and heated with his appearance.   Come on Alice, you're old enough to be his grandmother! I heard her scream in her mind.    I chuckled hearing this.    My eyes quickly caught Hope Wallace as she walked into the cafeteria with Kate McCullough. She walked timidly and sat at the same table she did yesterday. I tried penetrating her mind again but was blocked out. I felt rage build up in my stomach. I took a deep breath and calmed it down. I was brought back to my table by the slamming of our tray of food on the table; classic Solomon.   "I have brought us lunch", he said, taking hi
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Werewolves were here! I realized.   The doorbell went and I zoomed downstairs immediately. Alfred opened the door and was quickly grabbed by a pair of hands. I sped there and everything slowed down. They were three boys, one was a man actually in his late forties while the other two were teenagers. I grabbed the one that wasn't holding Alfred and held his neck in front of them.   "If anything happens to Alfred, I will rip his head off,” I threatened. The boy under my custody shivered in fear; I smiled with satisfaction.   "Go ahead,” the boy who held Alfred by the neck too spat in between his teeth. I accepted gladly and began dislocating his throat before I was stopped by the elderly man.    "Wait!" the man roared more as a command than a plea.   "Wrong answer,”?I told him and was about to completely rip the boy's throat out until a pair of hands distorted my grip from his
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It was dark now after I had carried out my plan. I lifted the dead body of the teenage girl and placed her on my shoulder. I zoomed back to where her car was parked and placed her in the passenger seat. I got into the driver's seat and drove the car into a tree. Then I got her body and placed it on the driver's seat making it look like she had an accident. When I was satisfied with the scenery, I sped back home. When I got home, Solomon wasn't lying where I kept him, meaning he had awoken or Alfred had shifted his body to another location. I poured myself a glass of alcohol in the kitchen and carried it to the living room. I sipped slowly from the glass while staring at the crackling fire. I felt a gush of wind behind me and I knew immediately it was Solomon. I turned and faced him, smiling. He was sitting on a sofa, his legs crossed. He had a serious face on him. I smirked and sipped from my glass. He didn't speak, he just watched me walk c
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After I dug her grave, I carried the dead doctor's body and dumped it in like it didn't matter. I had killed a hundred people in the past and had buried their bodies, this meant nothing to me. I could do this over and over again without getting tired or feeling remorse; of course, I had no feelings left in me. I picked up the shovel and began covering up the grave.   When I was done, I headed to school and was planning to behave like nothing had happened. If Solomon found out, I would be in big trouble. I had to keep out today's morning event as long away from him as possible. I arrived in the hallway and noticed people walking up and down. It was time for our next class, history.   I strolled towards the class, my hands in my pockets. I wore neither a hoodie nor a jacket which made my hands feel awkward in my jeans pockets. I made my way into the class and sat down at my usual spot. I leaned back on my chair and folded my arms on my chest.
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The training was fun. I didn't realize that I was good at basketball. I never missed a basket, thanks to my powers. I was surprised that Solomon was also good at it. We made accurate three-pointers while the other boys watched with their jaws dropped. Coach, on the other hand, was impressed with our display and was delighted to have discovered us ( even though I made him find us out with force).   After training, we went back to the locker room and showered up. I didn't feel uncomfortable bathing with humans, which was very awkward. I changed into my regular clothes and walked into the hallway with Solomon. The afternoon sun washed half of the hallway with its light and bathed our skin. Our skins would glow and shine like diamonds if we were normal vampires. That was why normal vampires wore sun bracelets or rings.   I pitied Oliver because he had no sun ring making him stuck at home. I had one more sun ring in my possession. When I met him,
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The box was carved with ancient writings, probably Greek or Latin. It was black and was not much bigger than a jewelry box. I opened it and found two pieces of jewelry. One was the sun ring I was looking for, and the other was a bracelet I had forgotten about. It was a silver chain decorated with ruby diamonds. Those diamonds were capable of resisting compulsion from any Genesis Vampire. I looked at the bracelet, and it brought back memories I had never wanted to recall. I took out the ring and closed the box. I slid it under the shelf and walked out of the Cellar with the ring in my hoodie pocket. As I got back to the living room, I saw Solomon sitting on the couch with a glass of alcohol in his hand. "You were right, Desmond; I did make a mistake," he said, not looking at me. I smirked and folded my hands across my chest, savoring the victory. "It is fine, brother. We all make mistakes", I comforted as I sat beside him. "Today at the hall, I saw something," he began."What?" I sa
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We drove silently back home after school, Solomon staring out the window through the entire drive. I didn't know if he wanted me to feel guilty for what I did at the cafeteria earlier today. The truth was, I wouldn't. I was heartless, emotionless, as he had described, and happy with it. I swerved into the marble lot of our compound and parked the car inside the garage.   I slumped on my bed when I entered the room and stared at the ceiling. It was just white, empty, and vast. My mind took me to Oliver. I hadn't seen Zack today, meaning his father was supposed to arrive soon and start wailing. I got downstairs and went straight to the fridge. I opened it and got a bottle of 7.42. I poured myself a glass and took a sip. The alcohol burns at the back of my throat; ecstasy.   I carried my glass into the sitting room and saw Solomon sitting on the couch, staring into space with his legs crossed while lost in thought. I leaned on the door frame an
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17 AUGUST 1873.    I woke up and found myself on a bed in a room I couldn't believe I would find myself in. My clothes were old, and so was everything in the room; I was in 1873, the year I dreaded most. Yes, I feared something. The door opened, and a maid came in with a new pair of clothes folded neatly.   I looked at her face, and memories flooded back into my mind. Adrenaline flushed into my veins as I remembered her. Her blue eyes could instantly cure my anger, her black hair shone in the sun, and her lips tasted like strawberries. She was Mary Sherringham, the first girl I fell in love with. And she was the chief maid of Stephanie Collins, the daughter to the Mayor of Winekove.   Whatever was happening, I wouldn't say I liked it one bit. First, I was trapped at the bottom of an ocean; now, I relived the worst year of my eternal life.   "Good morning, sire," she greeted with a smile. Her voi
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