
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Hannah's POV

Not long enough after leaving Luke, I heard a soft knock from the door.

"Uh, hey!" It wasn't closed, so I immediately saw Luke standing there. I do not know why he did come here because I must be the one who will go there at Miriam's house and bring him food because he is still injured.

"Hey, come in," I invited him without leaving the frying sausages.

"Can I?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course," I insisted, and he walked in. Our house was just small. Two rooms, a kitchen and a receiving area. And I don't know how he can fit here. He is very tall.

"I didn't mean to bother any of Ash and you, sorry for--"

"Luke, it's really nothing, okay? Ash said he has a soft spot on you, which is weird because he doesn't have any idea why," I said as I walked to him. He's sitting on the small couch. Too small for him and it was very obvious about how his knees folded. "You are welcome here. Suit yourself until you remember everything. God knows how much we want to help you, but we can't. We are not capable," I said. I sit across the center table, and he's directly looking to my eyes.

"You've done too much to help me and I don't know what I should do in return."

"We don't ask you to repay us, Luke. On this island, money doesn't make sense. We can live just by fishing, getting fruit from our own trees, rice on our own farm. We seriously don't care about money," I said, and he gave up. Everything I said was true. We're far from downtown, and we live here peacefully. Simple yet happy. We have the best neighborhood. No doubt about that.

"Then this place is paradise." Luke smiled.

"It is," I said, then smiled back. "Let's eat!" I stood up and served food on the center table, so he didn't need to walk to the kitchen.

"Can you tell me more about how you found me?" Luke requested politely.

"Well, at first, Ashton and I didn't have any plans to go there, but when Miriam said that it was the second aircraft that crashed--"

"Second?" he asked.

"Yea, the first one was 20 years ago. It was more tragic than yours, but we still had a survivor," I said, and lifted my spoon to my mouth.

"Survivor? What happened to that survivor?" Luke asked out of curiosity. I stared at him because, seriously, I didn't know the answer. We didn't have time to ask Miriam at that time about the survivor.

"I don't have any idea to be honest," I admitted, and he just smiled. By noon, Ashton came in while Luke and I were watching television. "How's the two of you?" he asked when he sat next to me.

"We're fine. He's just... sleeping." I was surprised to see Luke sleeping on our couch. He was just laughing with me awhile ago. He fell asleep easily.

"What's with that smile?" Ashton asked as he poked my cheek. I frowned at him.

"What are you talking about? I'm not smiling," I defended myself, but he smirked. He wraps his arms around my neck and jokes about choking me.

"Admit it Chloe, you have a crush on him," Ashton teased me and I flushed. What the hell is he talking about? I was slightly caught off guard by what he uttered.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I tried to escape from his choke, but he didn't let me go.

"I know you. Admit it," he pushed me to tell him what he wanted to hear and, I swear, he's so sure that I really have a crush on Luke.

"I just find him cute, okay?" I said in defeat and he freed me. He smiled playfully.

"I told you." He's so proud that he's right about me having a crush on Luke. But that's not what I meant.

"I said I just find him cute. No more, no less." I tried to convince him, but he's just mocking me.

"If you say so... By the way, have you eaten your lunch already?" he said, still smiling.

"Yea, you cook yours." I pointed to the kitchen and he frowned. But he cannot do anything but follow what I said, because if he doesn't cook, he can't have his lunch.


Days passed, and we saw how Luke slowly recovered day by day. He is now far from the almost lifeless survivor we saved from the accident. And we are very happy for him.

"Since you can now walk better, why not join us on visiting our friends downtown?" Ashton invited Luke and that was what I had been actually thinking since the other night. Our neighbors like him because he's fun to be with. Especially now that his wounds have healed, his feet are healed. He's now fully recovered...except his memory.

He's still living in Ashton's house since Miriam left for work. Ashton and Luke became buddies. They treated each other like they had known each other for years. And we're here at their house, having our chitchats as always. I'm making my stay here worthwhile since I'll be moving out almost a month from now.

"I don't think your friends would want me to be there," Luke said while fixing his things that Ashton bought him last weekend.

"They would love to. Don't worry about them, they don't bite," I joked, and Ashton laughed.

"They don't bite, they just flirt," Ashton joked as well, and we all laughed.

"Sounds exciting!" Luke joked and we continued laughing so hard.

It was two in the afternoon when we decided to leave. We will be at Nicole's pad. Nicole is Ashton's cousin. We have friends there and the last time we were there was two weeks ago, and they missed us so much. That's why we'll be there. After twenty minutes' ride, we got here.

"Hannah!" Nicole screamed as she ran towards us, then gave me a tight hug.

"Ash!" Harry greeted him with a fist bomb.

"Hey, bro..." Then Charles greeted him next with a fist bomb as well. "And hey there, Hannah. Long time no see," he teased, and I just rolled my eyes. Charles and Harry are the dick heads in our circle of friends...chic-magnets. They both looked at Luke.

"Boyfriend?" Harry asked, then looked at me.

"A friend," I said with an eye roll.

"Good then, love!" Then he winks at me. I just smiled sarcastically then dragged Luke inside Nicole's pad. "Are you sure about going to Manila?" Harry asked when he sat right next to me. Occupying the space between me and Luke. I did not even notice that he followed us here.

"Yeah, how about you?" I asked if there was a sudden change to his plan.

"Yeah, I'm going back to the US next month," he said, and I just nodded. He promised he would go back to the US when we finished college.

"How about you, Charles?" I asked.

"Love, instead of asking about our plans, why don't you introduce your friend first?" Harry suggested, and I looked at Luke. He seems so uncomfortable with our friends and I feel sorry for him. I guess bringing him here was a bad idea. He should sit next to me, so he wouldn't be out of place because Ashton was in the kitchen, helping Nicole to prepare snacks for us.

I stood to my feet and dragged Harry up, so he could stand up. "Are we going somewhere?" He asked with a smirk. I just smirked back, then moved him to the side. I sat down where he was sitting awhile ago, so I would be seated right next to Luke. "What the heck, Hannah?" he protested, as pissed as he always was.

"By the way, this is Luke. Luke, this is Harry and Charles." I just introduced him to them casually. Charles saluted Luke as a greeting while Harry was still glaring at me. Between Harry and Charles, I'm closer to Harry. I love making fun of him. He has the thinnest patience among them. Charles and I are close as well. But he's weird. Harry sits next to Charles at the center table.

"Here's the food," Ashton and Nicole announced as they got out of the kitchen holding a tray. And it's a tray of cookies. Nicole is excellent at baking.

"Hannah, aren't you going to introduce me to that cutie blonde guy?" Nicole said, pointing to Luke. She bats her thick lashes with mascara. Pouting her lips with heavy red lipstick. I know her, she liked Luke the moment we arrived here.

"He's Luke," I said to her, then she went to him to sit on his lap. Luke stiffened and he was so shocked. He obviously did not expect that.

"Sorry." Luke slowly stood up, so Nicole wouldn't fall down from his lap.

"Whoa! I told you babe, you're only mine," Charles teased her when Luke refused to cuddle with her.

"Are you gay?" Nicole asked Luke when she had already processed what just happened.

"What?" He frowned. I just can't help but laugh. Nicole glared at me. "What's funny, Hannah Martin?" she asked me and I shook my head.

"Friend, I told you, you can't get every boy you want." I laughed again and she just mocked me. Oh, God! I'm loving this night.

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