In search of  true heart

In search of true heart

By:  Priyanka Priya   Updated just now
Language: English
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Rudra, who resides in a tiny town, is passionate about seeking out historical mysteries. While doing so, he came into a mystery cave that is home to certain magical abilities. He was hit just as he was ready to leave the cave. Nobody is aware of his current whereabouts. Ambika was attacked by a bunch of individuals while trying to save her spouse. Jaishankar, the father of Rudra, spotted Ambika's bloody garments in the bush and learned that an animal had killed her. It remained a mystery why Rudra and Ambika had vanished. Rajeev, the son of Rudra and Ambika, is a doctor who leads a happy life and is well-liked by the residents of his little hamlet due to his kind disposition. He once came upon a gorgeous young girl with wounds in the woods. After that, he took her home and took care of her. He later learned that the girl had forgotten her recollections. The young woman Rajeev found is fascinating and is full of mysteries. Over time, Rajeev and her developed a relationship, leading to their marriage. The marriage has made a significant difference in his life. Rajeev was then repeatedly attacked, but the assailant was unable to hurt him since his buddy Ram and wife Gowthami were always defending him. Will Rajeev be able to learn the truth behind his family's untimely death? What challenges Rajeev faced during his life. Who precisely is looking for Rajeev? What about the enigmatic woman Rajeev wed

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276 Chapters
how do I exist this situation
Beginning in a cave, Rudra rushes through a tunnel that is almost certain to collapse, which is terrible. He is holding a wooden box with three magical-looking red, green, and blue stones inside of it. Rudra only wanted to get out of this cave since he didn’t want to die there. A substance that almost resembles gasoline is circling the rocks that completely encircle the cave. Rudra’s feet cannot grasp the floor because of the smoothness of the surface. “Oh God, please help me escape from here; I want to live my life to the fullest and avoid death”, Rudra begged. He attempted to flee by force. Rudra seems to be worn out and wasted; often, he isn’t even aware that his feet are bleeding. Blood stains can be seen all over his body, as well as signs of injuries. He seems to have a serious ankle injury of some kind. He must have made a quick getaway from the cave since blood was flowing from his ankles to the soles of his feet. He was going to go, of course. He was quite astonished when
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Who is she?
Vedika was about halfway through reading the book to Rajeev when they abruptly heard a knock at the door. “I’ll check to see if anyone has arrived, but I believe they have, Rajeev, so I’ll say, “Rajeev.” I kindly ask that you remain in the room.” “I get it, grandmother,” Vedika saw a mother and a young child as she unlocked the door. “Why are you here at this time of the night, Saanvi? Is there something you want to talk to me about? “ Asked Vedika. “Ram really wanted to stay with Rajeev because he cared about him, and that’s why he brought me here, ? “ Saanvi said, pointing to his son. The next thing Ram said was, “Grandma, can I see Rajeev?” “You may proceed; Rajeev is in his room.? “ Saanvi was then brought inside by Vedika. When Rajeev spotted Ram, he ran to give him a warm embrace. ‘Hey Ram, what brings you here at this hour? I intended to call you but assumed you were sleeping so I asked Granny to read me a book instead.” Ram remarked, “I know you’re worried about Rud
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Fifteen years later
Fifteen years later Dr. Rajeev, a 25-year-old, attractive guy who works in a small town, considers the process of developing new medicines to be quite intriguing. He has a nice heart and is sympathetic. He devotes his whole attention to developing novel medications that may treat a range of illnesses. He is particularly interested in the invisible forces that have influenced our past and history. He formerly had a large library in his practice. He had two areas in the room: one for his medical books and the other for his father’s collection of historical books. Being an orphan, he has no family. He provides healing for a variety of folks. While his life was generally going well, he did not do much and sometimes helped those who were in extreme need. While a group of people went to the forest to get wood for the home, a guy who was wounded was discovered beside the river. “Well, he’s been really hurt.” The idea was put out by one of them, “Hey, let’s take him to Rajeev.” Everyone o
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Ho my God, I' m dreaming
When Rajeev questioned her about remembering her moniker, she said, "No, I have no memory of it." "No problem, I will keep calling you gowthami until your recollections come back," Rajeev remarked after inhaling deeply. "gowthami is a wonderful name; thank you for giving it to me." After that, Rajeev called her maid and asked her to have Radha take her in and help her get dressed and freshen up. In agreement, Radha took the girl to the restroom to clean up. Eventually, Radha brought her back to the clinic and went back to work. Even though the girl was coiled up like a fine thread, Rajeev could still see her beauty. She had a small waist and exquisite skin. Below were a set of arched brows and full lashes. Her button-nosed face was framed by her downy ears. Her pearly teeth could be seen when she gently breathed on her carmine-colored nails. Her beautiful moon-colored black hair, which was falling, was lovely. Her star-green eyes were mesmerizing, and her pouty lips were curved i
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psychological theories
Rajeev is reading various books on memory loss that his grandfather authored while seated in his office. I am not an expert on this topic, despite the fact that I had previously read about amnesia, mostly out of curiosity. Take into account the following. The four categories of forgetting, according to these psychological theories, are cue dependency, retrieval failure, decay, and interference Semantic memory is less likely to be affected by retrograde amnesia (the form where you forget memories from before a certain period) than episodic memory. To put it another way, you’re more likely to forget individual incidents than you are to forget fundamental details and how they relate to one another. Seldom is motor learning impacted by this. You still know why it’s a good thing to tie your shoes, but you can’t remember who taught you how to do it or when Everything depends on how the amnesia started and which areas of the brain were impacted. Even if they can hear what is being said t
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Rajeev's early life
“Wow, you are pretty excellent” . Gowthami was humbled by Rajeev’s compliments. “can even tell what language they are” “Indeed, Rajeev “ Then Gowthami started outlining The Gupta script, also known as Gupta Brahmi script or Late Brahmi script, which was used to write Sanskrit and is associated with the Gupta Dynasty of India, a period of tremendous religious and scientific achievement, is used to write the language. The Gupta script, which came from Brahmi, was the source of the Rad and Siddha scripts. These scripts subsequently gave rise to several of India’s most important scripts, including Gurmukh for Punjabi, Bengali-Assamese, and Tibetan, and Devanagari, which has been the most popular Sanskrit writing system since the 19th century. “if you could go into more detail,” and Gowthami started talking again. It is sometimes possible to modify any of a variety of Indian alphabetic writing systems, such as the Gupta script, which was created from a northern Indian alphabet be
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Then Rajeev turns to Gowthami and asks, “Now that this is your opportunity, can you remember anything about your history?” Gowthami closes her eyes as she tries to remember her history. Yet while she struggled, she felt a headache coming on. She shook her head “My head hurts.” Rajeev is frightened by what she says, so he lets her sleep on the bed and gives her medicine straight immediately. After taking the prescription, Gautami passed unconscious. ...Gowthami was attempting to escape from a person who was pursuing her with his dog while fleeing through a jungle. “ Hey you ,stop right there,” However, she is attempting to elude the guy who is pursuing her from behind. When he saw Gowthami was evading him “Hey, quit making the situation complicated.” “Ho god please help me to get ready of this human “Gowthami remarked Gowthami unsuccessfully attempted to scale a mountain in order to flee, and as a result, fell off the peak. “Aaah “ . Fortunately, she caught a limb of the t
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l love you
Rajeev is reflecting on his conversation with Gowthami as he sits in his office."Does she share my emotions for her since she didn't stop me from kissing her when I was going to do so, which makes me wonder if she felt the same way. Does she share my love for her because she is acting in the same way toward me?"Rajeev was overjoyed to believe that Gowthami reciprocates his affection. He eventually got him to start thinking. " She had forgotten who she was, and although it's possible that she had a boyfriend in a past life, she may have forgotten about him due to memory loss. "Rajeev whispered to himself, "No, what are you thinking of, stop thinking in this way." Rajeev was encouraged to alter his perspective since, if she had, he would have gone looking for her. However, no one looked for her. Maybe I'm mistaken.He made a choice. But in any event, he had to learn more about her past before continuing. How was it possible fo
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While navigating the dark woodland, Gowthami unintentionally came into Rajeev. She collapsed on the ground after losing control of an out-of-control emotional outburst. Rajeev understood and shared her suffering. Nevertheless, he couldn't speak. Gowthami began to sob softly as soon as he discreetly sat down behind her on the ground.It was difficult to make out Gowthami's response above a whisper:"I adore you so much, Rajeev."Rajeev started to listen to her with great interest."My family is no longer important to me; if they really missed me, they would have looked for me, but no one did. I feel as like you are the only thing in my life, and I can only feel love for you in my heart."She turned to face Rajeev, holding his hands steadily."True love is timeless and universal. randomly, in a beat, in one hammering, brilliant second. When I first saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you understood. As tightly connected
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mysterious girl
When they both got home, Ramakrishna was waiting for them, staring at them with awe.Rajeev has only ever known Ramakrishna as a buddy. Ram Krishna arrived at Rajeev's residence, and Rajeev welcomed him."Where were you, dude? For the last three months, I have been seeking for you.""Rajeev, I'm so sorry, but I had to go since I had stuff to do. But when I do those errands, I return to you. Now that I'm free from everything, I can be with my partner forever."Rajeev was aware of Ram Krishna's past, but he stayed mute. Rajeev was holding the hand of the woman as she walked up to him."Who is this girl?" , Rama Krishna wondered"She is your sister in-law."After hearing Rajeev's statements, Rama Krishna immediately opened his eyes in shock and said, "When did this happen?"Gowthami was exhausted, so just come in and relax, Rajeev murmured, turning to face her." I want to go with my friend since I have some things
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