
Chapter 3

Azeph had heard many things about Lady Elinor Pendragon.

About how great of a match she was to the crown prince. About her influence among the ladies of high society in and out of their kingdom. And the many accomplishments she accomplished under his majesty's orders.

Although she was still young, she was a leading figure in both the political and social world. 

What Azeph hadn't heard and hadn't been expecting to find. Is how beautiful she was. Elinor Pendragon wasn't simply beautiful, she was breathtaking.

When he entered the room, his eyes fell on her immediately. She was like those fairy paintings his sister had loved so much, so ethereal as if she was only a guest among them and that she would fly away at any moment without notice.

As he spoke to her he realized why her beauty wasn't mentioned before. She was a sharp person, as sharp and intelligent as Louis who had been his eternal rival since they first met.

That realization floored him. Anyone who saw her intelligence would be barely able to perceive her beauty anymore. Because then, she looked like the natural ruler that she had been groomed to become, that she had probably been until the untimely death of her fiance.

Azeph had wondered if it was just the nobles wanting their party to take over the throne hence nominating her as a candidate.

But now he could see that she was a worthy opponent for Louis. Maybe an opponent that may end up being harder to take on, since she is the direct descendant of the throne.

"This place is beautiful," She said quietly as they passed through the gardens making their way toward the school campus.

"It is. The headmaster takes great pride in this place and he takes care of it very well," Azeph answered, " This academy is as spacious as the widest territories. It includes even the forest and the side lake."

"I see, it must be hard to maintain such spacious grounds,"

"The headmaster established a crafts learning school for commoners here," Azeph answered, "It's an entirely different establishment, but they have the students there upkeep the school grounds as part of their training,"

"I heard about that once. It was such a wonderful Idea, his majesty had agreed on establishing a few more schools like that through the kingdom," Elin said with a small smile,

"Louis said that his father was charged with overseeing the process," Azeph said,

"Yes, they finished last summer," She added, "Speaking of classes, I heard that other than the normal classes, the Government candidates are mainly self-taught,"

"The headmaster is an eccentric person, but his methods had been far more successful than anyone would have expected," Azeph explained, glancing at her and wondering if her skin would look more translucent when his by sun rays, It did. And the image it made was so breathtaking that he knew that it would forever remain in his head.

"Basically, the classes are mostly held in a form of debates where different parties get to discuss the latest political development in and out of the country," Azeph added trying to get his head straight.

She was bewitching him, he needed to get a grip on his emotions. One would think that he was hot-blooded teenager seeing a girl for the first time in his life.

"It's like a drill training for what will come later," Elin said with a smile, "Since the parliament is simply that, parties debating over their beliefs and discussing their opinions."

"Yes, the classroom would sometimes get into heated arguments and there are some clear parties that would probably stay the same even after we graduate, but I think it's the best way to give us an idea about what we're going to face in the future," Azeph explained wondering what the class' reaction to Elin's presence would be like.

He knew that some would be hostile towards her. Those people who claim themselves as Louis's followers. They would be pulling every trick up their sleeves to bring her down, even the fact that she's a woman in an all-men's class.

"I read in the catalog that the girls have a very strict and deep education. But still, they're unallowed to enter the government candidates class,"

"I believe that's because women aren't allowed to become parliament members," Azeph answered, "Most of the teachers believe it to be obscuring other male students' future. Because even if a female student was to graduate from our classes, there's no way that she would become a parliament member... The headmaster tried to change that, but the fact that the rules outside remain unchanged didn't help at all."

Azeph felt awkward under her sharp gaze as he explained to her basically why women were getting a lesser chance for education to let more men have a better chance for a future.

"You mean they think it's a waste to have a woman in that class," She said, and Azeph wanted to avoid her gaze, because those were the exact words some professors have used.

"I know that, Azeph. I was there when the women from our kingdom petitioned, again and again, to be allowed into the parliament hall. And I saw how our countrymen refused them continuously because they believed a woman's brain was incapable of making decisions for themselves,"

Her steely gaze was on his and for a moment Azeph felt pity for those men who had to face Elinor's wrath after that.

"I know this is not right, but it's a battle that needs to be fought by those concerned. Because if they don't speak for themselves, no one is going to come up and give them what they deserve just because they do," Elin added with a sigh, and Azeph understood why she wasn't going to interfere with this matter at school like she didn't with the parliament.

Like the king didn't interfere when there were disputes in the parliament or among nobles. Because he's a ruler, and a ruler needs to remain neutral.

"There are so many things wrong in our world, but changing them isn't something that could be easily done," Azeph said, "Trying to change them all is something that could lead to one's downfall."

"You're right," Elin said with a smile, and Azeph sighed.

The last thing he wanted was to begin a debate with Elinor in the middle of the school gardens on her first day.

"On the other hand, there's a monthly debate day where the whole school participates. It's an interesting event and it helps us gain a lot of new perspectives as we speak to different people.

We also have sportive activities, such as horsemanship, fencing, and archery. And a variety of clubs for all kinds of activities. The most successful are the theater and poetry clubs. 

Not to mention the annual fencing competition, it's obligatory for the Government Candidates class to participate, so we all have the chance to get some entertaining matches. Even Louis participates every year."

"It's not surprising, fencing is one of the few sports he enjoys," Elin commented.

"I have to admit that he is a talented swordsman. We never reached an agreement on who won the last game though." Azeph said sheepishly, and Elin chuckled.

"I can name only one person who can win against him with difficulty," She said with a faraway look. Azeph realized who that person was.

"You must be quite the swordsman," She added with a smile, making him wonder if she ever had that expression, to begin with.

"I must admit that Louis and I have this competition going on since we came to this school, so I guess we keep matching each other every time,"

"I have heard from some friends that Louis had a very competent rival who kept him busy all the time, so it was you."

"A rival? Well, I wouldn't say that, but it's true that we cannot reach an agreement on anything, we have different spirits and ideals, and we end up arguing every time we have to express our opinions."

" Which is a lot since you two don't seem to want to keep your thoughts to yourselves," said a cheerful voice behind them and both of them turned around to see who it was.

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