
Chapter 6

In Elinor's pace, the days at the academy began rather late, for someone who was used to be on his desk at six o'clock every morning, having breakfast at 8:30 and starting lectures at 9:30 was rather laid back for her, or maybe too relaxed.

She woke up at 5:00 and finished all her arrangements, she refused to have a maid help her out because she wanted to have some privacy, something she almost never had when she was in the castle.

Yet she later had to accept the offer since it was in the rules for the student to have at least a part-time servant.

This academy was far from being as luxurious as her father's manor or the royal palace. Yet, it had something she couldn't have there. Freedom.

Now she will do as she pleases, and be herself. having everyone worried for too long about her was kind of heavy to deal with.

She had to admit that she was in a bad place there for a while, but still, she felt smothered by their attention.

At first, all she could do was think about his last words, his gentle smile as he closed his eyes one last time, and the touch of his warm hand on her cheek to wipe her tears.

He'd remained the gentle, kind, and comforting person she knew until the end...

She was living the awful moment, again and again, several times a day. In her sleep, she dreamt about it as if she was trapped in an endless loop of the same moment, she became obsessed with it to the point of starting to doubt that she was insane.

But not too long ago, she realized the reason for all this, she gave him a promise that she had almost forgotten, it was the only thing that he asked of her ever since they were kids, he said that it will make him happy. 

She was thinking that she lost the person she cherished the most, and the future she worked for this hard in the blink of an eye. She thought that she had no reason to live yet he left one for her, a mission she got to fulfill...

Without realizing how much time passed, she was absorbed with unpacking her books, or rather reading them before placing them on the shelf. It was the only thing she could do to slow done her trip down memory lane.

She looked at her pocket watch to realize that she was going to be late for her appointment with Azeph, so she left the mess as it was and headed for the nightstand to adjust her hair.

Because it had been two hours since she'd arranged it. Not because she had anything else in mind...

She heard some knocks at the door, realizing that it should be the maid.

"Come in." She said,

The door opened to let a middle-aged woman, white-skinned with some freckles on the checks, her eyes were those of a devoted person, ready to do her job faithfully to merit what she earns.

The kind of servant any noblewoman would hire, wise enough to mind her own business, able and knowledgeable when it comes to taking care of anything a noblewoman would need.

Elinor let go of her hair and turned toward her with a light smile, while the servant bowed.

"I am your new maid, I am here to take care of your room and dressing, my lady."

"I see, the dorm mother said that you will be starting today, what's your name?"

"I'm Nacy, your highness."

The maid realized that she called Elinor by her title, and got confused.

"Please excuse me, my lady."

"It's okay, since it's the rules of the academy, there's nothing that can be done, take your time and get used to it."

Elinor knew that people knew her face as well as they knew their future king's face, that's why the maid seems to be hesitant right now, but she broke into a smile when she heard her and said:

"Thank you very much miss, my lady

Elin smiled back then said while pointing to a box she was holding with the academy's crest on it,

"is that my uniform?"

"Yes, the dorm mother gave it to me, and asked me to give you a note from the headmaster."

She held a piece of paper in which Elinor could distinguish the headmaster's handwriting and she read,

'The uniform shows the student's identity, but the way they dress shows their personality, so wear it the way you see fit for yourself and fit for you as a proud student of our academy.

She smiled at the very characteristic note, and then looked up at Nancy.

"Do the students have the right to adjust their uniforms?"

"Yes miss, in the measures that it shows that they are from the academy... They will make any changes you request on your other uniforms since this one is just what you need to try it out and start your first day in school,"

"I see,... Then why don't you show me what it looks like."

The maid unpacked the dress, as Elinor remembered the two uniforms she saw, both Louis' and Azeph's had the academy's crest on their chest, but they were in different colors. 

While Azeph's was sky blue, Louis' was dark purple, which she knew was his favorite color, now she understood what was the question about favorite colors in the assignment paper had been for. 

And as she expected it to be, Nacy took out a simple long dress in a surprising blue sky color, matching her thoughts, and also her taste. A slightly different shade from Azeph's, but not different enough not to notice that they were the same.

She almost laughed when she saw it, the headmaster's unique considerations never stop to amaze her, to ask for a student's favorite color to make it on the uniform wasn't something common. 

Not to mention that the style really fits her taste, she never liked the short dresses that started to get common recently, nor the tight skirts. Long stylish dresses with light motives were her preference, and Nicolas always laughed at her when she had to wear those strangely coffining things warped around her.

He said once, while they were attending a function, that she was hard-headed like an old lady, while Louis gave her the usual cold glance and said that someone of her position should be accommodated to all kinds of latest outwear...

While Nacy helped her get into her uniform, she asked.

"Can I arrange these books for you, My lady?"

Elinor paused for a while before saying "No, I would rather you take care of the clothes. You should have your hands full with them for the day."

She thought of the trunks her mother filled for her with all kinds of dresses and shoes she could never wear, she thought that she would have to leave most of them in the trunk since there would be no space in the dresser.

Another reason she refused was that she wanted to arrange her books by herself, in order to remember where she put them, and so that she can have a good pass-time for a few days...

When she left the dorms, Azeph was waiting for her at the entrance, with his charming smile.

After spending fifteen minutes in the dining room with the heavy atmosphere and eyes on her, she almost wanted to skip breakfast altogether. But she had a statement to make and her attendance made that statement clear. Although seeing Azeph's smiling face right afterward was like her reward for hanging there for that tedious breakfast.

"Good morning, I see we have matching uniforms," He said cheerfully and Elin smiled,

"Yeah. Is it unusual for colors to match between students?" She asked

"It's not unusual for the Candidate class members. Other students have a uniform color for gentlemen and ladies,"

"I see. So we have the privilege to choose this," She said with a smile, "All those examinations and tests seem to be more than worth it now," Elin responded

"Wait until you see the debates before you deliver your verdict. Sometimes I wish we had earplugs instead of different uniforms,"

"Am I going to regret my decision?" Elin asked with a smirk,

"Just wait until you get to campus. You will have to experience what a piece of art in a museum feels like." Will said as he popped into their conversation out of nowhere,

"Good morning Will," She said

"Good morning, Princess," He said

He had taken to calling her that since their encounter yesterday. The more she seemed to dislike it the more he used it. In the end she just had to get used to it. Because clearly, Will wasn't giving it up.

"So, you were saying something about a museum. The dining room felt like that this morning. I'm still wondering how my tea didn't get swallowed the wrong way," She said

"I see you got the attention of our dear female students. Maybe it was the uniform. Right Azeph?" Will asked

Azeph seemed awkward as he looked away from them. Which was a sigh she never thought she would see on his face. Ever.

"What is it?" Elin asked curiously,

Will gave her a wide grin, then looked at his friend who was still trying to fix his already perfect tie.

"Are you telling her or am I going to have to break the news to her?" He asked

"I don't know what you're talking about," Azeph responded seeming to regain his cool,

"Alright then! I'm telling her," Will said

"Wai-" Azeph protested,

"Princess. Did you know that by giving you this uniform, the headmaster just made you the enemy of every girl in this school,"

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