I Got You - Coastal Wolves Series

I Got You - Coastal Wolves Series

By:  VTR  Ongoing
Language: English
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******* “Do I really not affect you, Delia?” he questioned, his voice low and husky as he drew her into his embrace. His fingers trailed down the curve of her spine, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. As she sucked in her breath, unable to tear her gaze away from him, he leaned in closer, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of her neck. “Does this not do anything?” he murmured, his warm breath fanning her damp skin. She remained silent, unable to form a coherent response as he trailed his mouth to hers, slowly capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. ******* Meet Delia, a beautiful woman seeking refuge from her troubled past amidst the tranquil shores of St. John. Unbeknownst to her, the moment she steps foot on the island, her fate is sealed as the destined mate of a brooding, enigmatic alpha of one of the largest Coastal Wolves Pack. Alpha Raphael Donovan aka Rafe, rules the Nightclaw Pack with an iron fist and works tirelessly to maintain the delicate balance between the humans and werewolves that reside in St. John. He had long given up hope of finding his fated mate but when Delia lands on his island, he will do everything in his power to never let her go. As their destinies collide, Rafe and Delia find themselves ensnared in a tempest of desire and longing, each grappling with the depths of their emotions. But beneath the sun-drenched paradise, a sinister presence looms, threatening to shatter their bond and plunge them into darkness.

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2024-05-10 15:51:06
34 Chapters

The Island Escape

The ferry cut through the crystal-clear waters, its sleek hull slicing through the gentle waves with ease. As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the island of St. John, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Among the handful of passengers stood Delia, a 23 year old woman with long black hair dancing in the wind, her emerald green eyes filled with hope for the future, her heart heavy with the weight of her past. The journey to St. John had been long and arduous. Delia had boarded planes and boats, traversing vast distances with a single purpose in mind: to find refuge on the tranquil shores of this small island. With each passing moment, the island drew closer, its lush greenery and pristine beaches beckoning to her. Gripping the railing tightly, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This island wasn’t just an escape—it was an opportunity to flee from the shadows of her past that had unexpectedly returned to haunt her once ag
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The Tenant at the Yellow Villa

As Alpha Raphael Donovan, known as Rafe to his closest friends, sat in his office overlooking the sprawling grounds of his mansion, a sense of restlessness gnawed at him. Papers lay scattered across his desk, detailing the various affairs of his pack and Rafe tried to focus on them as he ran his fingers through his thick jet black hair. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different today. His wolf paced restlessly within him, urging him to seek out the source of their unease. Rafe stood from his desk and stretched to his full height of almost seven feet, his cold silver eyes, scanning the mountain of paperwork. As the leader of the Nightclaw Pack, one of the three largest packs in the area and a member of the Coastal Wolves Alliance, he bore the weight of responsibility on his broad shoulders, ensuring the safety and prosperity of his people amidst the ever-shifting tides of the supernatural world. The Nightclaw Pack’s territory encompassed almost the entire island
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The Morning Revelation

It was half-past eight in the morning when Delia started to rouse from her sleep, gently stirring into consciousness. With a languid stretch, she finally woke herself from the sleepy haze and padded her way into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She opted to use the partially walled outdoor shower that offered the expansive view of the bay. As the warm water flowed over and rinsed her tanned skin, Delia closed her eyes and relished the feeling. The morning sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a radiant glow over the bay below. A distant sound of bustling morning activities coupled with roosters crowing echoed through the bay. With a contented sigh, Delia came out of the shower, her skin tingling with the freshness of the morning air. She quickly donned a mint green cotton dress adorned with delicate pink roses. She swiftly blow dried her long black hair and applied a touch of minimal makeup that completed her look, leaving her feeling effortlessly chic and r
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The Trip to Town

Delia spotted Marcus leaning against the sleek black SUV, engrossed in his phone. As she approached, he straightened up, giving her a curt nod of acknowledgment. "Good morning," he greeted in a low rumble before opening the door for her. Delia couldn't help but notice the contrast in size between herself and the men of this island; Marcus, though tall and well built, still seemed smaller compared to Rafe's commanding stature. She chuckled inwardly, feeling like a garden gnome amidst these towering giants. As Delia settled into the passenger seat, she studied Marcus’ profile. His buzz cut and tattoos peeking from under his shirt gave him a dangerous vibe but he had kind brown eyes, which contrasted against his appearance. Breaking into her chain of thoughts Marcus asked, “Where to, Ms. Scott?" His voice gruff but respectful. "You may call me Delia, Marcus," she replied, prompting a grunt of approval from him. Delia requested they head to a phone store, and they set off down the wi
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The Possessive Alpha

As Rafe hung up the phone with Marcus, he was satisfied knowing where Delia was and what she was doing. Marcus was instructed to provide a report of her whereabouts every hour. His encounter with her earlier that morning had been a tantalizing experience that tested his self control to its limit. When she had opened the front door, her expression a mix of awe and surprise, Rafe couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that greeted him. He was entranced by Delia's mesmerizing green eyes, like emeralds sparkling in the sunlight, and the way her long black hair fell in soft waves, framing her heart-shaped face. Her delicate, straight nose and the slight curve of her plump pink lips were irresistible. He found himself imagining what they might taste like. When he was hit with her alluring scent of fresh mountain snow, his mind screamed “MATE”. After all these years, he could scarcely fathom that his fated had literally found her way to him, to his island and into his property. Alt
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The Undercurrents

As the winding road stretched out before them, Rafe’s knuckles whitened against the firm grip of the steering wheel. Each curve, each twist, seemed to mirror the tension coiled within him. Ethan, seated beside him, mirrored his unease, his gaze flitting between the passing scenery and Rafe’s rigid profile. Ping! Rafe’s phone chimed with an incoming message, breaking the heavy silence. “Check that,” Rafe instructed, his voice tight. Ethan glanced at the screen, his eyes scanning the message quickly. “It’s Marcus. He found her. She was at a cafe.” A collective sigh filled the air and Rafe’s foot eased off the accelerator, the car slowing down as they drew nearer to town. Once they reached their destination, Rafe parked the Defender and both him and Ethan set about locating Delia and Marcus. “There,” Ethan pointed ahead, his voice strained with anticipation. “I see them.” Rafe’s gaze followed Ethan’s outstretched finger, locking onto the figures of Marcus and Delia. With a nod o
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The Night of the Bonfire

As Ethan led Rafe and Delia through the sandy terrain, the crackling warmth of the bonfire welcomed them. The flames danced in the night, casting an enchanting glow over the gathering. People were scattered around the fire, some seated on logs while others stood, their faces illuminated by the flickering light. Delia's was in awe as she took in the scene before her. There were some people venturing into the water for a nighttime swim, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. Nearby, a makeshift tiki bar served up a colorful array of island cocktails, the clinking of glasses and lively chatter adding to the festive atmosphere. Seeing Delia flanked by Rafe and Ethan, she garnered curious glances from people around her. They nodded respectfully to Rafe and Ethan and their gazes lingered on Delia with a mixture of intrigue and speculation. When they approached a trio of individuals, Delia's gaze flickered between Marcus and the two unfamiliar faces. One was a beautiful wom
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The Primal Kiss

As Rafe’s lips met hers, time seemed to stand still. The sensation of his touch was electric, eliciting an unbidden moan from deep within her. She could feel the warmth of his breadth mingling with hers, creating an intimate connection that ignited her body on fire. She thought he smelled like the ocean after a storm, a fresh and invigorating sent that stirred something deep within her soul. Rafe deepened the kiss, melding his lips with hers, relishing in the taste and scent of his mate - like fresh mountain snow, crisp and clean, with a hint of something sweet and alluring underneath. He’d found her at last! Their lips moved together in perfect harmony and he explored every contour of her mouth, leaving her breathless and yearning for more. Rafe's hands slowly trailed down Delia's back, drawing her closer, while Delia's fingers tangled in Rafe's thick dark hair, tugging lightly as their lips moved in sync. They lost themselves in t
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The Delta’s Secrets

Delia slept through most of the next morning, tired from the events of the previous night. As the clock ticked past 11 am, she remained nestled under the covers, oblivious to the time. However, her peaceful sleep was abruptly interrupted when she heard the door bell ring. She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but the person on the other side was persistent. Grumbling in annoyance, Delia stumbled out of bed, her disheveled black hair falling in wild waves around her face. With an exasperated huff, she made her way to the front door. Swinging it open, she was fully prepared to deliver an earful to the unwelcome visitor, but her annoyance melted away as she laid eyes on Aria standing on the other side, a warm smile gracing her features and holding up a cup of coffee and a bag of croissants. “Good morning, sunshine!" Aria greeted cheerfully. "You were still in bed? Are you okay? I thought we were spending the day together..." Del
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The Yellow Convertible

As they made their way back to the to villa, with Aria behind the wheel, the scenery blurred past them. Delia's thoughts were consumed by Rafe once again. After his abrupt departure last night, she wanted to avoid the awkwardness of meeting him for as long as she could. Why did she let him affect her like that! She sighed involuntarily. Aria’s BMW drove past a used car shop and Delia sat up straight, her green eyes lighting up. "Aria, pull over!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. Aria glanced at her new friend, a mixture of surprise and amusement crossing her features. "Are you serious?" she asked, her tone laced with incredulity. Delia nodded eagerly, “Yes, let's go buy me a car!" she exclaimed, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Aria hesitated for a moment, knowing very well the trouble they would face with Rafe. But as she looked at Delia, her resolve solidified. If anyone could challenge her brother's authority, it was Delia, and Aria
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