Hello, My Ex! This is My Daughter from My New Husband

Hello, My Ex! This is My Daughter from My New Husband

Oleh:  Canis Major  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Difficult to get along with the in-laws, constant arguments with the only brother-in-law, worsened by the man labeled as her husband... it's like having your head detached while your toes are being tickled, making Samanta Kiehl constantly cultivate patience. Until her sincere love is rewarded with a divorce letter. Her question always spins in her head. Is this luck or misfortune for her? But Samanta remains Samanta. She lets it all resonate in her life. She believes that payback will come. Someday, there will be a life and a new man whom she will tread with tranquility. But when? Isn't human patience supposed to have its limits?

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Waking up with shoulders slightly chilled, Samanta pulls her blanket back over herself. The sound of a sigh beside her makes her sink further into it. Even when the sturdy arm wraps around her as if asking Tata to get closer, she doesn't resist."What time is it?"Tata smirks. Since when did her boss get so close? It's still too early for her to be bothered by that distinctive baritone voice.This must be a dream, she thinks."Ta? I remember... we have a meeting at nine, right?"Two days ago, they had a business trip to Samarinda. Discussing the final project issues before the boss goes abroad. The last business trip they could do together. A special order from their direct superior; Mr. Jimmy."Ta?"Once again, that voice is heard. Although slightly hoarse, like someone just woke up, it's still unmistakably the boss's voice."Ugh... Dude, don't disturb my morning! I still want to sleep. Tired."The man who's been hugging Tata just laughs. His eyes are wide open, staring at the woman
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A few months ago.Samanta smiles faintly as she looks at the results of the cooking she just finished this morning. It's been a tiring Saturday, but she shouldn't complain. In an hour, she has to be on standby, monitoring everything related to her boss's business trip. Although at home, as the deputy marketing manager at ShopaShop, she can't just sit around waiting for the results."Hey... let's eat," Tata offers as soon as she sees her husband coming out of the room. There's a frown on his forehead. "Where are you going?"The person asked just glances briefly, scans his wife's appearance, and sighs. "What's up with you? Today is Nilam's event. Don't tell me you forgot?"Tata quickly digs into when the information about her husband's family event was organized. However, nothing. She can't find a single word about the event in question."I... don't know, honey.""Come on!" Her husband, Ottis Pahlevi, waves his hand with reluctance. "When did you know? My family's events are always a pr
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"Dang, it's been so long since I've seen you, Ta." A woman dressed in pretty trendy fashion immediately approaches Tata. She hugs her tightly."You're exaggerating," Tata grumbles. "It's only been a month.""A month is long, Bebs. Plus, you canceled last weekend, remember?" Jenni says with a laugh on her face. "How's life treating you?" She takes a seat in front of her friend."So far, so good," Tata replies while stirring her smoothie slowly."Thank goodness nothing magical has happened in your life again."Jenni's words aren't without reason. Knowing her for almost fifteen years, her friend has coined many terms for her, especially for Ottis's 'peculiar' family. Nilam the Rat Chewer, her mother-in-law the Fake Witch, and Ottis the Man with the Rein.At first, Tata didn't like these nicknames. After all, they're all part of her life. But Jenni had one sentence that couldn't be denied. "You consider them family, but they see you as a money p
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Tata leans on the edge of the bed. Her room just got hit by a tornado. The vanity table, once neat, is now in disarray. Her makeup collection and perfume bottles litter the floor. The bedsheet is all messed up. Pillows and bolsters are strewn everywhere. Even her wardrobe, almost all of its contents are scattered on the floor. She herself doesn't know what items broke there."I'll make sure you regret doing this, Ta."That statement slightly disturbs Tata. Even after the man still labeled as her husband leaves her with two big suitcases, she remains stoic. She won't degrade herself or apologize for kicking Ottis out. It's enough for her to stand her ground.But, not long after, she crumbles.Crying her heart out. Screaming like a mad person. Ranting and venting all the anger she's been holding since they were seated—ah, it didn't start just a few hours ago. Perhaps her anger has been festering in her heart for a long time. This is the first time she
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