Flames and Roses

Flames and Roses

By:  Babyofsun  Completed
Language: English
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"Shayari if you're expecting anything from this Nikkah then don't because this Nikkah is nothing but a compromise to save your dignity. I won't be able to give you any rights on me or love that a wife deserves but I will be loyal with you that I assure you. I won't cheat ever but if you dared to cheat on me I won't think twice before shooting you in the middle of your eyes and after a time period I will divorce you as well don't worry we won't be married for forever." He said emotionlessly Well great start for your married life isn't it?He is talking about divorce on the wedding night itself. Note the sarcasm please " I don't expect anything from you, no love, no rights, nothing. This marriage is a big scandal in my life and nothing else.And I'm not a slut that I will cheat on you. I have no interest in that thing. Think yourself free from my side and one more thing if you want you can keep relationships or sleep with others I don't have a problem with that.Anyways, who is interested in you, not me at least. Do whatever you want. And now if you're done with your clear explanation then excuse me I am sleepy and need my beauty sleep because unlike you I sleep at night like any other normal human being "I said and looked at his face.. ***************** Arhaan is like flames dangerous and has the power to burn someone into ashes Shayari is like Roses soft fragile yet full of thorns to protect herself. What will happen when this both will be tied together in an unwanted marriage?Will love bloom between them or the flames will turn the roses in ashes?

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Nan kcl
I love this story..i must say you are one fabulous author! Looking forward to reading more of your books
2023-05-16 14:30:46
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Yetunde Olagboye Michael-Onu
Great read! Loved the suspense,the twists and turns. Maintained good momentum all through
2023-05-15 23:09:34
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Ilona Radu
This story it's beautiful, I love it!
2022-10-20 02:16:18
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love the book.
2022-07-13 14:42:09
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Avhilasha Burman
Awesome ...
2021-12-04 01:40:33
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beautiful lady
I think Adwitya is alive
2021-10-23 14:08:28
user avatar
loving the book... .........
2021-10-17 10:58:48
user avatar
beautiful lady
Please make Aarhan work very hard for her forgiveness. Don't let Shayari forgive and forget easily......
2021-08-21 01:12:21
user avatar
Amazing story ......
2021-08-18 11:11:30
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Chinmayee Patil
awesome book.....I m just loving it...️
2021-08-11 00:46:01
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Mahek Keswani
when will you update the story. getting desperate to know who's behind the kidnapping of Shayari.
2021-08-09 01:52:46
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Jasmine Kaur
2021-07-31 09:12:18
user avatar
Author don't let shayari forgive Aarhan too easily please. let Aarhan work hard and beg for forgiveness from her.
2021-07-31 02:43:23
user avatar
beautiful lady
Although I feel sorry for Shayari is kidnapped but at the same time this will make Aarhan acknowledge her worth
2021-07-31 02:12:40
user avatar
Sana Khan
amazing story
2021-07-29 19:42:37
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144 Chapters


 Looking at the night sky I'm thinking about my life in just two hours. My life has changed completely.  This wasn't supposed to happen. No this wasn't. At least not like this.  How the hell am I stuck with that stone man in Nikkah?  Why has my groom had to ditch me? That bastard….!! Was I that bad ammi abbu? that you chose no one else but that stone for me?  I had so many dreams about my marriage. I always thought that my love story would be like you but now all those dreams are brutally killed.  It all ended when I got married to him.  He hates me that's I'm sure and he will take revenge on me for this Nikkah as well because he is also forced in this.  The door of the room opened with a thud making me aware of his presence in this room.  
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Character Skecth

Aarhan Sheerazi - 28 years old billionaire. Has his own business along with his father's mafia business along with his brothers. He is cold and arrogant and has a very bad relationship with his father and loves his dead mother the most. Shayari Firoze - a 21 years old orphan abandoned by her own aunt and uncle and later got a family in Sheerazi family. They accepted her as a family member without any relationship. She has a past connection with them. Aarav Sheerazi - 28 years old twin brother of Aarhan and completely opposite of him. He is a very happy-go-lucky person but can turn into someone's nightmare in a blink. Working with Aarhan and Zarun Oorvi Sheerazi- wife of Aarav and 22 years old she is the pampered daughter in law of Sheerazi family. She was Oorvi Sharma before marriage later she became Oorvi Sheerazi. Zarun Sheerazi - elder cousin of Aarhan and Aarav, 29 years old. He is handli
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Chapter 1

All the things shown in this book is purely for the purpose of the book, it has nothing to do with any religion or something. My intention is not to hurt any religion here. So please don't take anything seriously it's just a book and take it as that only Author's pov A girl is standing in the bathroom of her house with her eyes closed, shivering in fear of her Cruel Uncle and continuously praying to God, to save her from the painful beatings of her uncle.She has committed a grave sin today because of which her uncle has turned into a devil who is searching for her in the whole house so that he can punish her. The question is what was her sin? Well, that ten years child got hungry and ate before finishing her household work, which was given by her Uncle, who treats her like a maid. "Please god please help me don't let him punish me tonight." The little girl whispered while hoping that Go
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Chapter 2

Shayari's pov "Api! (endearment for elder sister) Wake up" I heard someone yelling as I tried hard to open my eyes.I opened my eyes finally with much difficulty and found myself in my bed room, on my bed. not on that empty road.  Thank God I'm not there anymore. "Api are you alright? You were sobbing in your sleep and you're drenched in sweat," Zeenat said and I looked at my state I must be like a ghost god! "Nothing happened Zeenat! I'm fine. What will happen to me? " I lied to her intentionally as if she gets to know the truth then she will panic for no reason and that's the last thing I want to do right now"do you think, I am Dumb?that I don't understand anything? I can clearly see that you are not fine. Now spill the details already." She said strictly as if she is my mother. She is childish and mature all together. She can turn in anything accordi
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Chapter 3

Flashback  Author's pov  The car was about to hit Shayari but it stopped just a little bit far away from her.  Shayari has closed her eyes tightly in fear of being hit by the car. She waited for the pain to come but nothing happened… Still she didn't open her eyes.  The persons inside the car came outside and looked at little Shayari. Suddenly she stopped feeling the rain drops on her body  "What are you doing here like this beta (child)? You should not be here like this at this late. Where are your parents? Or guardian? " one of the man Asked her  Shayari opened her eyes and looked at the men standing in front of her. One of them has hold an umbrella on her head  "My khala jaan (aunt) asked me *sneeze* to wait here. She is coming. I am *sneeze* just waiting for her but *sneeze* she hasn't came ye
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Chapter 4

Shayari's pov 3 weeks later from that nightmare part I entered my classroom for the last time as today my exams will be finished. I will finish My studies… Zeenat has taken another stream so her classes and exams are different from mine. I will miss my life here very much but the happiness I will get when I will go back to my home and meet my family. Though I have no blood relation with them but they all have accepted me with open arms except him. But I don't care about him! not anymore. I don't need his acceptance. Anyways after I get a job I will move out from Sheerazi mansion. I have taken enough favours from them already! I can't afford anymore favours from them.I know Bade abbu will be angry but I will manage him. Shaking my head at my thoughts I sat down on my usual seat but saw something that caught my attentio
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Chapter 5

 Author's pov  New York  A man in his late twenties is working out as it's his daily routine to do so. He let out all his frustration like this. He has no one with him to stay or talk. It's not that he wants anyone to be with him for that matter. He likes this calmness, this loneliness.  And it's not that he doesn't have a family he has a big happy family but he doesn't find his happiness there anymore. Once a time he used to fight to stay at home with his family but now he finds excuses to stay away from them.   Only one person is the reason for his behavior and that's none other than his own father.  Yes the man we are talking about is None other than Aarhan Sheerazi himself.   Once he was done with his exercise he came out of the gym area and entered in his master bed
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Chapter 6

Shayari's pov I heard Oorvi Bhabhi jaan screaming Zeenat's name hard and without thinking anything I ran towards her room. The scene in front of me shook me to the core. There was my sister, laying motionless and blood was oozing out from her left wrist. She has cut her wrist. Does that mean that She tried to commit suicide but why? NO! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!! Why Will she try to end her life?! What happened that she took this step? Why the hell will she do it? Everything was fine wasn't it? How can she do it? How can she think about killing herself and leaving us alone? "Shayari calls Aarav ji and Others." Oorvi Bhabhi jaan screamed at me but i couldn't do anything My body has Frozen in its place. I can't do anything nor I can move. My brain is roaming around all the bad past memories of mine She is trying to make her conscious
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Chapter 7

Author's pov Everyone is looking at Zeenat who is still unconscious and under medication. She was out of danger but still didn't get her consciousness back. Everyone is waiting for her to open her eyes so they can get the answers of all the questions That's eating them from inside. All of these seems like a night mare to them. Zeenat is the apple of their eyes. She is the most loved member of this family and she can do something like it that's unbelievable for them. What has possibly happened which she hid from everyone?! Which she didn't even shared with Her brothers? Her sister in law and sisters? And most importantly with her father who sprinkled his life on her. "I guess we should go back now once she gets her consciousness back and Is stable. We can talk with her. We have to be calm with her. Scolding or screaming won't help." Ryan said to everyone present there&nb
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Author's pov  Zarun had tears in his own eyes but he blinked them away. He can't show her his weakness for her not now she is not ready for it. He has to be strong for her  He cupped her face and wiped her tears away gently. He never liked tears in her eyes. In past he did so many things to make her smile once  "Princess tell me what happened and how." He said but Zeenat sobbed more  She hugged him tightly making him close his eyes.  It was not supposed to be like this. She was not supposed to be hugging him crying for some other boy.  "Shh! Princess don't cry. Now tell me what happened." Zarun cooed at her and she nodded  Flashback  The day of their exam  "Good morning Zeenat are you prepared for the exam?" Her friend Rhea asked  
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