Fearless Human Mate

Fearless Human Mate

Oleh:  Quay  Baru saja diperbarui
Bahasa: English
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After many years have passed since the Century War between humans and other species, times seem to be getting better. The world has even seen the first inter-species birth between humans and werewolves. Since then more have come to terms with living peacefully side by side, while others believe things should go back to where the species were segregated. Xenia Bakken is just a baker who wants to run her own business one day and work with her best friend, Lottie. Everything changes when a chance encounter turns into a kidnapping. Now she is thrown into a world she doesn't want to be in and has to adapt to survive. Mason Dalton, Alpha of a mysterious pack, only has one goal: to bring back his first mate, Melania. He would do anything to make sure his plans are successful, so when he meets the perfect person to help he acts without hesitation. However, he discovers his perfect vessel is unwilling to give up without a fight. After the Blue Moon, the attraction between the two become stronger than they both realize and will test them to their limits. With a quick deadline and people searching for them all over, will Mason be able to reunite with his old love or will Xenia gather the strength needed to ignore their attraction and get away?

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King Victory
Yet to read this book but the cover and blurb caught my attention. Would definitely read this
2023-12-25 00:05:11
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too bad Xenia didn’t die…
2024-07-27 09:26:39
128 Bab


The sound of church bells rang in the distance, signifying the moon had reached the highest point in the sky. Occasionally, thunder rumbled in the distance, foretelling the coming storm, but that didn't bother Mason. He had to be here and see this through at her request. Mason stood with his brother, Micah, while the Elder Werewolves members stood in the Nexus' center a few feet away. The Nexus was a sacred ground for the Moon Goddess's worshippers. The gravel aisle led up to a raised circular concrete stage, and in the middle of the circle, chained to a metal spike, was Melania. Behind her were four others kneeling on the ground, weeping about their current predicament. Although she had been a prisoner for months, she looked pristine, untouched by the filth surrounding her in the dungeons. Her clothes looked newly pressed, her hair brushed into smooth waves draping over her shoulders, and her face glimmered as if she was dusted by starlight. At least it looked that way to Mason, w
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The Encounter

Mason's body reacted faster than his mind could process. The moment the woman glanced back at him, her eyes widened, and he could see them much clearer now. The color was even more impressive, like a glass of champagne. Mason knew she was going to fall when she looked over her shoulders. He quickly moved through the tables and caught her before she hit the ground. Wrong move. The smell of winter blossoms invaded his nostrils as he pulled her hard against his chest. Rodin, his werewolf, stirred happily in his mind. This must mean she's my… "Mate," Rodin said in the back of his mind. Mason nearly pushed the woman away the moment Rodin said those words. His second chance mate was right in front of him. Of course, he would meet her now. It was like fate telling him everything was coming together. "Hey, what was that for," she said, looking up at him with her hands on her hips. "I didn't need your help in the first place." Her eyebrows furrowed, but the longer Mason stared,
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The Bakery

That chemistry was fascinating and terrifying all at the same time. Xenia leaned against the bakery door, trying to calm her heartbeat, but every time she closed her eyes, it was him she saw. His eyes when he stared at her, his lips when he talked, the way his hand touched hers, and the electricity. So much for keeping my heart rate down. Xenia opened her eyes and saw the twins, Dottie and Molly, looking at her with curious smiles. She hated it when they smiled at the same time. It was beyond creepy. "What," Xenia asked, trying to hide the blush burning her cheeks. "Can't a girl have a moment?" "This is a place of employment, Xenia, so…." "No," they both said simultaneously, laughing. Xenia rolled her eyes at them as they went back to work, with their creepy smiles still plastered on their faces. A woman with long auburn hair and dark green eyes entered the room, humming until she saw Xenia plastered to the door like paint. The woman's eyes widened, and she ran over, to
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Mother and Father

Xenia's mother sauntered into the room with one of her latest victims, Xenia likes to call them, who was drooling behind her. She wore a black and red low-cut dress with a corset revealing her bare breasts like a prized meal. She wore a jeweled ruby necklace that complimented the dress, hanging low on her chest to help 'direct attention,' her mother would say. From the texture, Xenia could tell the dress was made from expensive silk, which was easy for her mother to get these days. After all, she was a highly respectable and much sought-after courtesan. "I can't believe you met a man and didn't tell me," she glared at me. "I prayed to the gods to send you someone better than Cristo-bore." Xenia rolled her eyes. First, her best friend and now her mother are against Cristobal. The guy was a literal angel…well, as much of an angel as anyone could be nowadays. "Mother, you're here early. I thought I was meeting you in two days," Xenia said, casually looking at the man behin
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His Death

Xenia gripped her dagger, watching the werewolves approach them. She stopped in front of her father, who didn't seem worried at the moment. Still, she stood her ground. "Stay back," Xenia said with a shaky breath as the black werewolf looked at her sideways. Its golden eyes regarded her curiously. "Xeni, it's alright," her father said through labored breath. "They are our friends." The werewolf approached her father, who grabbed its fur to hoist himself up. The black werewolf shifted as her father covered her eyes, and the sounds of bones breaking filled the area. "Fredrick, that wound-" "I know, but I have to get her to safety. There are more out there." "Then we will help." Her father uncovered her eyes and hoisted her onto the back of one of the werewolves as he mounted the black werewolf. She held on to his hand. "Papa…" "Hold on tight, Xeni. It's going to be okay." She did as she was told but knew it was far from okay. Her father was paler than before, and his
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Apple of Someone's Eye

Xenia's eyes went wide before she quickly recovered. Of course, her mother knew. Nothing gets past this lady. Xenia shook her head, ignoring her mother's question. "How can you ask me that after assaulting someone? Mother, you know you can't go on abusing every man that wants to fuck me," Xenia said while bagging all the chocolates her mother pointed to. "Hmph, it's not abuse, sweetie, if they like," she beamed. "I can teach you some things you know." Xenia shook her head and gave the bag of goodies to her mother. Lottie clapped her hands as she walked over, giving her mother a hug. "Miss Delilah, I'm not sure if I ever said this, but I think you're my spirit animal." My mother grinned at the compliment, flipping her hair to the side. "Oh, Lottie, you flatter me so." She gave Lottie a once-over. "Darling, what is this new look? I am loving this fabric. It feels like Faevian silk." Her mother walked around Lottie. "Who do I have to seduce to get one of these?" Lottie
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Lottie threw her hands in the air, walking around in a circle before pointing at Xenia. "I can't believe you were going to keep this from me." "I'm sorry, Lottie. This is…new for me, okay. I've never felt like this around someone, especially a stranger and werewolf. You know how I feel about the latter." Xenia leaned her head against the counter with refrigerated goods, hoping the coolness would help with her inflamed cheeks. She had to get better control of this blushing. It was unbecoming to her. "I don't know, Lottie. I just met the guy. Now look at me. He keeps popping in my head even more than Cristobal. I don't think I've thought about someone as much as I have about Cristobal. It's quite...strange."Strange, yet the pit of her stomach was still filled with butterflies. Did he do something to me? She wondered as thoughts of how he caught her and held her for a few seconds played on a loop in her mind. Lottie slammed her hands against the counter, making Xenia jump up and
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Mason threw the man he was holding at least twenty feet down the alleyway while the other man watched with his mouth wide open before looking at Mason. Mason ignored him and checked on Xenia, who shared the same expression he had of her earlier. "Stay back," he said to her, and she did just that. Xenia watched the bandit pull out a silver knife and grinned as if he had already won. Mason looked unamused, which made Xenia even more curious about him. She looked towards the street and knew she could quickly escape, but something was keeping her feet planted. The bandit circled Mason, waiting for the right moment to strike. It wasn't until Mason glanced over to Xenia that the bandit lunged at him with quick strikes. Each time trying to cut any part of Mason's flesh, knowing what silver does to werewolves. Mason easily dodged his attacks, impressed that the bandit could move with the amount of ale on his breath. Out of breath, the bandit's strikes were becoming sloppy, and now Mason
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Xenia made it home in record time. Her heated moment with Mason set her soul aflame, especially between her legs. Is this the fire my mother was talking about? she wondered. Just thinking about it got her all hot and frustrated. She needed to get these thoughts of him out of her head and think only of Cristobal. Yes, sweet, charming, and human Cristobal. The person she's been waiting to see for the past three months. She loved their relationship and what it provided. No strings and no drama…well, maybe a bit of drama and a couple of strings. The one-bedroom cabin she rented with Lottie was small, but somehow, they managed to make it homey. The open floor plan gave them the perfect amount of room for Lottie to cook and Xenia to bake. The first few months took some getting used to the space, but they finally settled into their own little rhythm. Now it feels empty without her, Xenia thought. After light cleaning, she started on the food her lovely Lottie had already prepared. All s
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The Suitor

"Hello, beautiful." The flowers lowered to display a pair of blue eyes, different from the almond browns Xenia half expected. "Cristobal?!" A breath of relief came from her mouth with a slight disappointment, but she smiled anyway. "Expecting someone else," he asked with a cocked eyebrow. "Should I be worried?" "Of course not," she laughed while trying to shake her nerves. "These are orange blossoms?" "Yes, I know I always bring red blossoms because they remind you of home, but once you told me your dad took you to Grovershire, you fell in love with orange blossoms," Cristobal said proudly. "See, I listen." Dammit, Xenia said to herself as she thought about Lottie's question. She forgot all about that trip but felt appreciated that he remembered. "These are beautiful, Cris. How did you even get these," she asked as she sniffed the bouquet before searching for a vase. "I have my ways. Besides, it's nothing but the best for you," Cristobal said while checking out what she wo
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