Diagnosis: Love

Diagnosis: Love

By:  Tawdra Kandle  Completed
Language: English
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Jenny and Nico. Emma and Deacon. Alison and Noah: three couples fighting for love amidst the life-and-death drama of medicine and the reckless pageantry of football. Will fake relationships, love triangles, secret pregnancies, surprise babies, and heartbreaking tragedy stand in the way of their happily ever afters? Contains sexual scenes and explicit content; recommended for those 18 and over. DIAGNOSIS:LOVE is created by TAWDRA KANDLE, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.

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2024-06-21 21:36:18
193 Chapters

Chapter 1: Doomed to love

Jenny"I will never be able to thank you enough for this. Not as long as I live." I turn in a small circle, my arms wrapped about myself, taking in all the details of the room where I'm standing. It's all shades of tan and brown, a complete study in understated elegance, and I am one hundred percent in love. I can't wait to lay on the extra wide couch and watch Grey's Anatomy with a big glass of wine. Or a beer. I'm not that picky."Jen, you're making this a bigger deal than it is. You're helping me out, too, you know. I mean, I'm moving to Chicago, and I still have a year left on this lease. I'm just happy that someone I trust can sub-let from me." Nico stands across the room from me, leaning against the doorjamb, his back to the screened patio and pool. The late afternoon sunlight casts a glow on him, gleaming on his silky black hair and burnished skin. With his impossibly wide shoulders and the broad chest that tapered to narrow hips, he looks like a god who's popped down
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Chapter 2: First day and I said what?

JennyFirst days of anything are not fun for me. I've always been like this. I threw up every first day of classes all during high school and college. By nature, I'm not an anxious person, but new situations and people make my nerves jump. So, although I'm really excited about this new job and can't wait to get started, on the morning I'm scheduled to go in for the first time, I'm kind to my stomach and stick to peppermint tea for breakfast. The last thing I need is to toss my cookies on the drive over or worse, all over the desk of the HR rep.I'm ready to leave a full hour ahead of my scheduled appointment time. The new oncology wing at St. Agnes doesn't open for another month, but the hospital's human resource department asked me to come down early, as they want the staff to be fully integrated in the set-up and running of this venture. Today, though, I'm going in for my official face-to-face interview and to sign my contract. My hiring was provisional, based on my resume,
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Chapter 3: Out of the frying pan

JennyFor the next ten minutes, as Mrs. Cosgraves rummages for my contract, and then having found it, sets it on the desk in front of me, I vacillate between two extreme mental states. The first is screaming in horror and frustration, asking me what the fuck I just did. The second is a calm, soothing voice, assuring me that it's all going to be okay. That Nico will never have to hear about this. That he doesn't know anybody in this town, so no one is going to call me out on what could be considered either a bald-faced lie or an insane fantasy.When I sign the contract – unread, I might add, which I know on another level is probably a really stupid thing to do – the HR rep announces that it's time for her to take me on a tour of the new wing. I stand up, nearly knocking over my chair in my hurry."Oh, I'm sure I can manage to find it by myself. You're so busy…" I glance around at the empty room. "I mean, I'm sure you have so much to do with the opening, and the last thing you need
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Chapter 4: Ladies' night

Jenny"Margaritas!!" The five women sitting in lounge chairs around my pool raise their glasses, giggling as everyone tries to clink with everyone else. I tap my glass against Stephanie's and then lean back, stretching my legs. "Did you have time to read the book?" she inquires, sipping her drink. "I know we've been keeping you pretty busy at St. Agnes. I hope hosting tonight didn't put too much pressure on you.""Nah." I shake my head and sway my bent legs side to side. "The work is challenging, but I'm glad I can be part of the ramping up to the opening process. That should make the transition on our first few days easier." "Oh, it's going to bedlam," she replies, casually waving her free hand. "These things always are. No matter how much training we do, no matter how much prep . . . it takes a while for things to start running like a well-oiled machine. But it'll come together eventually." "Thanks for the reassurance." I take a healthy gulp of my drink. "Hey, don'
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Chapter 5: Partners in a lie

JennyI've never had a stroke, but in the process of my education as a nurse practitioner, I had to learn about the symptoms and signs. As I stand in front of Nico, staring at him, I'm pretty sure I might be experiencing a cerebral hemorrhage right now. Either that or a panic attack. I can't be sure. All I know is that I can't speak, I can't move, and it's entirely possible that I'm having hallucinations because I can't think of any reason Nico should be back in Florida. I must be imagining this. Maybe those margaritas were a little more potent than I'd thought. But then everything happens at once, and I know for sure I'm not dreaming. The women behind me, who'd lapsed into shocked silence moments ago, suddenly all begin talking at once. Talking might not be an accurate description, actually; they're alternately sighing, screeching, and quite possibly speaking in tongues. My Virginia-born grandmother would say that they're carryin' on. Nico spares the group a glance over my
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Chapter 6: Caught in the act

Jenny"Hello, I'm calling to speak to Jenny Ward, my little sister who seems to have forgotten that she owes her big brother at least one proof-of-life text a week."I grin as I listen to my brother's passive-aggressive greeting. He's one of my favorite people in all the world. He's six years older than me, so when I was born, he saw me as a new toy. At least, that's what he's always told me. Six years is just the right age difference for him to be super protective of me, like a second dad. Since my actual dad is very much alive and involved in my life-and always has been-I've often told Kyle that his role is redundant. He doesn't seem to care. He still tells me what to do and how to do it. "Hey, smartass." I flop onto the chair in my bedroom and prop my feet on the end of the bed. "I'm great, thanks for asking. Love the new job. Digging the Florida life. Everything's peachy. How's it where you are?"Kyle chuckles. "Okay, okay. I might have been just slightly snarky, I'll cop
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Chapter 7: All dressed up

Jenny"I cannot fucking believe you talked me into a damn tuxedo, Jenny." I hear Nico's voice in the hallway, and I cringe. I hoped that by tonight, he would've gotten over his pissy attitude about this whole ball deal, but apparently, those hopes were in vain. He isn't going to go gently into this good night. I had nearly forgotten about the St. Agnes Oncology Wing Benefit Ball in all of the upheaval over Nico's unexpected return to Florida. And then about five days ago, Mira handed me an envelope that held a thick invitation made of ivory card stock, adding with a smile that she was pleased to hear that my someone special would be able to escort me after all.I spent the rest of that day worrying about what Nico was going to say when I told him this, uh, 'good news.' He wasn't in the best of moods these days lately anyway, since he hadn't had any luck yet in his job search. Sweet-talking him into putting on a monkey suit so he could pretend to be in love with me for severa
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Chapter 8: After the ball is over

Jenny"That wasn't too horrible, was it?" I sneak a peek at Nico's profile as we slide through the dark on our way home. I have to admit that calling the house where we live our home gives me a legit thrill. It's like we're playing house . . .which I guess is pretty accurate, considering that everything about us right now is make believe. "No," he admits, his grip on the wheel tightening a little. "It was actually kind of fun. The people you work with are easy to be around." He side-eyes me. "That Dr. Girard seems to think a lot of you. He was very . . . complimentary." "Oh, really?" I smile a little. Deacon looked damn hot tonight in his tuxedo, and I'd noticed more than one woman staring. He'd been oblivious, though, focusing more on the staff, the donors and the other invited guests. "Yeah." Nico's voice is dark, and I glance at him again. He's scowling. I wonder what that's about? "I mean, he knows you've got a boyfriend, right?" I'm not sure which makes me giddier
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Chapter 9: Is someone jealous?

Jenny"It is with the greatest pleasure, not to mention immense gratitude to the entire staff who has worked so hard to make this a reality, that I officially declare the St. Agnes Memorial Hospital Dedicated Oncology Wing . . . open!" The president of the hospital's board of directors uses the ridiculously oversized scissors to cut the ceremonial ribbon stretched across the corridor that connects the rest of the hospital with our wing. All of us-the nurses, the techs, the aides and the rest of the staff-are standing on the inside watching the show. As soon as he slices the ribbon, the official guests come streaming through to join us. It feels weird that there's a little party set up here. After all, this is a hospital, a place where people come when they're sick. But today is special. It's a time to celebrate before we get down to the serious business of saving lives. Everyone who's anyone in Harper Springs is here. The mayor and her husband are standing by the punch bowl
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Chapter 10: Of course, she's a model

Jenny"Honey, I'm home!" I drag myself through the front door and look around, searching for any sign of where Nico might be. For the past week, since the oncology wing opened, he's been in the kitchen, cooking me dinner, when I get home from work. It's a treat to have a gourmet meal prepared for me by my own personal chef each day. I have an inkling that part of it is because he feels guilty about his over-the-top jealous boyfriend act at the opening party; things between us were a little strained for about a day or so. However, there's nothing like really excellent food prepared by a total hottie to smooth over little annoyances like that. This afternoon, though, the entire house is silent and empty. I wonder if he's gone out . . . maybe a job interview? He didn't mention anything this morning, but if he got the call after I left for the hospital, he might have forgotten to text me. I drop my handbag onto a stool at the kitchen counter and am about to head for my room to c
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