

Megan's POV

2 weeks later

“Megan, prepare we are going to Spain tomorrow to meet with my parents and plan for the marriage.” Antonio said while he was watching soccer. “Okay fine, what else must I prepare.” I asked him that's when he shifted his attention to me.

“Just your nighties and the clothes you'll wear tomorrow. I will buy you new clothes on our way to the airport. By the way, we are getting married in Spain. Tell your sister to prepare to come in one week.” he said and I didn't know how to feel about it.

“Okay, but that will disturb her studies. I mean, to travel from Italy to Spain and then come back and prepare for her exams which are forthcoming, that kind of trouble for her.” I said but I was worried of his response.

“I'll take care of that, don't worry okay. Just prepare okay.” I nodded and went to my room. I really don't know how I am going to cope with leaving with his parents. I barely have a 5 minute conversation with Antonio. He is so cold and ever since the signing of the contract I have seen him inviting different girls in the house. To make matters worse sometimes the girls are soo loud when they're doing the deed. My poor virgin ears😏😏😏.

So today's Tuesday, the day we are going to Spain. Yeeey Yeeey 😏😏 I am really trying to be happy and not to panic. We got to the airport, I didn't even know that he owns a private jet. That explains why he's constantly in and out of the country for business and pleasure.

We boarded the jet. That reminds me now, this guy said he'll buy me clothes and I know very well that I did not sleep along the way and we did not pass through any boutiques to do any shopping. Let me ask him. “Ummm, sir you forgot to buy me clothes. What will I wear when I reach there?” I asked but the look he gave me that moment I swear I could die instantly.

“Does this your mouth ever shut? Yes, I forgot to buy and you're going to wear that dress for the rest of the trip nxaa.” He growled and sounded so pissed that he even clicked his tongue.

“I didn't mean to upset you sir....” I didn't even finish my statement and he brushed it off. “That's another thing, when we reach Spain don't call me sir, it's Antonio, or rather use Dominique my middle that will sound believable cause no one calls me that name except for my mother . Bingo. And also we met at a party sometime ago and then hooked up recently so this is where we are." he sounded like he was trying to hard to convince but whatever there arehis parents his fooling.

“Yes, you are making sense and stop trying too hard. It's making me tired." I said and he just gave me a death stare.

I ended up napping cause Antonio woke me up very early to prepare. He woke me up when we had reached our destination. The driver drove us to Antonio's parents home.

Wow the house was 3 times bigger than Antonio’s Mansion. We got inside the house. It was heaven on earth. Antonio told me to sit down and he went upstairs. After what seems like a decade, I saw Antonio descending from the staircase talking and laughing with a man who looked like an older version of him.

They were talking and laughing. When they reached to me and I stood up, the older version of Antonio whom I think is his father welcomed me in an embrace.

"Welcome home mi hija. I must say you're very beautiful more than mi hijo here expressed." the older man said with a grin.

"Thank you Senor." I said gleaming. I think my face was really red from all the blushing. "I think we should go freshen up, right mi querida . I think by the time we finish, it would be dinner time." Antonio said smiling and and grabbing me close to his chest.

I just new that he was deluding his father obviously not me 😂😂😂 "Si, mi amor. " I smiled too and I even put my hand on his chest.

"That's right my daughter, I think by that time your mother in law would be back. She was called for an emergency at the office." Senor  Rodriguez asserted genuinely smiling.

I smiled back and Antonio lovingly took my hand and we sauntered. We ascended the stairs and when we reached end and we were off from the sight of his father he tossed my hand down. I whimpered a little cause I felt pain in my arm. He was so rough.

I followed behind him. We entered into his room. I then sat on the couch in the room. I felt so low and less inhumane with how he had just behaved towards me. I saw him moving and I looked down, I didn't want to see his face or look at what he was doing. He entered another room and later I heard water running and I assumed that was the bathroom.

I think I might have dozed off cause I woke up with someone shaking me in a violent manner. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and I saw a white towel in front of me.

I traced the towel from down and when I reached the waistline where it was fastened that's when I realised it was Antonio standing in front of me with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Like seriously, you're sleeping? " 😬 he sounded upset. Yes I heard what he said but I was tongue tied. He has the body like that of the Greek God. His upper body was to die for. He had a rock hard chest, a rock hard six pack which was mouth watering. I mean he looked delicious, I could eat him. His broad shoulders, and also that strong jawline which defined his facial features.

"Hey! Earth to you! And stop drooling! It's uncomfortable." Eish I felt really embarrassed as Antonio enunciated this. "I am sorry sir, what do you want me to do? I dozed off whilst you where taking a bath. I think it's the jet lag." I spoke foolishly.

"Go and have a bath, and prepare for dinner." he said annoyingly. "Okay sir." I jumped up and went to take a bath. I took my bath and once I was done I got out of the bathroom, busy thinking of what to wear cause I did not bring any clothes.

As I walked out to the bed to lotion myself, I saw a navy blue long dress with jewellery in the box and a little box that caught my eye. There was a letter on its side. I did my makeup then my hair and wore the dress. Wow, it fitted me perfectly. How did he even know my size? The necklace was to die for, I could tell that it costs a fortune. Beside the tiny box, there was a note.

I took it and read it. It said "wear this ring. It's your engagement ring. When you're done, meet me at balcony to your far left corner. Dinner is almost ready. Please be quick. "  I took the box and opened it. It was a diamond ring. It fit my finger perfectly.

It was not what I imagined would be my engagement day like, but I am thankful that I managed to get a ring in this fiasco of a marriage. I walked to the balcony and saw Antonio busy on his laptop and drinking white wine. "I am done, sir." I said.

"Okay, we are going down in a giffy, sit down while I finish my work." He didn't even look up. A knock came through and as I was about to stand up, Antonio beat me to it and went to attend the door. He spoke a bit with a man, who I think is a man servant. He came back and told me dinner is ready and we are required downstairs. I stood up and followed behind him.

"Thanks for the dress, it fits perfectly. How did you know my size? I said before we got out of our room. " I carried you once, and I see you almost every day for the past 2 years and you ask me how I know your size, like seriously." He said but I was not convinced with his answer. "Mmm ok, what about this ring, It is exactly my size. Let me guess, you have seen my fingers too for the past two years." I pointed out. "No, now that was a wild guess. " he chuckled a bit and opened the door for me to get out. This time he was actually a gentleman. 

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