
Chapter 2 : Tragedy

Chapter 2: Tragedy

“How about repaying the debt with your body?” asked Mr. Smith as he winked in an attempt to tease Hanna. But instead of being charmed, Hanna shuddered in horror at the old man’s behavior.


Hanna slapped the old man with all the strength she had. The slap that Hanna gave Mr. Smith was so incredible that the old man was knocked off his feet. The corner of the man’s lip bled a little as it collided directly with Hanna’s fingernails, which happened to be uncut.

Mr. Smith felt his own face and gave Hanna an angry look. He also pointed at Hanna’s face while saying rude and inappropriate words to the sweet girl.

“You fucking street dare! How dare you slap my cheek?” Mr. Smith grabbed Hanna’s chin and squeezed it with all his might, making Hanna grimace in pain.

“You’re a lot worse than your mother, slut!” Hearing her mother insulted like that, Hanna looked at Mr. Smith with a sharp, piercing gaze.

Putting aside the fear in her heart, Hanna clawed at Mr. Smith’s face with a rage that exploded like a volcano ready to spew lava. Again, Mr. Smith winced in pain from Hanna’s brutal, reckless actions.

“If the gentle way cannot bring you into my arms, then I will give you the harshest way. Don’t ever beg me for mercy because you’ve gone beyond your limits, Hanna!”

With a glance, Mr. Smith ordered his men to restrain Hanna’s hands so that the girl could not move freely. Mr. Smith’s two lackeys, who knew the code, immediately gripped the girl’s hands tightly, leaving Hanna helpless as the pain she felt in her hands was unbelievable. The part of the hand that was gripped was painful, as if it had been crushed from the inside and out. Hanna was sure that her hand would be badly bruised by this incident.

“Let go of me! You have no right to treat me like this!”

Hana tried to rebel by moving her hands slowly. However, her hands could not escape the two men’s grip.

Her weak strength could not keep up with the strength of two adult men at once. Hanna was almost crying from the pain she was suffering.

From the corner of her eyes, Hanna could see that the people around her couldn’t help but be in fear of their families being destroyed by the bastard loan shark. After all, Mr. Smith had a very strong influence over him and wanted to suppress small people like her.

“Take this girl to the car,” ordered Mr. Smith in a flat tone. The two men dragged Hanna to leave immediately. Mr. Smith stayed behind to wipe the blood from Hanna’s scratches.

Hanna just remembered that there was a way to escape from the man from the video she watched. With her memories memorized, Hanna kicked her foot into the shin of the man holding her right hand. To release the other hand, Hanna elbowed the man holding her left hand in the stomach.

Both men winced in pain from Hanna’s small action. With that, Hanna was able to remove the hands of both men.

As soon as she saw the opportunity to escape, Hanna ran as fast as she could through the narrow alley with its winding route so that she wouldn’t be caught easily by Mr. Smith’s men.

Seeing Hanna run away, Mr. Smith clucked loudly as he hit the two men and gave orders to catch Hanna again. “You bastards! How can you two lose to that girl?”

“We’re sorry, boss,” Mr. Smith’s two men said simultaneously. Mr. Smith grunted in annoyance.

“We’ll wait for the girl over there,” said Mr. Smith, pointing to a narrow alley directly opposite the highway.

Both of Mr. Smith’s men nodded in agreement to their boss’s request. The three of them ran to the alley directly opposite the highway in order to catch Hanna.

Hana continued to run in the small alley without a care in the world. Her feet, which were not covered by anything, were scratched by sharp stones and broken glass scattered in the small alley. Hanna’s heart was beating fast because her body was forced to run without stopping.

Hana stopped for a moment to neutralize her ragged breathing. White vapor came out of her mouth because the temperature of the air was so piercing to the bone. Her legs felt weak, and her head was dizzy because she had not had time to eat anything to increase her energy. The girl’s breathing was labored from the exhaustion of running so long ago. Hanna intended to take shelter in a shop that was still open once she got out of this narrow street.

As soon as she got out of the alley that directly faced the highway, Mr. Smith’s men suddenly came and tackled Hanna’s leg, causing her to fall on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, Hanna’s head hit a nearby fire hydrant, and the poor girl’s head was torn off and bleeding. Hana grimaced in pain as the impact made her head spin.

“You won’t be able to run away from our boss anymore,” one of Mr. Smith’s men said with a contemptuous look directed at Hanna. The two men lifted Hanna by the arm and dragged her into the car.

Seeing a slight opening, Hanna forcibly released her hand from the man. Hanna again forced herself to run to the middle of the road without heeding anything else, including the green traffic light.


Like lightning, the incident really happened quickly. Hanna’s body was hit by a truck and thrown 5 meters away from the scene. People who saw the incident at the scene screamed hysterically. The truck driver himself had fled because he didn’t want to be caught and beaten by the mob.

The black road now turned into a sea of blood, and a fishy smell filled the air. The rain was still pouring down, making this accident look very tragic.

Hana felt like her body was being crushed by thousands of tons of iron. Her legs felt numb, and her eyesight blurred as blood continued to flow from her head. In addition, Hanna’s body was also badly injured from rubbing directly against the asphalt.

The people around her began to gather around her weakened body. Some of them immediately called for an ambulance so that Hanna could be taken to the hospital for treatment.

In this helpless state, Hanna had decided to give up on this cruel world. Her tears continued to flow, reflecting her deep pain.

Her feelings were torn apart because she had to experience such a horrible incident. In her little heart, Hanna prayed that she would soon catch up with her mother.

I’m tired of dealing with those loan sharks. I’d rather follow my mother to heaven so that I don’t have to experience this kind of pain and suffering. Mom, wait for me.

With her remaining consciousness, Hanna saw a handsome man trying to get close to her. The aquamarine irises that were as bright as the sky hypnotized Hanna, leaving her transfixed for a moment. Before her vision darkened completely, Hanna could hear a whisper that was finer than the feathers in her ears.

“I’m sorry for being late to save you, dear. Please, just hold on for a moment for my sake, my soulmate,”

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