Betrayed Bonds

Betrayed Bonds

By:  N Chandra  Ongoing
Language: English
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Kiana Hunter has tirelessly served as Alpha Diona's mate and Luna, striving to prove herself to the pack and earn their respect. Despite her excellent leadership skills, her life is shrouded in a complex web of love and betrayal. She has been a contract Luna for only three years. Dion never loved her; he was forced to take Kiana as his mate because his wolf had imprinted on her. For Dion's happiness, Kiana agreed to a three-year marriage contract, secretly nursing the hope that Dion would eventually reciprocate her feelings. Yet, when the three-year mark arrives, Kiana is heartbroken to know that Dion still loved Alessia, his first love. Caught in a web of bitterness and betrayal, Kiana leaves before the completion of the contract. Leaving behind the shattered remnants of her dreams, Kiana will embark on a path of self-discovery and revenge.

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Christine Owings
35 chapters 9/2/24
2024-09-03 09:05:52
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35 chapters 07/6/24
2024-07-06 16:04:00
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it's good but slow updates. we need more chapters
2024-02-02 17:10:18
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Brenda Brian Bishop
No update is a long time. Hope the author is well.
2023-12-27 05:20:59
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Varsha Rani Kukas
if the author cannot finish the book then why start writing one and leave it in incomplete
2024-09-17 17:12:08
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Abandoned book
2024-06-11 08:14:30
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Stacie Fleming
liking the story. I hope the author is able to complete it as it has an interesting story line.
2024-09-03 08:44:41
35 Chapters

The Luna's Dilemma

I am Kiana Hunter, Luna of the Storm Pack. Everyone thinks I am the luckiest woman in the world because I am mated to the future Alpha, Dion Hunter. My position carries dignity, privilege, and respect that anyone would envy. However, it also includes secrets, sacrifices, and an impending deadline that would change everything in my life.The Storm Pack had been thriving for generations, guided by strong alphas and wise Lunas. The Alphas made sure to always mate with their fated mates. There are legends about how the previous alphas searched the entire world to find their destined mates, ensuring a strong bloodline and unity within the pack. That was the tradition—an unbroken bond between two souls, unifying them as partners and guardians of the pack.I was abandoned as a newborn and discovered on the outskirts of the forest by Storm Pack members. They had adopted me as one of their own and raised me as if I had been born among them. I had no recollection of the family who had abandone
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A mistake

The Omegas fussed around us as we sat down at the dinner table, and I couldn't help but steal glances at Dion. I had known him for years, but it never failed to amaze me how handsome he was. His chiselled features and piercing blue eyes seemed to captivate everyone in the room. I sipped some more wine to calm my fluttering heart. During the meal, Dion put down his fork and looked at me earnestly. "Kiana, thank you for managing the pack so well. Your strength and leadership have been a true blessing to us."I blushed, my fingers picking nervously at the edge of her napkin beneath the table. "Thank you, Dion. It's an honour to serve the pack."I had been rehearsing this moment in my mind for months, and now it was here. I picked at my napkin. While I contemplated how to confess, Dion continued drinking. His eyes never left mine."Dion, I think you have had enough," I said. He chuckled softly; his voice laced with amusement."Don't worry about me. I can handle a few more drinks." A
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A Morning of Regrets

Kiana - As the first rays of dawn crept through the curtains, I awoke, my mind still heavy with the events of the previous night. The absence of Dion from the bed next to me sent a jolt of realisation through my body, and I sat up. Last night wasn't supposed to happen; he had called Alessia's name. My heart sank as I replayed the scene in my mind, feeling a deep sense of regret and betrayal. How could I have let myself get caught up in a moment that wasn't meant for me? I got out of bed and dressed up quickly. I had duties to attend to, and I couldn't let my personal feelings interfere with my responsibilities.I was in the library reading stories to the preschool kids. The children hung on to every syllable, their eyes wide with wonder and their smiles stretching from ear to ear. As I watched their innocent faces light up with joy, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of happiness amidst my inner turmoil.A burst of breeze brought a familiar scent of pine and musk. He was here.I cou
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The Prying Questions

It had been two years since we had seen each other."How have you been, Kiana?" Alessia asked, hugging me.Given our complicated history, I had expected a more distant reception. In a daze, I somehow mustered a polite reply: "I've been well, Alessia. Thanks for asking. It's great to see you again."My attention drifted towards Dion. Probably eyes gave away my true feelings as they locked onto Dion, filled with a cold, lingering stare. The unspoken history between Dion and Alessia cast a shadow over my mood. "I missed you so much, Kiana." Alessia beamed. "You look beautiful. Is that gown from Dolce and Gabbana?I gave an empty smile. "Thank you, Alessia; where have you been all this time?" I tried to redirect the conversation away from my appearance."Oh, I was travelling here and there, trying to discover myself." Alessia's response only heightened the tension in the room, as it reminded me of the distance that had grown between Dion and me. He was still quietly staring at Alessia. I
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Alessia walked into my bedroom, which didn't surprise me. I was expecting her visit since I had been avoiding her."Hey, Kiana," Alessia offered a warm greeting. A faint smile graced her lips.I looked at Gilly, who quietly left my bed and closed the door behind her. My eyes locked onto Alessia's. "Alessia," I replied, my voice soft and full of emotion. "It's been too long."Alessia took a seat at the edge of my bed, her eyes scanning the room, which was adorned with bookshelves, paintings, and photographs. "Your room is beautiful; I can tell that your taste is much better than Dion's. Earlier, his room used to be so boring and bland," she chuckled.The implication that she had frequented Dion's bedroom earlier was not lost on me as I narrowed my eyes.Alessia's eyes sparkled with a mixture of fondness and concern. "You know, Kiana, I've missed you a lot in these two years. It's like a part of me was missing."I remained silent, my gaze fixed on Alessia. I knew my friend too well; s
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How could you do this ?

A heavy silence lingered between us as Dion avoided my gaze, his eyes distant and evasive. "Yes, I hope you can understand," he finally murmured.I sneered, with a bitter edge to my tone. "Understand? How can I understand when everything has become a twisted mess?"My voice was quivering with a mix of frustration and hurt. "For over two years, I've worked hard, believing that you would notice me if I just kept trying. Why did everything changes when Alessia came back?"Dion sighed, his shoulders sagging as if under the weight of his own decisions. "Kiana, it's not that simple. I made a promise to Alessia, and I wanted to fulfil it."I couldn't bear to let him finish. Interrupting him, I shook my head in disbelief, feeling a sense of discouragement settle in. "A promise to Alessia? Is that all you care about? What about me?"Dion hesitated. "What has this got to do with you, Kiana?" I don't understand why you are being so unreasonable."I cut him off. "Unreasonable? Dion, I was so stu
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When a part of your heart is gone

Dion _I clutched the divorce agreement in my hand, a heavy weight settling in my chest. The sadness that gripped me was inexplicable. I had never considered divorce, and the reality of it left me bewildered. Why would Kiana, who had confessed her feelings for me, choose to end our marriage?As I sat there, trying to make sense of it all, memories of our passionate moments flooded my mind. She was so beautiful and responsive. My wolf loved her the moment I found out that she was my mate. I resisted the bond, all because of my stupid ego and a promise. My stubbornness had pushed her away. I never considered her feelings. It was natural that she felt insecure when Alessia returned to the pack. I should have asked for her opinion instead of taking my decision. The regret washed over me, intensifying the heaviness in my chest and fuelling the desire to fight for what we once had. "Why, Kiana?" I whispered to the surrounding emptiness, as if the answer lingered in the air. The room felt c
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I left the pack behind, a choice I had never imagined I'd have to make. I couldn't stay with Dion any longer, not after what had transpired. I could get through the physical and mental pain of my miscarriage, thanks to my powerful ability to heal. I was proud of how strong I was because I was now standing on my own, ready to face a future I couldn't quite picture. I had never been on my own. But I knew enough about the humans to survive. I had some money, so I boarded the first bus I saw, heading towards a city I had never been to before.I arrived in the small, quaint town of Springdale. The town, nestled between rolling hills and dotted with charming cottages, seemed frozen in time—a perfect destination for tourists seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Little did they know that I, too, was seeking a fresh start, a chance to redefine myself beyond the shadows of my past.My first goal was simple—to find a job that would allow me to sustain myself. The windows of a
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New home

Kiana - "I am Lucas Randall. Alpha of the whispering shadows pack. Would you like to join my pack?" His voice boomed.I blinked, feeling the night's breeze caress my skin. The risks were high, and Lucas's offer was almost too good to be true. I couldn't take the chance of him finding out who I really was because it could flare up rivalry..I politely turned down Lucas's offer. "Thank you, Alpha Lucas, but I'd rather walk by myself. I don't want a pack."His smirk deepened, amusement glinting in his eyes. "Interesting," he mused, his voice a low rumble that resonated with the authority of an alpha."But every lone wolf, especially one as young and beautiful as yourself, is vulnerable. What is your name, lone wolf?"I paused, my gaze exploring the starry expanse surrounding us. I could not reveal my real name."Anya," I said, my voice firm. "I have always been a rogue wolf since my parents died. They were also rogues like me."Lucas's smile held a knowing edge. "Anya," he repeated, t
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Ties that bind

Dion I awoke as usual; the days passing with an uncanny routine after Kiana's disappearance. I continued with the routines that defined my existence, preserving the picture-perfect Alpha persona.Reports came in, business partners were met, and worried directors were given advice from experts. In the afternoons, I was always on time for meetings, and I was happy with how they turned out, which was up to my high standards. Even the extra worry of border disputes didn't interest me much; I just watched what was going on without feeling like I had to get involved. It all seemed pointless and unimportant.When I returned, Gary, my butler, offered apologies and bowed deeply, sensing the disappointment in my gaze. He had found no leads about Kiana's disappearance. I reiterated my command to find them, uninterested in hearing excuses."But, my Alpha-" he began, but I cut him off, dismissing his failure. "It's simply impossible for anyone to disappear without a single trace."I closed my ey
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