

Evelyn's POV

"Bring her out, the Alpha said we should bring her out!"

"It's been two days, I'm afraid, she's dead because the injuries from the whip were not treated!"

"Who cares, if she's dead, then so be it!"


"No buts, the Alpha asked us to release her!"

Voices drifted into my ears as my eyes fluttered open. I knew not how long I had been asleep and I didn't want to know as I knew it was of no use to me.


I groaned softly as pain raked through my body the moment I tried to get to my stand. It was as if my body had become one with the floor.

"Sir, she's alive!"

A surprised voice drifted into my ears.

"Who cares, bring her out at this moment!"

Another voice sneered.

Hearing the voices, I couldn't help but shudder as I couldn't imagine what the Alpha wanted to do with me this time.

Before I could say anything, the door opened and one of the guards walked in and Yanked me to my feet.

At this moment, it was as if my bones had been broken and then were forcefully rearranged in a short time as pain raked through my body.

I was too weak to say anything so I just allowed the guard to treat me the way he wanted. Dragging me out of the dungeon, I had no other choice but to cover my eyes with my hands to shield the sunlight as it was too bright for me.

"Sir, here she is." The guard's voice drifted into my ears making me remove my hands from my eyes to see who he was talking to.


I froze seeing the figure in my front, it was Alpha Kyle, the last person I had expected to be here. Was he here to make things hard for me again? I just couldn't understand what was going on and could only stare blankly.

"What do you think you are doing?" Alpha Kyle growled as he stared at me.


Immediately, I felt an invisible pressure pressing down on me forcing me to my knees.

Even though he was staring directly at me, I didn't dare to look straight into his eyes. I knew I might be whipped again if I did that. So to prevent such from happening, I had to avoid looking straight into his eyes.

"Go do your job." Alpha Kyle's voice came after a moment of silence.

Immediately, I stood up and bowed to him heading to do my job. I was in charge of keeping the whole pack clean. Looking at the way the pack was at the moment, it seemed like I had been unconscious for a rather long time.

I knew I had a lot of work to do, I couldn't dilly-dally around and immediately started my work. Even though at this time I could hardly move as the pain in my body was immeasurable, I had no other choice but to do what I was asked to.

I knew Alpha Kyle was watching me and would ask the guards to whip me if I did anything to displease him. I didn't know what I had done to him, but it seemed like he enjoyed seeing me suffer.

Just as I was going about with my job, I froze as the aroma of food drifted into my nose. At that moment, my stomach rumbled Loudly and a pang of hunger hit me. It was at that moment I realized I had forgotten the time I had last eaten.

Sometimes I wondered how I survived in the pack. Most of the time, I would feed on wild fruits not caring if they were poisonous or not as no one in the pack would dare to give me food without the order of the Alpha.

At this moment, the thoughts I had some days ago suddenly sprang back to my mind. I had to leave the pack as soon as I could or else the Alpha wasn't going to stop until he ended me.

And truly I was at the end of my rope. I knew I couldn't possibly continue to endure the torture. Thinking about this, the resolution in my heart grew further. I owed the pack nothing so there was no reason for me not to leave.

But then the problem was how was I going to escape? The guards would find me out before I would be able to transverse a meaningful distance.

Much to talk of the Alpha who enjoyed torturing me, he was going to find out before them.I knew I couldn't be careless. I had to plan carefully or else I was going to be caught.

"How's the preparation for the festival?" Alpha Kyle's voice drifted into my ears just as I was thinking about what to do.

"Everything is in place, all that remains is to wait till time." Another voice replied.

Hearing this, my heart began to race as I knew my chance had come. I had to utilize my chance well. Since there was going to be a festival tonight, the security of the pack was going to be rather lax and I could escape if I was careful.

But then would the Alpha allow me to attend the festival? I knew the answer was no. Most probably, I was going to be locked up in the dungeon just like it had happened during the other festivals.

"Guards take her away." Alpha Kyle's voice drifted into my ears and I couldn't help but shiver.

Before I could react, I was taken away and thrown into the dungeon. But then this time, I care less about anything. I was going to escape tonight. I had already decided, I was sure that getting out of the dungeon was going to be a hard thing.

Thinking about this, I sat upright as I began to map out a plan. Over the years, I had known the pack like the back of my hand so I had begun formulating a plan. But then my biggest obstacle was how I was going to get out of the dungeon.

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