Alpha Killian

Alpha Killian

By:  Andrawrites  Completed
Language: English
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In a world of true mates, where happiness abounded for many, it also brought destruction to a few souls. Yifa Osbourne , a fragile rogue omega, unexpectedly discovered her true mate in Killian. Despite the unexpected nature of their connection, she cherished him deeply and her love for him remained unwavering. Killian Greyback, the powerful Alpha King of the West, harbored skepticism toward the notion of true mates due to a curse that plagued him. Even if he were to believe in their existence, he could never accept his true mate, as his heart belonged to another. What would unfold if these two individuals were to cross paths in the most unfavorable circumstances, challenging the very fabric of their destined union? Will Killian's curse prove potent enough to tear them apart entirely? Or will Yifa summon the strength necessary to fight for the love they share?

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Sandra Obianuju
Interesting ............
2023-06-12 22:42:33
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preetika pratap
truly hated the end.
2023-12-10 15:50:20
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San U
Nice one...️
2023-06-12 22:47:17
175 Chapters

Chapter 1

Yifa's POV Under the cover of night, a treacherous assault befell our pack, catching us unaware in the depths of slumber. The killers cunningly exploited our vulnerability during sleep, perceiving it as the best moment to strike. It was evident to me that The Water Moon Pack orchestrated this attack, driven by their deep-seated hatred towards us. Our reputation as possessors of the mightiest and most formidable wolves had long stoked their enmity. Moreover, fortune had smiled upon us, as the lycan King had once stood among our staunch allies. Tragedy befell us as the attack unfolded, mercilessly claiming the lives of every member of my pack, including my beloved parents. Amidst the chaos, my survival was owed to the selfless sacrifice of my parents, who hid me in the protective confines of our basement on that fateful day. After the night of the devastating attack, a scene of unimaginable horror greeted me as I went outside. There, amidst a chilling pool of their own blood, lay
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Chapter 2

Yifa's POV As I cautiously approached the motionless wolves to check their condition, a figure emerged from the surrounding woods. He wore a distinctive blue and yellow uniform, catching my attention. Elena and Anita instinctively backed away, their wariness increasing as they observed five more individuals donning the same attire. However, this time, these newcomers carried weapons. From their uniforms, it was apparent that they hailed from the Western kingdom. "Shift!" the commanding figure in front of me uttered assertively. The leader possessed striking features—an allure emanated from his luscious brown hair and captivating green eyes. He bore resemblance to a majestic tree, exuding an ethereal beauty. Yet, despite his appearance, there was an air of ferocity and strength about him, evident from the abundance of badges adorning his attire, surpassing those worn by his comrades. "Did you not hear him? He explicitly instructed us to shift," the man standing beside him uttered, h
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Chapter 3

Killian's POV Her words echoed in my mind, penetrating my heart as she intertwined her delicate pinky with mine. "Killian, I love you. I will always love you, I promise." I gazed at her, a gentle smile gracing my lips, before tenderly closing my eyes and planting a kiss on her forehead. But as I reopened my eyes, a surge of panic overcame me. Before me stood a grotesque figure, a distortion of the beautiful woman who had been my mate. Her mating mark bled, a painful reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded. "How could you do this to me?" She cried, her voice laced with anguish. "You've torn me apart." Tears welled up in my eyes as I desperately sought her forgiveness. "I'm sorry, my love. I never anticipated such a dreadful outcome. Please find it in your heart to forgive me," I implored, yearning for her to return, to heal the wounds that had been inflicted upon us. But she began to fade away, slipping from my grasp like a wisp of smoke. Yet, even as she dissipated, I couldn't le
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Chapter 4

"Your Highness, your esteemed knight and loyal brother has arrived," he announced. I felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. As they finally returned, a sense of unease settled within me, as if foretelling an impending event for which I was ill-prepared. However, I dismissed it as mere nervousness and fatigue catching up with me, choosing instead to take a deep breath and welcome them inside. Derek and Black appeared unchanged despite their frequent comings and goings over the past two months. Although visibly weary, they seemed to be in good health. "Ah, I hope this time proves to be the one we've been waiting for," my brother grumbled as he collapsed onto the sofa with a resounding thud. Black chuckled and turned his attention to me. "He's always complaining. I never want to endure another mission with him again," he remarked with a wry smile. I nodded sympathetically and let out a sigh. "I understand your frustration. After all, you've acquired no less than twenty white wolves
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Chapter 5

Yifa's POV I followed behind Black as he entered the room, instantly greeted by a captivating aroma that filled the air. It was as if my omega, the essence within me, was purring with delight. My heart raced uncontrollably as we drew closer to the source of the enticing scent. It was then that I knew, deep down, that this person before me was my true mate. The fragrance of pine trees and rain, my favorite scent, was unmistakably present.. According to my mother, true mates possess complementary scents that align with each other's preferred aromas. It was like a natural law of attraction, a magnetic pull that guided us to one another. It was a remarkable way to locate your destined partner amidst countless wolves in the world. Lost in my musings, I was abruptly brought back to reality by Black's command. "Bow your head," he uttered, urging me to lower my gaze. I complied, and as I raised my eyes once more, I was met with a sight that stole my breath away. Standing before me was the m
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Chapter 6

Yifa's POV "You are to obey all my commands," he continued, his words laden with authority. "If anything goes awry, you shall face punishment." Punishment? Would he truly subject his own mate to such treatment? My father had never intentionally harmed my mother.. "Do you understand, rebel?" he inquired. "Rebel, that's what he called me. He requested his partner to become his servant. What is this? Some sort of fetish? "I-I don't understand. Wh--" I started to ask, but he abruptly interrupted me. "I'm not asking; I'm commanding you to do it. You don't have the option to say yes or no." "I give orders, and you obey them," he added, his voice devoid of warmth and emotion. I couldn't resist any longer; his scent permeated my senses. He stood right in front of me, dangerously close. I looked up, and immediately regretted it, for his gaze pierced into me with intensity. Challenging me to defy him. His eyes narrowed as I met his gaze, but fortunately, he didn't demand that I avert
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Chapter 7

Killian's POV The entrance to the hall swung open, and Black strode in, accompanied by a woman whose features remained obscured.. Although I couldn't make out her appearance clearly, I sensed a calming presence within me, as if my inner wolf was settling down and taking a seat in my mind. I found myself perplexed, and even my alpha seemed bewildered. My wolf tilted his head curiously as he sat down. "Your Highness, I have brought the rogue," Black announced, bowing before me. Despite my disdain for the title he used, I understood that he was merely showing respect in front of others. "Lower your head," Black commanded the rogue. To my surprise, the rogue refused to comply, her gaze fixed on nothing in particular. In my opinion, she appeared rather foolish. Before I could utter a word, the rogue suddenly locked eyes with me, an expression of astonishment and wonder reflecting in her gaze. I experienced a surge of pride coursing through my body, fully aware of my good looks. I had
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Chapter 8

Yifa's POV We maneuvered through countless corners, ascending numerous flights of stairs. The grandeur of the palace's interior surpassed its modest exterior. Intricate walls adorned with antiquated depictions of peculiar locales and captivating people surrounded us. My attention was immediately captivated by a particular frame we passed by. It held a picture of Killian's parents, the former King and Queen. Killian himself bore an uncanny resemblance to King Fenrir, while Derek inherited a blend of his parents' features, particularly Queen Ruby's fair, blonde locks. The striking azure hue of their eyes mirrored their father's. Lost in contemplation, I inadvertently halted my steps. Black, ever gentle in his approach, inquired softly so as not to startle me, address his as “His Highness”. I shrugged, unable to articulate my thoughts immediately. "I was merely observing the resemblance between the King and... His Highness," I corrected myself mid-sentence. Although Black exuded a kind d
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Chapter 9

Killian's POV Leaving the room, a mix of accomplishment and nervousness washed over me. The rogue's discovery held the potential to break the curse that had plagued me for so long - something I should be elated about. And, truth be told, I was. But beneath the surface, a sense of unease gnawed at me.. Anxiety, confusion, and apprehension clouded my thoughts. I couldn't predict the outcome of this endeavor. What if it succeeded? What consequences would it bring? The uncertainty weighed heavily on me. Then there was Ginni. I couldn't bear the thought of replacing her or giving her the impression that I would discard her for someone like Amaya. She was and will always be the one I cherish. I vowed to never abandon her, even in death. But what about Amaya? Would she truly be content with a mate who didn't wholeheartedly love her? What if, after being bound together, she met her true soulmate? It was a distressing possibility I tried not to entertain. However, the question lingered: Wh
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Chapter 10

Killian's POV I had awakened from one of the most peaceful slumbers I had experienced in a long while. The night before had been filled with tender moments and passionate encounters, leaving me thoroughly content.. Throughout the night, we had whispered words of love into each other's ears, our bodies intertwined intimately, a dance against the sheets. Waves of pleasure and adoration propelled us, driving us to explore one another again and again.. In the pinnacle of our ecstasy, we had marked each other, as if to seal our destiny of eternal happiness. But little did I realize that not all paths lead to a blissful end. As I gazed at her peacefully slumbering form next to me, a smile crept across my face. However, there was an unsettling tranquility about her sleep. Planting gentle kisses on her forehead, cheeks, and finally her lips, I anticipated a playful response or a flicker of awakening. Yet, no reaction came forth. Considering it a playful prank, I decided to tickle her, hop
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