Alfa Re

Alfa Re

By:  Scarlettangel  Ongoing
Language: English
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The werewolf world is on verge of an upcoming chaos seemingly unaware of. Rogues are trying to infect the upper enchleon of hieracrhy with morphed DNA with support from someone close to the Alfa Re (Alpha King). Betraying the highest command Alfa Re and Kingdom. Let us find out how the Pack Warrior Valentina Black gets tumbled into all this. The budding dark romance between Alfa Re Alexander Casper Gabriel Kahil and Pack Warrior Valentina Ivy Black and how does it effect every one around them? Let us find out the same and dive into a world of conspiracy, planning, rescue, love, hate and the force of nature.

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Ravita Rajput
this book also incomplete
2024-06-04 21:48:37
user avatar
This is really good, interesting story
2021-07-30 17:20:03
user avatar
Interesting blurb, I can tell the story is going to be captivating. Nice work, author ...
2021-07-30 16:31:38
user avatar
This is sweet. I love it Author. Please more. ......
2021-07-30 16:09:29
user avatar
Wonderful read so far.. niceee one author
2021-07-30 15:28:07
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A beautiful story!!!!good job author ...️...️...️
2021-07-30 15:20:46
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Christine Owings
Chapters 21 thru 50 are repetitive chapters. no new content. it is an excellent story that is unfinished. I love the writing of this author. i would have given it 5 stars but due to 30 chapters being repetitive, I can only give it a 2.
2022-06-09 00:17:57
default avatar
I was really enjoying reading the book until I hit chapter 21-50, they are just repeats of chapters 4, 19 & 20. Please delete repeats and finish book
2022-06-23 22:08:45
51 Chapters


The Sangue Lupos (Blood Wolf) Pack is a small pack of around 200 werewolves. Among them is the Pack-warrior Valentina Ivy Black, daughter of Enforcer Jonathan Black and pack wolf Kristin Black.   Valentina stumbles upon some confidential information of a rogue pack who is working on the genetic morphing of the werewolf and temper with DNA to create volatile hybrids.   What happens to her when she stumbles in trap herself while discreetly trying to find out about this rogue pack?   This is a modern spin-tale of the werewolf world.   *   Heirarchy of WereWolf World   Alpha King: Alexander Casper Gabriel Kahil: 265th King, Alfa Re Supremo, most powerful and most superior. Every wolf in world submits to him.   Head Royal Beta: Caine Jasper Quinton, Head Royal Beta is Commander Supremo of 15 Royal Betas Royal Betas: 15
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Neutral TerritoryAs the dawn break out, a beautiful white wolf can be seen running across the forest. Enjoying every semblance provided by the nature.That beautiful wolf was none other than Warrior - Valentina Ivy Black.While running the neutral territory Valentina stumbles upon a camp of rogue wolves.Valentina's POV:I was hiding behind a tree covered by fungi to hid my scent, the fact that I was covered in mud and wind was blowing in opposite direction to camp was in my favour.This rogue camp was very well organised and different from the others I had stumbled upon as being a Pack Warrior.It was well equipped with technological equipments. I was able to spot few infra-red cameras from my hiding spot.At a distance of around 20 feet from me were two rogues whispering keenly.I focused my all concentrate on them. I was intentl
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Royale Pack TerritoryUnited StatesLying in the middle of a dense forest was the most magnicificent palace anyone will have the fortune to lay eye on. The palace is made of pure white marble, which shone an iriscident white in moonlight. The collosal size, the intricate design everything screams perfection and it belongs to none other than THE ALFA RE SUPREMO- ALEXANDER CASPER GABRIEL KAHIL.The King of the Werewolves was not an ordinary man. He is the epitome of grace, power, control and dominance. A force to reckon with. The one which others never dare to cross, the one which others prefer to keep distance from. He is the most powerful of all - born with unsurmountable amount of power- which oozes from his very being. Nobody has seen someone harbouring so much influence over other just with his presence, there is no one who dares to look in his eyes because those eyes were the most magnificent s
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Continued...Valentina Black's OfficePack Training Grounds Sangue Lupos PackValentina's POV:"Daphne and Lily got something?" I asked them."We have pulled out the list of children of all the high profile werewolves in the Royale Pack and its quite long. Anyone of these children can be linked to what's rogues have been planning. We are in haul for a needle in haystack." Lily replied."Don't say that. I am certain we will find something." I consolably told her."Hope so." Muttered Daphne.Till far we have found nothing, we have been brainstorming for past seven hours. I was sitting idly and gazing out from my office when I see my dad walking back home."I will destroy the cause of it." Suddenly Dad's line rang through my mind and I got the solution to our problem at hand."Daphne, do one thing. Do some diggings ar
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Pack's Administrative OfficeRoyale Pack TerritoryUnited States"Royal Gamma's Secretary, Pack Administrative's Office, How may I help you?" Answered Claire Jones."This is Alpha Byron, Sangue Lupos Pack, I would like to speak with Royal Gamma." A gruff, strong voice answered."Royal Gamma is busy. May I take a message?" Claire answered trying to keep frustation out of her voice. With upcoming General Packs Meeting, the number of calls recieved has multiplied by hundreds."No. It is very important to speak with Royal Gamma. I may or may not have some information regarding a probable future breach of the security at General Packs Meeting." Alpha Byron tried to give her an hint that the matter is of highest importance."I will have Royal Gamma on the line in a minute." Claire breathlessly told Alpha and rushed to Royal Gamma's office. She knocked the door and waited for the permission to
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Chapter - 5

Valentina's OfficePack Training GroundsSangue Lupos PackValentina's POV:Not a single clue and only six days left. First and foremost, I need to figure  out the pattern in which the security details of Palace are allotted to the Alphas.There are 54 packs. Now, if I will have to allot the security of a place to 54 people, what can be the most logical and systematic way?"Lily, tell me the most unique mathematics significance of number 54?" I asked her."Let me look it up."  She turned away and started typing on her laptop."Cubic has 54 squares." "Unique, not random. Alfa Re has taste for unique and rare things. So, we need to find out most unique property." "Ok, give me minute and I will give you the list of all the properties of number 54 with all details." I nodded at her and returned to my desk.
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Chapter - 6

Valentina's OfficePack Training GroundsSangue Lupos PackValentina's POV:-Only 2 days left and we need to plan 2 missions with manforce of just 4 people. It is going to be one heck of inflitration to Royale Pack. Now, I thank Alfa Re to have mandatory training procedure for everyone in the pack. I don't know about others but for me it is proving to be a life saver.We are all assembled in my office to discuss the further course of action."Okay Guys, now we know our targets. We need to devise a full-proof strategy to achieve our goals. From, now on we will be working in two different groups. In Group 1- Me & Kayne and Group 2- Lily & Daphne. Any problems with grouping?" I questioned."Yup, Why are you taking Kayne with you and not me?" Daphne objected."Why taking Kayne with me? Three reasons - 1. Morphed DNA will be in Royale Pack 2. Lily will need you 3. If Kayne get c
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Royale Pack TerritoryStatesGeneral Packs Meeting DayValentina's POV:-Today, is the day on which all our hopes are sheltered. It is around 8 o' clock and I am already at the Palace. I has asked Kayne to check each and every food item and I will keep an eye out on the portion of the palace from where rogues will be breaching the security. Even though there are members of Royal Military spread at every corner, there is no way that I am even slight bit assured.By 9 o'clock I need to the child out of the Royale Palace. How am I gonna do that? It is not known even to myself. For, now I have entered the premises. My first step is to access my weapons.For now, I only need my swiss knife, pistol, silencer and extra bullets for emergency. After that, I will work on finding where the hier to throne is?I silently but carefully made my way to kitchen. I flashe
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Royale Pack TerritoryStatesValentina's POV:I sprayed a different perfume from the current. Even if the Beta female does not reveal my identity, my scent can easily give it off. Now, I need to remove all the weapons from kitchen in case someone smells them. The spices and all the food items in kitchen along with some fruity perfumes sprayed on them are a good camouflage but you can never be very sure.I realize that all the food and water present in the Palace can't be wasted. It is almost an impossible feat to achieve. I am going to keep my eye on Damien Cristopher Kahil. I am certain if I keep an eye on him, I will be able to detect the rogues.I silently crept toward the kitchen, delegated the work of Kayne to someone else and retrieved the bucket of fruits with weapons stored in it.Alphas along with their Betas from various packs have started arriving at the Palac
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Royale Pack TerritoryStatesValentina Black was dragged to the hall for the Alfa Re to give his judgement. All were waiting in anticipation for Alfa Re to arrive. Till now, everyone knew of the kidnap of Royale Heir. Every single werewolf present in the hall was ready to tear apart each and every limb of the traitor.Alpha Byron and Beta Keith were shocked to their core because of the disloyalty shown to the kingdom by one of their pack members.Alfa Re is a highly respected Alpha King, the reason being he is ruthless, fierce and someone who does not tolerate traitors. In his reign, the werewolf world is free from the external issues of rogues, wars and poverty. Every Pack is highly maintained through the profit earned by the Kahil Enterprises. One of the most reputed and multi -trillion dollar Empire.Valentina's POV:I might have saved the whole
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