A Slut As A Wife

A Slut As A Wife

By:  Authoress Berry Julie  Completed
Language: English
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Who ever told Ryan that he could make such mistake in his marriage life, Destroying himself..he couldn't hate his mother in law for ruining his life.

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extremely good story
2024-01-09 05:46:49
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Queen Harvey
A book about greed and how it destroys goodness and evil. I pity Faith and the cross she must carry for her family’s transgressions.
2023-01-18 16:04:09
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Faith Carlson
lots of spelling and grammar mistakes but it's a great read. I loved it keep it up
2023-02-14 02:51:58
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Mao Alatasi
It is a very good story..i feel sorry for Dr Ryan n his daughter…if only a mother knows whats best for her and her family..she ruin it all because of her greedy
2023-03-10 11:20:22
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Anne Russell
just started this book so far very good
2022-11-24 22:33:59
24 Chapters

Chapter one - The Wedding

The cool evening breeze caressed gently the trees that boarded the North path leading to the park Added to make that saturday evening an applying one was the sweet twitter of the birds Not only were the trees neither the birds know Dr Ryan as he sauntered down the part to the park enjoying the cool evening weather  Dr Ryan who had not had such opportunity of having such intimacy with girls while he was in the village park envied some of the boys as they strolled past with the girls He observed the girls secretly,he no doubt liked some of them because they were fine looking and naive  But he was put off by the fact that such girls that had the guts to stroll around with boys with such reckless abandon in the village must have been way ward Instead of coming all the way from London to marry such girls he would rather have married any of the classy gir
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Chapter Two- She can't Cook

Dr Ryan took sonia to a court registry in Lagos where they we're wedded as husband and wifeThat was done primarily to enable them get all necessary documents they would need to travel together to LondonTheir church wedding was billed to hold in LondonSonia,Who has not been opportune to be in any city in her life was carried away by the fascinating beauty of LagosShe had heard a great deal about the city but she had not been thereIn London she was absolutely carried away by the magnificent bungalow that was to be her new home~~~~~Six Months LaterThe first two months of their honeymoon was a very blissful experience to the coupleLike all women after she was certified pregnant by the family doctor in the fourth month she began to show her true colors graduallyHer venner of humility and responsibility started to crack"We need house helps in this house,I cannot be doing all this things alone" She complained o
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Chapter 3- Her true colors

 Following the revelation that his wife could not cook , he resorted to coming back from work on time so as teach her how to cook but yet she wasn't ready to learn She's always on her phone ,getting foods burnt  `~~~~~~~The day was fine,cool day as the sky was very bright Dr Ryan was going round the wards with some nurses in a ward round After checking the heartbeat and the temperature of the last patient in the ward, he had an over powering urge to surprise his wife with a dress he had seen in a boutique on his way to work Back in his office, he attended to two to three patient more and rounded up as he handed the rest over to his colleague "Excuse me for a while ! He told his colleague on entering his office Whose name was Dr Anthony but was popularly called Tony "Where are you going this t
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Chapter 4- Blame it on traffic

 Sonia who had heard her husband's voice tip-toad to the bedroom door She strained her eyes through the key hole and was hearing him very well "It has not come to that" Tony said His eyes evasive, trying very hard so that his tone of voice would not give him away  "Maybe she was held up by traffic" He suggested  "Her phone was ringing but with time it stopped, I am sick and tired of this mess" Tony recalled the time her phone was ringing with no stopping when they were on his bed ,with his friend on lime , she had to switch it off  "You do not need to be , I promise to talk to her in a language she will understand whenever I set my eyes on her" "All your efforts so far to make her see reasons are unavailing . Well I'm sorry to continue to bother you with my family problems, Even tho
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Chapter 5- Caught

 Dr Ryan was worried sick throughout that night as regards the safety of his wife that he could not sleep What further provoked his worries was the upsetting truth that her phone was unreachable Besides which he would have continually kept in touch with her in order to know about her conditions If he could not bring her back that night, Though he knew he would have bitten more than he could chew to bring her back that night in spite of all odds, Hr as usual took Care of the kids that night ~~~~~~ As the day broke, he was filled with mixed feeling of anxiety and expectations He was looking forward to seeing her that morning, While preparing the children for school Meanwhile he was also trying her number every now and then Still the line was not going, Not until she was about leaving for work around 8 a.m t
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Chapter 6- Nurse Emily

 "So you are a lesbian? " There was ridicule in his voice         "I never knew I married a lesbain" He was staring fixedly at her as she stood in front of him in utter discomfort       "I am not a lesbain' she replied uneasily She was looking down on the floor in order to avoid meeting his scornful eyes "Then why are you hugging and kissing a felloe woman, if you are not a lesbain?   She was uncomfortablely aware that a relationship with an opposite sex was more admissible than the same sex which was regards as a "taboo" back in Nigerian  Though there in London, it was the in thing but they were not Londoners         "It was not a woman" She replied rather guiltily  Dr Ryan who had been battling to control his anger so as not to
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Chapter 7-Deported

  Emily fora awoke at midnight, just before the alarm on her night table went off   It was not a slow wakening, the do gut stirring that grows in to a stretch     The man on, nearly full, hung high in the sky, accompanied by thousand stars bathing London city below in its silvery light      Emily could not resit the tempting offer the black woman had made to het earlier the day,    The thought had occupied her mind throughout the day even before she fell asleep that night against her will      She had asked herself for thousand times what she had got to lose in framing Dr Ryan up     They we're not from the same race, neither were they from the same continent  So she was of the view that she had nothing to Lose , but a whole lot of gain&nb
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Chapter 8- Guilt

 Having succeeded in her evil plans against her husband, Mrs Ryan was then in control of all her husband had with her mother and her siblings    "Your dad was a loafer and a womanizer of note,That was why he was deported back to Nigeria" Sonia Amiga,as she went back to her maiden name after her divorce ,was telling her children one evening after she had come back from work.     "He was trying to rape one of his subordinates in his office as he had been doing when luck ran out of him"        "Dad has been a good man"Her first son,joshua ,noted,sitting in a couch opposite her,He was about ten years old "I could remember all he used to do for us"    "You are right ,Joshua " The first and only daughter,Faith stated defensively ,she was about eight years then    "Faith"Joshua called his sister to buttress their p
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Chapter 9- She doesn't care

 "Hello my big in-law"she called him ,a complacent smile splitting her face   Her children equally greeted him in unison "Good afternoon sir"    He gawped at them before he could find his voice    "Hello Ella is this your face,Are you living here in Lagos? He asked    Turning to the children he asked;"How are boys? What handsome boys you have? He managed to ask       "Yes we are living in surulere,This is Men and this is Elvis " she introduced her children  Her hand linked with ken's hand who was presumably the elder of the two boys "And you,Are you here in Lagos?"    "Yes,I live at Allen Avenue" "It is interesting to know,jam truly sorry over what happened to you in London"     "It is one of those things
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Chapter 10- Emily's Visit

 It happened that sequel to the unhealthy lifestyle of Sonia's mother "Beauty" in London ,she fell sick which was later diagnosed to be AIDS      She was busy changing me as though she was still a teenage girl, Before they knew it she gave up the ghost  That was when reality of the situation was borne in on Sonia, It was not merely a big shock to her but a big load she did not know how to carry too as a woman       It would cost her a fortune to transport the corpse of her mother all the way from London to Nigeria ,in addition to giving hr a befitting burial ceremony which must have been anticipated by the villagers        As someone who died abroad,and hose daughter was abroad. She contemplated burying her in London to avoid unnecessary stress           Save that she was put off by
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