A Lie, A Scandal And A Wedding

A Lie, A Scandal And A Wedding

Oleh:  Viczees  On going
Bahasa: English
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Maya Banks was a workaholic. She puts her work first before anything else in her life. But she told a lie which cost her, her job and into the arms of the one man she has been longing for but couldn't have? Will she sacrifice her job for him? Liam Powell has always watched the most beautiful girl in his office fascinated. He didn't know who she was but she walked into his life one morning and wasn't making any effort of leaving. Not that he wanted her too!!!.

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Dwedi Barbara Gerring
How long is it going to be to end this story? we have been waiting too long low
2023-08-23 22:13:50
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Beatrice Johnson
interesting start
2021-07-11 01:59:46
34 Bab
1. Maya Banks
Maya Banks strolled into Powell's Homes and Properties, her high heels making a clicking noise on the floor as she stepped into the neatly polished black porcelain tile.   Maya glanced around, a feeling of uneasiness flooded around her, she bit her lips to get herself from the maze of the endless crowd around her. She was lost in this maze and she does not know where to go next!   “Hi! May I help you?” Maya turned to a young lady in her mid-twenties, her chestnut hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her straight lilac gown hugged curves neatly as a polite smile was plastered on her face.   After assessing the lady, Maya noticed the sparkling white marble table in front of her, underneath it, was written a word which Maya has missed in bold letter‘ Receptionist’. Maya smiled,
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2. Liam Powell
Liam knotted his golden tie with haste as he bent to pick up his grey suit jacket. He was getting late for the office as he had a meeting concerning his newly acquired property in a secluded neighborhood.   He took his briefcase and stepped out of his room taking the stairs in two to the sitting room where his driver was waiting for him.   “Williams. Are you going to work?” Liam didn't need to turn to know who was speaking. His grandfather was the only one who refers to him with his full name, every other person knows him as Liam.   “Yes, grandpa. As you can see, I'm running late” Liam answered, turning to smile at his grandfather who was coming down the stairs from the other side of his room with a cup of coffee in his hands.  
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3. My Dream Guy is Liam Powell
“ Gosh! I hate him so much, he's so heartless” Maya announced to her friend who was typing away furiously on her computer. Maya had gone to see Zara as soon as she left the office, with a heavy heart she had immediately complained about her boss to her.   “ It's not his fault, Maya” Zara turned to her with a smile on her face before turning back to her computer. She was trying to create content that will draw traffic to her website.   “ Whose fault is it?” Maya exclaimed glaring at her friend who was taking Liam's side instead of hers.   “ Babe, this is business. And in business, no one wants to lose out. Everyone's eyes are on the big prize which is the profit. So, don't blame him, no one wants to work without making a profit, or do you?”   
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4. His Teary Angel
Liam strolled out of his dressing room, knotting his navy blue striped tie gently as he turned to stare at his expression in the mirror. Today, unlike any other day, he was dressed in a dark beige suit and a white shirt. He wanted to look sexy and ruthless altogether. He walked to pick up his briefcase from the bed just as his cellphone rang. Liam swore under his breath and bent to drop the briefcase before removing the phone from his suit pocket. Liam was surprised to see his lawyer calling, he rushed to accept the call while wondering why his lawyer was calling him very early in the morning. “ Yes, tell me” Liam called into the phone. He picked up his briefcase and walked out of the room with his phone pressed to his ear. “ Yes sir, I had served them the notice just as you've wanted” The lawyer rushed to explai
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5. Mother is Gold
Maya walked out of Powell's Homes and Properties with a dejected shoulder. She was embarrassed to see everyone gossiping about her. Some were even bold enough as to point fingers at her. “ Can you believe her? She's sleeping with the boss but acts like a saint” A woman was saying to her colleagues just as Maya passed through them. Maya turned to look at the woman who wasn't remorseful but instead glare at Maya. Maya averted her gaze and turn to walk out of the building, she was running late to check her mom in the hospital before going house hunting. Seeing that Liam has sacked her, she wasn't sure if he would allow her to stay until a month in his house. Maya flagged down the first taxi she saw and gave the name of the hospital to him before relaxing on the chair, she turned to gaze out of the window sobbing silently as tears cover her eyes. “ Are you okay, Miss” Maya quickly dabbed at her eyes before turning to offer the taxi driver a tiny smile as
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6. The Contract Wedding
Liam sat back down on the chair as soon as Maya walked out of the door. He touched his lips the second time, surprised at how only a kiss could make him feel so disoriented. He only wanted to get back at her for tarnishing his image but he ended up getting affected instead by her soft lips.  Liam straightened on his seat as he tried to adjust his trouser which had given him an erection just by the thought of Maya's lips. Liam came out of his thoughts just as he heard the door, he straightened on his chair and smoothened out his suit before calling, ‘come in’ to the person. Noah strolled into the boss's office with the files his boss had asked for in his hands. He dropped them gently on the table before turning to look at the boss who was watching him with a confused expression on his face" What are these?"
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7. Meeting His Family
Liam pulled into the customary court at exactly eight pm. He was thankful for surviving the suffocating silence which has fallen on them on their way here. He couldn't stop glancing at her time after time to see if she had changed her mind but she was cold and so distant that Liam couldn't help wondering if it was because he refused to give her the money. Liam stepped out of the car and made way to go help Maya with her door but she had beat him to it. He watched her get out of the car and only then could he notice the dress on her, a black mini skirt with a lilac flowery top.   If only he had not gotten jealous over some guy, he would have probably gotten her a dress along the way. Now, he hopes this will be alright just to get the marriage certificate, they can have a proper wedding later. Liam turned
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8. Bad News
Maya ran down the hospital hallway frantically searching for the elevator as her eyes were blinded with tears. She hoped she wasn't too late? She paused as she was about to get in, lost in tears, remembering her mother's smiles. “ Excuse me, ma'am! Are you going to stand here gazing at the elevator or are you going inside?” A voice called out to Maya as she turned swiftly to take in an angry Liam glaring down at her with his hands inside his pockets. Maya noticed that he had changed out of his beige suit, he was now dressed in a navy blue suit with a white pristine white shirt. His neck was bare of a tie. Maya forced her eyes away from him and stepped into the elevator. She refused to let him annoy her. Her mother needs her more. She hopes she's alright... Liam gazed at Maya who stood far away from him, he clench
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9. I Want My Wife Back
Liam paced through his bedroom while his grandfather sat in front of him, looking at him like he had lost his head. “ Can you explain to me William why my daughter-in-law has refused to come back home? And why is she trying to annul a marriage, a few weeks after marriage?” Liam's grandfather questioned him as he tried to calm his nerves. Truth is, he was getting agitated but he was trying badly not to show it yet. Liam paused as he turned to glare at his grandfather. “ I wish I knew the answer to that too, Grandpa. I'm lost here” Liam shouted at his grandfather before turning to stare out of the window trying to organize his thoughts. He was almost going crazy with the thought of Maya on his mind. After her mother's funeral, she had walked into his office the next day and threatened him to annul their marriage el
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10. The Couch Is Better
Maya gazed into her mother’s smiling face with tears streaming down her face, she murmured words to her mother while gazing at the portrait in her hands. It was a picture Maya had forced her to take some years after her father left. “ Mom, I miss you so much. This world seems empty without your warm presence, your never-ending smiles, and even your nagging. I miss them all'' Maya cried as she hugged the portrait to her heart, crying out her sorrow. She was thankful that the Blake's were not at home. She wouldn't want to see the worried look on their faces. A knock on the door pulled Maya from her thoughts as she stood up, wiping her eyes with the hem of her dress she walked to the door wondering if Mrs. Blake had forgotten something at home since it wasn't her closing hours yet. She worked as a cleaner in the hospital where her mother ha
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