Все главы Taming The Mafia King's Little Assassin : Глава 1 - Глава 10
Deep pants and heavy breaths eroded the dark and lonely street, accompanied with that came the incessant footsteps of emergency.It appeared it wasn't just one.A palm laid an unexpected grasp on the dim street lamp, whose light fluctuated eerily, giving off a creepy vibe to the desolate area.A slim silhouette who was struggling hard to clutch onto the grasp of life, panting hard, finding difficulty in catching her breath.With a hand on her chest, and the other, holding strongly to the street lamp's pole.Unfortunately, luck appeared to not be on her side.“Hurry, this way!”The voice of the men chasing behind her echoed fearfully.Making her gasp in shock with dread painted vividly in her wet eyes.Even in the dark, just one look and one would be able to spot the sweat dripping through her face, the fear of an innocent girl in her eyes.Having not much time, Alyssa withdrew her clamp fingers from the pole and began sprinting for her life.Praying to whatever God there is that she sh
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Target spotted!
Alyssa fearfully took steps backwards, her body quivering by the sight of them.“Give up!” he spat, making her tremble with a flinch.Something told her he just loved the fear in her eyes. It fuels his ego.Alyssa's gaze shook, she parted her lips to question in an almost inaudible tone, “Please let me go, w-what do you want from me?” almost choking in tears.Her terrified question was met with a psychopathic laughter rumbling from the leader of the gang. “Well, you can take a wild guess, little lamb,”Already plastered against the smooth wall, Alyssa trembled.Just then, one of the gangsters moved forward and whispered something in the leader's ears.She watched as he immediately got tensed, but skilfully tried to hide it as he dragged his attention back to her.“Look here, little lamb,” he started.“Be nice, and we will be as well; now be a good girl and come with us. We won't hurt you if you cooperate.” the gang leader uttered with a dirty smile latched to his face.Scared beyond
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Only I Can Kick You Out
The roaring sound of the engine greeted the quiet residence of the great Devon estate.The car regally made it's entrance while the gate slowly slid to a close behind.Alyssa's eyes were all over the mighty structure of the magnificent mansion right in front of her eyes.Her gaze sparkled with awe.A chuckle from her mysterious savior got her burrying her face with a blush tainting her cheeks.She was red-handedly caught, admiring the view like she had never seen a mansion this big before. Well, that's the truth, she had never seen a mansion this big before.The Devons were really living the life.The man opened his side of the door and seemed to want to step out, but he paused. Looking at her, he asked, “Little girl, what's your name?”Alyssa did well to mask the grimace her face bore from the way he addressed her.Regardless she blinked, resurfacing that impeccable look in her eyes. “It's Alyssa, sir.”“Alyssa…,” he enunciated slowly, as if testing the name for himself.“Nice name y
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No Doubting His Identity
Dawn finally arrived with an unfamiliar knock on the door.Immediately it echoed through once, Alyssa's eyes shot open in alarm.It's an habit she had grown used to through out her entire life; to always be on guard.Releasing a sigh, she stood from the soft fluffy, pink bed that she was feeling repulsed by, and sauntered towards the door to attend to whoever was at the other end.A loud yawn escaped her lips from the dire fatigue she was suffering from.The whole night, she couldn't get a wink of sleep until six in the morning.Thus, her tiredness today.It turned out to be a maid—the maid who had fixed her last night.“Good morning,” Alyssa hastily greeted first. Her good girl facade in display once more.“Morning, miss,” the helper responded politely.“I've come to see if you need anything?” “Oh, I'm fine, thank you,” a genuine grin spread across her cheeks.“Okay, that's fine.” the maid said. “I'll come back in a while to call you for breakfast,” “Thank you,” Alyssa replied, clo
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The One She Has To Ruin
“I—ah, I'm sorry, please forgive me,” her chaste and docile expression was on automatic once more.Yet in response, all she received was a squinted glare from the man that looked at her like he wanted her body to drop lifeless in the next second.Every second of his cold stare made her insides boil with fear.That look…she could guess it.He's definitely trying to fathom what an unfamiliar face is doing in his mansion.Alyssa was dead baffled if she should immediately start explaining, or wait for him to attack her—yes, attack.Because the look his eyes bore, and the aura he exuded were pure killing intent.“Sir—” unable to sustain it any longer, Alyssa parted her lip to speak, but was rudely interrupted by his shiver invoking voice.“Who are you?” his tone made her shudder with a step back. There's just this power in it.She blinked, gulping down an empty, dry track. “I—” She was definitely going to start speaking, but her words were hooked when she caught on to something.‘Isn't t
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Suicide Mission
Alyssa gulped, not wanting to reveal her thoughts, she blinked and lowered her head to gaze steadily at her clasped fingers.Meanwhile, with the arrival of Zion, a clear frown etched on Nathan's face.His brows bent, and his eyes narrowed subtly.“Zion,” The Mistress of the Devon household called out his name. Her voice held a tinge of worry in it.Ignoring her, Zion majestically strode further. His sharp gaze pierced right into Nathan; whose expression wasn't any calm either.“Who is she?” he asked straight away. His chin tipped to the side where the young girl stood, cowering like a drenched puppy.Of course, Alyssa knew she was the one being referred to. There was no doubting that.Her ears perked up in attention to hear what the youngest son had to reply to that.Astonishingly, a mild chuckle echoed in the massive dinner hall.It belonged to Nathan.One would think he was unfazed to his brother's unnecessary ranting; but the tight scowl on his face told otherwise.“You don't have
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Call Me Master!
“Yes. Your brother is right Nathan, I stand with him on this one.” Clarissa Devon, Old Mistress of the Devon family household, reiterated to Zion's question.A huge frown got latched to Nathan's face; he had a sad look on. “You're always with him on everything, mother!” He grumbled.Mrs Devon appeared to want to pose a reply to his remark, but was quick to hold back her tongue—looking guilty.“Your mother is right, Nathan.” The voice came from no one but the middle aged man.Even the way he speaks exposed his stand in the mansion.‘He's unimportant,’ Alyssa could configure.It wasn't that tough by spotting his eager eyes of attention from the rude brute who they call King of the Mafias.“bringing a total stranger back home isn't right; especially when you know the risk it involves,” His words made sense, but it was obvious that he was discretely hinting at something.With how things were gradually heading south, Alyssa wondered if she had made a mistake.Is this second heir is capable
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Engaged, About To Be Married?
It was a surprise to be a witness to this much that was going on in the household.Alyssa thought.Yet in the underground world, the two brothers who are at each other's neck, are posed as the most compatible devils one could ever think of.Their unity was horrifying, hence it was a surprise to this drama beholding.Perhaps, it's nothing but pure rumor?Alyssa wondered internally.In the heat of the moment, no one had noticed the suspicious frown on her face.Nathan's glare prominently bore right into his brother's.They both seemed to be in tough staring contest.The turmoil in his eyes were evident.He didn't want to give in, and neither did Zion.The unpleasant contest went on for a few more minutes, before Nathan breathed out in resignation.“Fine!” he muttered out. His gaze travelled towards the frightened little lamb in the wolf's deadly clutches.His molded fist hardened tighter, almost producing a cracking sound from his knuckles.Meanwhile Alyssa's keen interest was set on wha
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Night Coffee
Late that night,Alyssa's grip tightened on the tray in her hold.A look of reluctance appeared in her gaze, but in a flash, just as it came, it left the same.Her gaze sauntered to the cup of coffee on the tray before a quick exhale left her lips—She's nervous!Raising her first, she delivered a quiet knock on the protective door. A door she shouldn't be closed to.Yet surprisingly, “Come in,” Her grip on the tray hardened into a squeeze.His tone was rather calm and low, contrary to how it normally sounded when he's in the mood to wreak havoc.Sighing, Alyssa made sure to be in full play, as her expression immediately softened before she struggled to pull the knob and finally get it right—Of course it's part of her facade.Zion was tiredly spiraled on his massive king-size bed, with his left hand shielding his eyes and one of his long legs folded underneath the other.From the moment he heard his maid struggling with the door she usually opens, he knew something was amiss.“—sir,”
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A Successive Plan
Her tongue fearfully ran across her now-dried lips as she processed his command.‘He has a suspicion,’ she thought to herself while she watched his gaze burn the mug.Of course! She had done something to the coffee.How could she not?From the maids, she overheard that the Master had problems sleeping at night—well, it's expected, judging from the amount of blood in his hands.The thought nearly made her roll her eyes.She also found out that he could only sleep when he had this special decaf coffee digested down his system.And it was a strict order from the Old Mistress herself, to have this coffee brought to him every night before bed.She had even assigned him his maid in the mansion, who's in charge of all that gets into his stomach in the mansion.‘How deeply she loved her eldest son.’Alyssa almost clicked her tongue in pity for dear Nathan.“A penny for your thoughts?” He sounded the least interested. “I told you to drink the coffee, or do you want me to shove it down your thr
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