S*X WITH A WEREWOLF의 모든 챕터: 챕터 1 - 챕터 10
51 챕터
1.) I use British English. 2.) There will be both Jamaican and Australian dialects, but don't worry, only for a few chapters and English translations will be in brackets. 3.) Enjoy!*********AUGUST 9TH 2013The sky was tar-black as the gigantic clouds drifted towards them. Midnight was approaching, and the three girls travelling in the blue 1982 Volvo were more than impatient to get to the safety of Katherine's house. Cassandra tried her best to adhere to the speed limit. The wet and slippery road made it easy for her to keep it under 60mph. She wouldn't want to have an accident where she died and left her evil step-monster to inherit all her father's money. Fuck no! She sighed internally. “Hurry the bloody root up, mate,” Cheryl huffed. The dyed blue-haired Aussie beauty hissed at Cassandra. (Hurry the fuck up).“Hey gyal, it look like yuh wah crash and dead up inna dis, yuh try nuh rush me yah man,” Cassandra answered in her native tongue. The born Jamaican beauty snapped right
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ONE YEAR LATER - AUGUST 23RD 2014It was close to 10 pm, and the werewolf king watched as Katherine and her friend Cheryl got ready for their night out to their favourite club. He couldn't stop thinking about the brown-haired beauty ever since he went out for a run late one night a couple of months ago, and his wolf caught her scent. It was the most unique scent a person could have. Sardines and tuna. He managed to stay hidden behind the bushes directly below Katherine's bedroom window, and he listened to the sweet giggles she made while she spoke to her blue-haired friend. His werewolf ears stood like antennas as he eavesdropped on their conversation. It was the last Saturday before the girls' senior year of high school began and Katherine just wanted to let loose and be the awesome gal she was. “I just wanna fuck,” Katherine whined to Cheryl as she buckled her bra. The werewolf growled angrily when he heard what she said. A piece of him wanted to jump through the window and drag
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“Kitty,” Cassie yelled. “Let’s get going.”“Alright, give me a second,” Katherine grumbled as her fingers clutched the window. Something caught her eyes and she squinted, trying to catch a better look. She saw two glowing yellow eyes and, for some reason, she felt drawn to them. Like a magnet, they were pulling her in. She pushed her head out the window and the eyes glowed even brighter. Beautiful, she thought to herself. “Hey, have you seen my midnight black lipstick?” Cheryl interrupted Katherine from her trance. She shifted to speak to her friend. “No, I haven't.”Cheryl searched her drawer some more. “Oh, never mind. I found it.”When Katherine turned her head back to where the glowing eyes were, she realized they were gone. She closed the windows and then headed downstairs with Cheryl, thinking to herself that she might have been imagining things. Katherine's grandpa Kelvin was sitting in the living room watching reruns of Jeopardy. “Oh, Grandpa, you're home,” Katherine beamed
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“Kitty, as in Kitten? I like it,” he whispered, and she smiled. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. She wished to give him every one of her holes if he would have them. She would let him fuck her in every which way he wanted. She never felt that way about anyone but Mitch. Kitty was horny, and she had to stop herself from begging him to fuck her right there in the parking lot. She saw that he seemed uncomfortable. He was smelling the air as his eyes got a bit dark. He swallowed hard, sniffing the air like an animal.The werewolf king followed Katherine and her friends to the bar, masking his scent to avoid being detected by any other werewolves around. But as soon as he spotted Katherine sitting on another wolf's lap, he unmasked it just for a bit as a warning that he was there. The young werewolf detected the smell of the werewolf king, but it was faint and he thought he had imagined it. “What's your name?” Katherine questioned. Her question broke him out of his trance.
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“Cassie, wait!” Cheryl tried to stop Cassandra after their heated argument. Cassandra was furious with Cheryl for the manner she had been treating her lately. “Go suck yuh madda and nuh chat to mi,” Cassandra fumed before she bolted to the back. (Go suck your mother's pussy and don't talk to me).“Fuck!” Cheryl slapped her forehead, then she turned to Marla, who was looking in bewilderment. “Babe, just give me a few minutes. I'm gonna go talk to her.” And then she ran after Cassandra. “But wait! Where are you going?” Marla asked, but Cheryl disappeared before Marla could get an answer. Cheryl hurriedly followed Cassandra into the storage room. Cassandra's back was towards the entrance. Cheryl entered the small space and then closed the door behind her without locking the lock. “Cassie—I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry,” Cheryl whispered. Cassandra didn't say a word, she just sighed heavily. Cheryl grabbed her by her arm and spun her around. “Cassie, the reason I said I have to cut t
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Katherine was searching for her friends after Marla told her they ran off around the back. She heard moaning as she bent the corner to the storage room. “What's that sound?” She asked herself. She grabbed the door handle to the storage room and slowly turned the knob. She peeped inside, and she swallowed her gasps when saw Cheryl eating out Cassandra. She was so shocked, she ran back to the bar. She didn’t have the courage to confront them or let them know she saw them. What would she say anyway? Then it dawned on her. So, that's why they've been acting so strange lately. But then Katherine got a little pissed off at them. Imagine, it was her birthday and her friends were pushing her aside for their own selfish pleasure. She knew she was the least attractive one among their group, plus she was the poorest one too, thus the reason she was gonna be stuck in that shit fest town while her beautiful sexy friends go off to other countries to pursue their degrees and have fantastic sex with
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Katherine shook in fear as adrenaline rushed through her veins. She couldn't determine what to make of the events that had just taken place. Yes, she was a little drunk, but all signs of intoxication left her system when she saw Mitch's eyes. They were black, too black to be normal. Then there was him, that guy, that man who did things to her only by staring at her with those magical green eyes, but then his eyes were red. Fucking red like the devil's. So, she ran into a demon and the devil on the same night. What a fucking way to begin her birthday. Despite that, her slutty pussy was thinking how fun it would be to be sandwiched between those two hell-fire-hot hunks. “You're such a whore!” A voice came booming inside her head.“Excuse me.” Kitty let out. She knew the voice didn't belong to Cassie. “I asked you who the fuck was that?” Cassie yelled as she almost skids her car off the road. She took a deep breath as she quickly got control of her vehicle. “His eyes were fucking black
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Cheryl's family had been teaching her about the vicious beasts since she was old enough to grasp knowledge. She thought the stories were just myths passed down in her family. If it wasn't for that night, she would still be in denial. After her attack, her parents assumed Cheryl would turn into a beast too, but for some reason she didn't, which had the Silverstones thinking that the changing process is even more complicated than they initially thought. “Cassie, Kitty, let's go to bed—it's been a long night. We'll pick up this conversation in the morning,” Cherry tried to steer the girls away from Mitch Brownpaw. “OK, you're right, maybe with some sleep, everything will make sense in the morning,” Cassie yawned. “Anyway, you two have some explaining to do,” Kitty asserted. “Don't think I forgot about your little pussy session back at the club.”“It's not like that. We care for each other,” Cassie answered. “Yeah. We love each other,” Cherry corrected, and Cassie flinched at the word
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Birds squawked in fright as he took off in wolf form, tearing up the dirt as his paws fiercely trampled along the forest floor. His ruby-red fur glistened against the moonlight as the majestic beast tumbled through the woods, hitting branches, kicking up pebbles and any loose debris that was in its wake. The beast slammed its body wilfully against a large tree, snarling proudly when the big part of nature snapped and then plummeted to the grate, forming a dust cloud around its body. He was angry. His howls ripped through the peaceful forest, scaring the little furry animals that lived nearby. Their terrified hearts cried out in fear as they remained in the comfort of their nooks and crannies, hiding from the big bad wolf. The wolf snarled, for it was hungry, but it wasn't hungry for animal blood. He needed to find someone to kill, to ease his distress. “Is the Moon Goddess fucking with me? The bitch must be, because why in the devil's name would she gift a useless, filthy human as o
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It was the early hours of dawn when Katherine found herself in the woods. The silence was deafening as she glanced around frantically while she tried to figure out how she had got there. Her muscles were aching, and her instincts were telling her to run. “Kitty, we need to go.” The voice in her head warned. Her ears picked up the sounds of angry footsteps coming in the distance. Her impulses again screamed at her that danger was on her tail. “Run Kitty! Run!”Kitty held her breath, squinting her eyes and staring into the distance behind her. The first things she saw were its eyes, and they were glowing red. She didn't wait for the man or thing to emerge fully from behind the bushes. She took off running deep into the forest. She didn't know where she was exactly. All she knew was that she was lost, and the forest was dark and cold. Whatever was chasing her was gaining speed, and her intuition told her they were dangerous. With a newfound strength, Kitty ran fa
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