All Chapters of Seventh Deadly Sin (Book Two in My Archangel Soulmate series: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
11 Chapters
Drip…drip…drip…The small lights plastered against the ceiling flickered from time to time, faintly illuminating the once pristine white restroom, flashing glimpses at the utterly gruesome scene laying all over the small-tiled floor.From the stalls to the four identical sinks and all the way towards the entrance, large splashes and pools of dark red littered around, chaotically mixed with brutally severed human limbs, the whole image generally creating a truly grotesque sight to see.Yet...small, labored breaths filled the otherwise completely silent space, indicating the presence of only one living and breathing being.A single one being, placed in the center of the whole macabre painting, like a misplaced piece sitting in the middle of the mangled mass, crouched like a frightened little child facing its worst nightmare.All wide, her vibrant green eyes followed the thick rivers of crimson, watching them stretch from the tips of her trembling slender fingers and fall into the large
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My bare feet padded on the lush green grass, the cool breeze fluttering in my bloody red curls as I ran straight towards the darkened forest at the back of our yard, moving as fast as I could, as far as possible away from the cold-hearted monsters I used to call family...“Daya!”“Daya, please come back!”My mother’s high-pitched voice echoed through the darkness from far behind as I drifted through the dense forest further and further away, not even taking a glimpse back.I couldn’t take it anymore...First, they forbade me to go to school after that unexpected and horrifying incident, and now this...Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes, for the second time remembering her exact words...“...from now on, I also forbid you to go in town...ever again...Why can’t you understand? You are a danger to those little humans!”No! I refuse to be a prisoner in this realm too!I desperately cried at the back of my mind, dashing through the woods like my life depended on it, feeling the hot
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My trembling hand skimmed over the brown old pages, the light provided by the small flashlight shakily dancing over the book, my slightly labored breathing being the only sound reaching my ears as I sat hidden behind the huge chair, hurriedly skipping over the words."...a fallen angel is a wicked or rebellious angel that has been cast out of Heaven...”“For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into Hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until judgment...”...vile creatures......turned into demons...”My lips escaped a small gasp, instantly covering them with my hand, the moment my ears picked up the sounds of footsteps echoing across the corridor, quickly switching off the small flashlight, now hugging the old book tightly to my chest as I sat completely still, afraid of being caught.“What are you doing?”A small, terrified shriek tumbled out my lips, only to instantly calm down, the moment I looked up and noticed my brother staring d
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I laid myself curled into a fetal position on the huge bed, slowly closing my eyes, remembering all those horrible moments...All that blood...Those limbs scattered everywhere...All those people...Loud screams echoed in my ears, my hands roughly gripping the sheets beneath me, keeping my eyes tightly closed, small tears already making their way over my face.I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...I didn’t mean to...I kept mentally repeating, my lips escaping small sobs, burying my face in the soft pillow, feeling that burning pain creeping its way inside my chest once again, those horrifying screams only growing louder...Daya...“Daya.”A familiar, rough male voice called, my eyelids quickly fluttering open and I instantly jerked up, finally noticing my brother sitting on the bed right beside me, his pale features showing genuine concern as he stared down at me.“What happened?” He softly asked, his bright blue orbs roaming all over my face, surely noticing my recent crying activity.“I...”
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Sitting on the old wooden bench in our rooftop garden, I continuously stared at my own fingers, those images replaying themselves over and over again in my head.His hands all over my bare skin, our bodies completely naked, that intense sensation flowing inside me and those weird sounds my lips kept escaping as he kept touching me...Our bodies conjoined...This is so weird...I sighed, feeling so...conflicted...Never in my such long life have I ever felt this foreign sensations...I was so used to feel that same, pure disgust...everytime a man tried to touch me -well, maybe because they were mostly forced...but still...This...this felt so...different...So...intriguing...“Child, what are you doing here?” A familiar, feminine voice suddenly echoed through the glass-built large room, my gaze instantly snapping up, only to notice my mother standing just a few feet away, her body covered with nothing but a white silk robe.I quickly took a glance at the sky, ultimately realizing it wa
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Holding the small novel in one hand, I lazily dragged my bare feet through the soft grass, feeling the warm breeze fluttering through my loose curls, the thin sunrays dancing in between the thick branches lightly caressing my bare shoulders and face as I strode straight towards my favorite, secluded place.Sitting on the same fallen log, I opened the book once again from where I had left off, quickly losing myself in the beautiful romance story.“...her heartbeat quickened, feeling his delicate fingers touch her bare skin, a burning fire erupting within her as his lips finally met hers, holding their passionate battle for dominance, his hard member-”My lips escaped a small gasp, instantly closing the book in my lap, feeling my cheeks practically burn as I struggled to get rid of that sinful mental image, blankly staring somewhere in between the thick sea of trees.A small, almost inaudible movement suddenly reached my ears, instantly drawing my attention and the moment I looked in th
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Days passed by...until they eventually turned into weeks...He never showed up again...Not even once...Of course he wouldn’t. Not after that “interesting” discovery...Maybe it was for the best...since he was nothing but a despicable creature who could only bring pain, like mother always says about fallens.But still...I quietly sighed, shoving the huge leathered book back inside its place, turning around as I was about to leave, only to suddenly stop once I’ve noticed my brother standing just a few steps away, curiously eyeing me.“What are you doing?” He casually asked, keeping a calm, generally bored expression.“Nothing, just...” I absently answered, taking a glance at the huge shelf entirely filled with old books, earning a small nod from him.“I’m going in town to purchase some things I need...Do you want to come with me?” He suddenly asked, that singular question leaving me utterly confused as I definitely knew that I was banned from ever going there again.“Wh...W-what abou
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RaphaelCrossing my arms over my chest, I stood completely still, watching the whole scene unfold right in front of my eyes.From the moment her maddeningly tempting scent hit the human male’s senses, it all came crashing down.Like under a curse, his brown eyes turned a few shades darker, visible tears streaming down her cheeks as he harshly gripped her, quickly turning her around and without even blinking, he slammed her hard against the thickly filled bookshelf.Quiet sobs filled the air, my brows furrowing as I noticed his hands now shamelessly roaming over her jean-clad thighs, her body standing completely still as he continued his violent assault, the sounds of his lips sloppily kissing her neck making me weirdly feel a little bothered. However, I simply ignored that feeling and instead, I continued on watching, curious to see how it would end.And then it happened.From the moment his hands practically ripped her jeans button open and forced the zipper down, sliding inside, her
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Feeling the cool, outside air engulf both our bodies, my lips escaped an audible and terrified shriek, involuntarily clutching onto his bare arms as I watched the ground getting closer and closer, seconds before I suddenly felt us both darting right back up towards the clear, starry sky.The smooth yet powerful flap of his huge black wings reached my ears, a small sigh of relief escaping my lips as we gracefully glided through the air, the tall trees moving beneath us at a relatively fast pace, making me realize that we were currently flying towards an unknown destination. And still, even though I knew I should be absolutely terrified of where he could be taking me and what he could be planning to do to me, the truth was, I was physically and emotionally feeling so drained that I could barely keep my eyelids open, let alone fight him. So, instead of even trying to do all that, I defeatedly relaxed in his embrace, letting him carry me to wherever he had planned to.And not after only a
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Several hours flew by, the time yet seeming so insignificant as I continued to lay in the exact same position, small tears falling at the sides of my head, drowning in an ocean of pure apathy.He never came back, yet I did not care, for his mere presence now seemed so loathe-worthy.Monster...The word played itself over and over again inside my mind, pounding in my skull like a broken record, each time slowly draining the life out of me, making me wish that I could simply cease to exist....She is a walking disaster! A monster, just like him!More tears made their way down my face, feeling my entire body so exhausted and heavy as I numbly climbed off the bed, the white oak floor seeming so cold underneath my feet as I slowly walked through the now darkened room, right towards the balcony.Hopefully this would end my miserable life...I bitterly thought, taking a glance over the metal railing, taking a deep breath as I mentally prepared myself. But before I could make a single move, a
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