All Chapters of Alpha's Breeder/ An Omega's Lament: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
100 Chapters
Chapter 1: Grounded
Jane's POVI crept out of the attic and tiptoed down the creaky stairs, carefully avoiding the spots that I knew would make noise. I held my breath as I passed my aunt and uncle's bedroom, praying they wouldn't hear me sneak by. Once I was outside, I let out a sigh of relief. "We made it, Frey," I whispered to my wolf. She yipped excitedly in my mind."It feels good to be free." I stretched my body, my bones cracking from hours of sitting in the tiny attic since I was grounded at breakfast."Hey, hurry up before it gets crowded." Frey yipped just as another loud horn cut through the late morning sky. I was much closer than the first.I hurried through the woods, following the sound of the warrior's horns announcing their return. My heart pounded with anticipation. I loved watching them train - it was the only way I could learn, being an omega. I was too weak and fragile to ever become a warrior m by myself. So I never missed a chance to watch them train and pick up what tricks and sk
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Chapter 2: Rejection
Jane's POV "What are we going to do?" I whimpered. The room was bare except for a simple bed and wardrobe. No windows or other means of escape exist. Defeated, I curled up on the bed and sobbed. In one cruel stroke, my aunt had ruined my only chance at love and belonging. I cried until I had no more tears left.As the sky outside darkened, the mating ceremony began. My wolf sensed our mate getting further away with each moment that passed. She howled and clawed inside me, desperate to get out and find them."I know, Frey," I whispered sadly. "But we'll find another way, I promise.""You're right, we can't give up!" I would get out of this room if it killed me. I will find my mate!Jumping up, I tore through the room like a whirlwind, overturning everything. The bed, wardrobe, loose floorboards - nothing yielded an escape route. I scratched and banged on the walls and door until my hands bled, screaming for help. But no one came. Collapsing in exhaustion, a glint caught my eye - the
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Chapter 3: Marked
Jane's POVMy breath caught. A breeder? Did that, surely not. But curiosity burned within me. What business could this notorious Alpha have with my uncle?Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself creeping through the dark halls towards the Alpha's private study. Strange, considering I normally went out of my way to avoid my uncle and his temper. But something compelled me forwards until I stood outside the heavy oak doors. Pressed against the wall, I strained to hear the muffled voices inside."...agreed on the terms, I trust?" A deep voice rumbled. It was icy cold yet seemed to vibrate through me, awakening something primal inside. Frey whined eagerly."Yes, yes." That was my uncle David. He sounded...nervous? An unusual tone for our commanding Alpha. "The girl will be yours for the season. But I expect something in return."Girl? Price? My mind raced, not liking where this was headed. Their voices dropped too low to make out any more words. I had to get closer. Hea
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Chapter 4: Sold
Jane's POV I stuffed my meager belongings into a small bag with wooden hands. I had nothing of value except the blue dress I had scrimped and saved for years to buy. The beautiful fabric now seemed like a cruel joke. Too soon, heavy boots sounded downstairs as the Alpha's guards arrived. David called for me to come down. Lifting my chin, I descended the stairs slowly, refusing to show how deeply this hurt. I would not give them the satisfaction.The guards barely glanced at me as they turned to leave. I started to follow numbly."Wait." The sharp command made me freeze. Turning, I saw May glaring at me, hands balled into fists. For a wild moment, I thought she was going to attack me. Instead she growled out, "This is no less than you deserve, you little homewrecker. Trying to seduce my mate..." Venom dripped from her words.I opened my mouth to defend myself out of habit, but then paused. What does it matter now? She would believe what she wanted. So I simply met May's hateful gaze
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Chapter 5: You're mine, now!
His head dipped, lips barely grazing the rapid flutter of my pulse. I couldn't suppress a shiver at the featherlight caress. He smiled against my skin, clearly sensing the effect he had on me.Distantly, I knew I should push him away, cling to some scrap of dignity. But I found myself immobilized, breathing quick and shallow as his hands slid possessively down my sides, rucking up the thin fabric of my nightgown. He would take what he wanted either way. I was powerless to stop him.I was hyper-aware of his firm grip on my waist, his dizzying scent surrounding me. The rest of the world fell away."You're trembling," Damon whispered against my hair. "Are you afraid?""No." My voice was barely breathing.His fingers trailed down my neck in a blazing path. I melted against him, my skin burning everywhere he touched. The rejection, the contract, nothing existed but his icy eyes consuming me.When our lips met, it was like striking a match. Fire roared through my veins as I tasted him, retu
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Chapter 6: Unwanted guest
*Jane* "Ugh, never mind! I shouldn't even be bothered about him." I groaned, lightly hitting my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts.The memories of what transpired before alpha Damien departed still haunted my mind. The closeness between us made my heart momentarily keep beating.Feeling uneasy, I murmured to my wolf companion. "Frey, do you think I'm okay? I feel like my heart's about to leap out of my chest. It's ridiculous.""He's your mate, what else would you expect?" Frey bawl, sounding irritated.Upon hearing her response, I rolled my eyes, fully aware that she considered my question foolish.Despite knowing the answer, I couldn't resist asking, "Are you absolutely certain he's my mate?”Frey affirmed Damien's status as my mate, a truth that resonated deep within me. Yet, despite this inner knowing, I still harbored doubts and felt the need to confirm it. The idea of the notoriously cruel alpha, Damien, whom I had only recently encountered, being my mate seemed almost un
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Chapter 7: Clumsy
I struggled to maintain composure as I exhaled deeply. "What do you mean?" Since she didn't respond, I had no choice but to repeat my question.This time, she offered a response."I meant that you should go back to your room. You must be aware that this isn't where you belong. Your room is at the other side," she retorted, her tone tinged with irritation.Though I heard her words clearly, they didn't address what I truly wanted to understand: the reason behind her impolite demeanor towards me.She didn't tell me what audacity she has a maid to be disrespectful to a guest that has only been here for some days.In an effort to avoid confrontation, I promptly stood up. "I'll be on my way shortly. You can have the space back," I said, attempting to maintain politeness.She tightened her lips, scrutinizing me in silence.With a slight raise of my eyebrows, I inquired, "Is there something on your mind?”I could see she wasn't planning to leave, so I'd to ask her. "I cannot leave," she mutt
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Chapter 8: Misunderstanding
*Jane*I instantly trembled as I turned. The male voice was too authoritative and deep, causing my heart to constrict with fear.Without hesitation, I stepped back and glanced at the elder maid, who appeared equally stunned by the sudden question."Release my hands," I heard her loosen her grip, which had been poised to strike me.She regained her composure and addressed the male. "Butler Zeeb," she called. "I assume you're not interested in knowing what I'm doing?"Butler Zeeb? He's the Alpha's Butler?I was taken aback realizing he was the butler, given that he hadn't been introduced to me. Out of curiosity, I cautiously lifted my eyes and appraised him. Without saying much, I must admit he was a handsome man. Along with his tall, slender frame, he had curly hair. Everything about him seemed appealing, except for his sharp eyes, which glared at the elder maid.I snapped out of my scrutiny when I sensed the tense and stifling atmosphere. 'Gosh, he has sharp eyes for someone who's jus
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Chapter 9: Not your concern
*Damon*With my eyes shut, I sank into the plush seat, allowing myself a moment's reprieve. After resolving the pressing matter that had demanded my attention, I promptly returned to the library."Damn it, what's wrong with me?" I muttered, hands pressing against my face in frustration. Amidst the complexities of pack issues, inexplicably, her image kept intruding into my thoughts.Why on earth can't I have her out of my mind? Damn… so irritating.Before any of this, I've always been having the thought of getting myself a breeder to birth a child for me. Surprisingly, when I got to their pack, I stumbled upon that girl, and I just don't know why, but a sparkle of attraction towards her weighed on me.Right there and then, I made it within me that I'm having her as my breeder.But what's wrong with me now..? I shouldn't be thinking about her. She's just a tool for birthing my child and nothing else. Damn, am I getting crazy or what?Why can't I stop thinking about the closeness between
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Chapter 10: Getting along
*Jane*Seated upon my comfortable bed, I released a long, deep sigh, feeling uncertain about my next move.The fear of touching anything and being reprimanded later on weighed heavily on me. Should I just stay on the bed like this or what? That elder maid or should I call her Mrs Hadassah has made it clear that there are some rules and regulations to abide by in this mansion, so I don't know whether or not I would end up making a mistake that would result in me being punished."Ah," I sighed again, my hands clasped behind me as I sank into the comfortable bedding, my gaze fixed on the ceiling.As I stared upwards, thoughts of my future in this place invaded my mind.Despite my uncertainty about what lies ahead, I couldn't shake the sense of relief that my quarters weren't akin to a dungeon or a servant's chamber.The room assigned to me boasts every luxury and beauty imaginable. It's a considerable comfort, indeed. Hehe…In the midst of my thoughts, a knock on the door startled me,
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