All Chapters of My Forbidden Sin: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
132 Chapters
My Money Or My Night?
“Let alone thinking about fucking touching you, Nina Halzen,” Nina heard him snarling at her. His choice of words for her enraged her. What the fuck he thought of her? And how fucking dared he talked to her like this after everything,? “Glad to know that we have the same thoughts regarding each other,” she spat at him, glaring upward at his burning gaze. The shower water was splashing down on both of their bodies but it did nothing to calm that anger building up inside them for each other. “And about stripping myself naked for a man like you then don't worry about it. My days haven't turned so bad that I would have to remove my clothes for a man almost twice my age, Mr Devil Alfanso,” she seethed out at him. He flared his nostrils, processing the meaning behind her words. Her audacious nature and filthy big mouth were getting under his skin and in the worst possible way because he had never let anyone talk to him like this ever, except for that one specific person whom he had lost 7
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He Hates Himself
Hearing her taking the name of his deceased wife, he completely snapped out of his own control. He lost it entirely because he despised even letting anyone take his wife's name with a wrong intention and here, she dared to insult it by insulting his love for his wife which was his existence. She dared to harm his existence and there was no forgiveness for it for him. Losing his rational senses, he clutched her neck in an extremely violent grip, blocking the passage of her air. “How fucking dared you to take her name from your filthy mouth?” He growled at her, turning his grip more brutal around her neck. Nina's face had started turning red. Tears were vigorously streaming down from her eyes as she could neither say or do anything. Her anxiety kicked in the very second she looked down and saw that blood trailing down from his hand and falling on her dress whereas his brutal hold around her neck turned her panic attack more worse for her to endure. She turned so vulnerable that she w
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Defending Him
“Because Rican hates himself for not being able to save his wife and his child's life 7 years ago,” Riccardo's words froze Nina in every possible way. Her teary eyes slightly widened in shock. She was not aware of this. All this she had been believing that he had lost his wife but that was the incomplete truth. 7 years ago, he had lost his child too.“But Cain never told me about this. He….” Nina didn't even know what to say anymore after hearing about that thing which was capable of wrecking anyone's heart with pain just like her heart was aching now. She could not even imagine the pain he must have felt that time when he had to lose, both his wife and his child.Nina looked away from Riccardo to trail her eyes at Aniya and saw tears glistening in her eyes. Even Riccardo's eyes were engulfed with gloominess and pain. It hurt Nina more and she herself didn't know why their pain was bothering and affecting her so much.Lifting her palm up, Nina placed it over Aniya's face. She got that
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Endurance Or Acceptance
“Do you think I won't notice that you intentionally planned everything to make sure Nina and Rican would get in front of each other here again?” Aniya snapped at her husband because she found out everything her husband had been trying to do in secret. “I had seen you doing something with that pen which you handed Rican and I had even heard you talking to that staff member who dropped that pudding on Nina's dress, Riccardo. I know everything,” Aniya uttered more angrily. She had seen Riccardo doing something to that pen in his study room but she didn't pay much attention to it at that time, believing it was something normal and later when she was returning from the kitchen after helping the staff members, she heard him talking to that staff member about dropping that pudding on Nina's dress intentionally but before she could stop him, it had already turned too late and they all heard that loud noise of glass shattering which came from Rican's room and they all had to run there and fou
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Still A Stranger?
Nina turned a bit startled by seeing that person in front of her out of a sudden. “Mr Alfanso, you here?” Nina asked, staring at Riccardo with her slightly enlarged eyes which made him chuckle, especially after hearing her question and seeing him chuckling, Nina remembered finally that he was the owner of this place and he should be the one asking her that question. She gulped in embarrassment and tried to explain herself. “No actually I….I mean…” “It's okay. Sometimes, I come here for a walk after my dinner,” he said to her, smiling and witnessing his politeness, her embarrassment started fading too. “Are you alright? Should I call Aniya if you need something?” He asked her, trying to respect her comfort and privacy as she might feel uncomfortable in telling him if she needed something. Nina shook her head before answering him. “No, I am completely fine. It's just I couldn't sleep, so I come here to get some fresh air,” Nina told him. He nodded at her in understanding. “I hop
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The Man In The Dark
“You have to wait, Ms. Halzen. Our manager has not arrived yet,” the receptionist of that cafe told Nina, which made her look down at her phone to check the time. “But it's already 6 in the evening and I had my interview with him at 5:30,” Nina said to her. Her interview was scheduled with the head manager of that cafe at 5;30 but she had been waiting for him for more than half an hour now but there was no sign of him or the interview. “I apologise but I have no further information regarding this, so you have to wait for our manager to come,” the receptionist uttered. Nina could do nothing so she just sighed heavily and went back to the sofa where she was sitting before and again started waiting for the manager to come. Customers started leaving one by one as the evening started wearing the cloak of the dark night. After almost three hours of waiting and continuously asking about that manager's arrival, Nina got the response that the manager was not going to come today due to some p
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Afraid Of Being Alone
“You would surely end up dying in my hands one night, Ms. Halzen,” hearing those words getting whispered in her ear by that masked man in her ear, Nina snapped her head in his direction only to find his dark brown eyes peering at her and now her suspicion confirmed who he was….. Rican Alfanso….. Nina was frozen till her core. She couldn't believe her eyes that it was him. That she had just seen him taking someone's life so brutally. His entire face was covered with a black mask, except for his eyes and forehead. Dark and small locks of his jet black hair were falling on his forehead and all of this was enough for her to recognise him but still she tried to prove herself wrong because she didn't want to believe that it was really him. Her hands were trembling in terror but she still gathered her courage and lifted one of her hands. Without taking her watery eyes away from his, Nina extended her quivering hand towards his face to remove his mask but before she could touch his mask, she
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Conversation At Night
“Stay with me please. I am afraid of being alone in the dark,” hearing her words, he gritted his teeth and spun around to face her.“You are not afraid of seeing me kill someone in the dark but you are afraid of being left alone in the dark. Really?” he seethed out at her, snatching his arm back from her hold. What did she think of him? That she would be able to trap him in her fake web of innocence, just like she had trapped his nephew, Cain? He had encountered countless people like her in his life and he knew exactly what they wanted from people like him.“Well, it depends on the situation and person to person,” Nina replied, deepening his scowl.“Wait, let me explain. See I saw you killing someone so I should be afraid of you that you might kill me too but I am not afraid of you because I know you are not going to kill me,” she uttered, confidently which made him arch his eyebrows at her.“And what makes you believe that I am not going to kill you?” he spat back, curious to know he
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Seeing Her Tears
“Where the fuck you were?” hearing Cain shouting, the happiness in Nina's gaze faded. She even shuddered in her place because of the tone he used with her. “And why the fuck you have turned your phone off?” Cain raised his voice even more at her. The poor girl flinched, on the edge of tearing up because he had never talked to her like this ever before. Besides, she despised when someone talked to her rudely, especially her closed ones. It made her feel extremely hurt and bad. “I didn't…” “You didn't do what?” He shut her up while tightening his grip around her arm which made Nina hiss in pain at his aggressiveness. Even her eyes glossed. “I had to leave from here to pick you up but when I reached there, you didn't even try to fucking wait for me? Let alone wait, you didn't even try to call or text me for once to inform me that you are coming here on your own?” he seethed out at her, sounding enraged while not even giving her the chance to explain herself. Rican, who was sitting i
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His Favourite Enemy
‘I need to tell you something really very important….’ he read her text which made him frown. Emptying the entire content of his glass in one gulp, he waited for her to tell him about her important thing as he saw her typing. ‘At least you could try to show some politeness to me here on chat by replying to my messages…’ that was what he got in the name of her important something which made him clench his jaw. This girl had fallen in love with fucking troubling her and he was so going to kill her one day for that. But from where the fuck she got his number?‘Your dad gave me your number as I texted him and told him that you gave me lift today but I forgot to say thanks to you for it, so could he give your number to me and he gladly gave it to me…,’ he read her explanation on how she got his number. Fucking weird creature. Rican was about to block her number as he got done with her and had no intention of reading more of her weird messages which were annoying the life out of him when
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