Все главы Carrying The Billionaire's Child : Глава 1 - Глава 10
MANNYManny has been working as early as 7 in the morning preparing the models for the upcoming fashion show.Looking at the clock, she discovered that it was already late into the afternoon and she hadn't even had breakfast yet. With sweat running down her face and a bunch of pins in her mouth, Manny felt tired. All she wanted was to go back to her office, relax, and have a good lunch. Good thing she was dressing the last model for the day.“Allen Cooper and his father will be coming by the office today to sort out the contract for the marriage and I want you to remember that this marriage benefits the both of us and you must sign the contract. ” her mum said in a serious tone, coming out of the large dressing room.Manny felt irritated and fed up. Her mum has been pestering her about the contract for the last two weeks, why couldn't she just accept that she's not ready to marry? “No Mother, I want to marry someone who loves me for me and not just what he can get out of me.” “I d
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ANDREWAndrew tried getting up from bed but the headache won't let him. Good thing he kept a pack of aspirin and a bottle of water by his side.After taking it, he laid for a bit allowing the drug to take effect a little. He had flashbacks of the party yesterday.He still remembers how the lady he grinded at the club smelt and how her body felt in his hands as she rocked her body against his, especially her bum. Everything fitted so perfectly. His thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. As he picked up his phone, he saw that it was Jason. What could he want early this morning?Jason and Andrew have been friends since they were little although Andrew's father always thought that Jason was a bad influence on Andrew. Eventually the bond grew stronger as Jason started working at the company just like Andrew. “Dude, I've been calling you for the past five minutes. Where are you? The board meeting is about to start and your dad is furious.““Don’t tell me you still went to that party
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MANNY Avery hated Manny on the spot. She made up her mind to keep the fashion house now that it had fallen in her hands on a platter of gold. After all, her dear cousin might never find someone to marry her. Manny tried to avoid Avery all through the night till the morning. She couldn't bear being with someone who was taking something that was hers. Meanwhile, her mother seemed to be avoiding her. She was either busy designing or staying in her office doing who knows what all day. Manny had so many questions. She felt mistreated, how could her mother give something that's rightfully hers to an outsider– although Avery was a long-distance cousin? As Manny was in her office stuffing her face with food, Avery walked in like she owned the place. “See Manny this is why no one will ever want you. Look at all these junk food” Avery said, her face contorted with disgust. “What do you want Avery? Aren't you supposed to be overseeing the models?” A twain of a frown appeared on Ave
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MANNY Early the next morning, Josie was parked outside of the house waiting for Manny. Manny had also woken up a bit too early preparing every document she thought would be of use to the doctor. The door opened ajar and standing there was Avery looking mad. “You think just because your mum wants you to have a baby you'll be able to take over this fashion house?” “I'll just be taking back what was rightfully mine. My mother just brought you here to help out or did you really think she'll hand over the business to you? Someone, she barely knows?” Manny returned mockingly. Manny chuckled lightly and went down to meet Josie as the look on Avery's face gave her some satisfaction. “Where have you been? Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting?” Josie screamed, stomping her foot furiously as she leaned on her car. “You will be lucky if you get there in time for your appointment.” “Sorry, I had a little problem that needed sorting.” “You always have something that ne
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ANDREWAfter seeing Kate's call, he couldn't bring himself to answer it. He hated how she made him feel vulnerable.As he drove home he thought of all the possible reasons that she would call. Maybe there was a chance that she was coming back.Getting home, he noticed a tiny figure waiting for him by the door. As he got closer, he saw his mother's large brown eyes staring at him.Overcome with so many emotions, his mother leaned into him crying. There were so many unsaid words at that moment.“It’s alright mum, everything will be fine." Andrew said, holding his mother tightly.He wished there was a way to ease the pain that she felt. He might have to stumble to the wish of his after. They stayed that way a little longer until she was tired of crying.Leading her by the hand, Andrew carried her to her room. “Andrew, come in here.” Mr Allen called from his study across the hallway.Andrew stiffened as he heard his father call out to him. He hoped it was not another one of his father's
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ANDREWAndrew was relieved that everything was okay with CeCe medically. He didn't think he would be able to find someone else in a short period.Immediately after he reached the office, Andrew called CeCe informing her to be at his office as early as 10 am.They couldn't afford to be late for the appointment.That day, Andrew rapidly did all the necessary office work and asked that all his calls should go to his voicemail, even his father's.By 9:30 CeCe was already waiting in the lobby as Andrew came down with Jason and a few minutes later, they hit the road.The ride was silent and comfortable till Andrew threw a question at CeCe.“Why do you need the money so badly CeCe? From what I see, you look like you're well off.” Andrew said as he looked at her through the middle mirror waiting for her reply.CeCe balled her hands into fists with her nails digging right into her skin as anxiety took over.“I…I need the money for my sick mother.” she whimpered as tears threatened to come out.
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ANDREWDoctor Harry didn't say much on the phone and so the next day, Andrew woke up as early as he could and went straight to the hospital. Andrew couldn't sleep throughout the night. All he kept thinking of was how the doctor in charge had done a terrible job and now he had to pay someone who might not even be carrying his child.Just thinking about it angered him.He then picked up Cece halfway through the drive explaining everything to her.“There was a mistake!" Cece shrieked, looking terrified. "So I might not be carrying your child? But you'll still pay me right?" Cece asked as she subconsciously placed a hand on her belly.A part of her really wanted to carry a child. She wanted to know how it feels since she doesn't plan on marrying.Andrew glanced at her briefly and turned his gaze back to the road. Was money the only thing she was after? She might not get pregnant because of a mistake and her only problem was whether she was still getting paid?“Yes I'll still pay you, you
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MANNYThe next day after the incident at the hospital, Manny couldn't think straight, she couldn't even do her work properly.It was clear that the situation was bothering her.Whereas her mother on the other hand didn't even seem concerned.When she had explained to her mother everything the doctor said, Kari took it like it was nothing.“Carrying Andrew Cooper's child is way better Manny." That was what her mum said to her.Sometimes she thought it must have been a setup. Her mum was really angry when she tore up the contract that she and Andrew needed to sign.“I'm sure she planned it out with the Coopers." Manny murmured, getting her affairs in order.She paused immediately remembering how she had fainted and woke up in Andrew's strong arms.The image of his sharp hazel-green eyes staring down at her flashed across her mind.Manny shook her head as if deleting the thought she just had.She was supposed to hate him. No doubt Andrew would use any means possible to get the baby if she
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MANNY“How? When? why now?” Avery asked dozens of questions all at the same time.She was confused.Why would Manny want a child now? and her mother approved of it?Unless… Avery thought.Kari had already decided to give her daughter the fashion house. A frown appeared on her confused face. “How is it even possible? You don't even have a boyfriend. No one agrees to date because of your appearance and you can't even get up from the chair without causing the table to shake." Avery pointed out angrily.She ran all the errands and now Manny was going to take her spot in the company? No way.Not wanting to hear the details, Avery quickly left Manny's office finding her way home.Manny clenched the side of her desk to suppress her emotions.So what if she caused things to topple over when she stood up? Couldn't she still have a family? A child?Manny tried several things to make her lose weight—dieting, exercising, detox—but nothing seemed to work for her.So she gave up and instead ate mo
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Manny was speechless, as she turned to a squealing Josie. She beamed with joy.A week ago she didn't want the child and now here she was overjoyed that she was finally pregnant.She thanked the doctor, then she and Josie exited the office and left the hospital.All through the drive, Manny's hand never left her tummy, finding it hard to believe that she was pregnant.In a few hours, they reached Manny's house. “I will never get over the size of your house.” Josie said, her eyes roaming over the huge house.As they entered the house, Kari, Avery, and Andrew came into view. They were all waiting for Manny.Apparently, Andrew somehow knew that Manny had gone for a pregnancy test. He informed Kari who suggested that they wait for her and the result."Mum?” Manny called out, looking around suspiciously. "Did something happen?”"When were you going to tell us that you were pregnant?” Her mum asked, ignoring her question.Manny was taken aback by the question. Nobody knew that apart from Jos
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