All Chapters of Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife : Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
410 Chapters
371. Inseparable
…At The GK Group.Lucas sat across from his office desk, gripping the chair's armrest to suppress his rage. “I shouldn't have allowed you to take her away.”“Stop blaming me, Buddy…” Killian played with the Rubik's cube in his hands, relaxing back on his chair. “Sooner or later, the Olsens Family would come looking for her.”Heidi had been eager to leave…Lucas stood up and faced the wide window, staring at the vast city below. She'd always reminded him that she never wanted to stay. She couldn't wait for an opportunity to go back to her family.“It's easy to escape…”“But she doesn't want to…” Killian said. “She's hellbent on pleasing her grandfather.”She even stopped him from coming, never considering his feelings.How heartless could she get? Hadn't she realized how desperate he was?“I feel you, Buddy.” Killian came to his side. “I hope you honor her request, though. Her grandfather is ill. He doesn't want to see you.”Lucas balled his fists. “I hope there's a way…”“A way for
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372. Betting Time
At GreyHills City.The airport buzzed with the engine sounds of the airplanes. Under the dark sky, their blinking lights illuminated the vast area. Heidi got down from the private jet and a gush of wind struck her. The air in the city was especially cold, making her shudder slightly.Beside her, Isla held both their handbags, squinting her eyes and looking around. “It's too windy here, Ms. Olsen. How are we gonna get to our location when we haven't booked any cab yet?”Heidi took shelter under a terminal. “Let's wait for a few more minutes.Isla sat beside her, letting out a sigh. “Are you sure Mr. Harrison is gonna come?”Heidi wondered why Lucas's jet hadn't landed yet. It must be due to the bad weather. “He said he'll come,” she replied.“What are we gonna do about the bodyguards?” Isla added, referring to the bodyguards who were helping to unload their luggage.Heidi hadn't thought much about them.How was she going to ditch the bodyguards?“It's not too late to book a room i
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373. Taking A Risk
Heidi entered after a bit of hesitation. “Won't you come with us?” She said to Isla who remained in the same spot.Her eyes darting to Killian, Isla shook her head. “Uhm, I'll stay in the hotel, Ms. Olsen. Who's gonna make excuses for you when you're not around?”Heidi nodded in realization. “Well, take care, Isla.”While Lucas's driver drove the car away, Killian let out a loud curse. “Why's your assistant suddenly so cold, Heidi?”“Maybe you should ask her,” Heidi replied in a light voice, cuddling in Lucas's embrace, longing for warmth. Killian grumbled some words under his breath. “You know what? Stop the car. I think I'll also take the hotel.”So the driver stopped and he left.Wondering what the man was up to and worried for her assistant, Heidi turned to Lucas. “I don't like that idea. Stop him.”“I believe the bodyguards won't prevent him from entering since he's also a member of your household.”Lucas had completely misunderstood her request.She wasn't worried about the bo
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374. Attending To Her Like A Servant
Lucas, who had also noticed Zach standing outside Kate's Villa, squinted his eyes. “What's he doing here?”“It's a long story…” Heidi replied, sighing helplessly.Due to this incident and the crazy thing Zach had done, she didn't know how to face Kate. “Maybe we should stop by…”“And invite Zach Olsen to our home?” Lucas said. “Not a good idea.”“Why?” Heidi asked. “He's gonna spend the night outside here.”“The fact that the security doesn't mind him means he'll be safe.”Zach must have bribed the security men for them to ignore him.“He's disturbing the whole neighborhood.”“Our Villa's walls are soundproof.” Lucas brought out his phone and busied himself with whatever intrigued him inside the device.Heidi rolled her eyes. She glanced out of the window, staring at Zach's figure which was now only a speck in the distance.Lucas might have his own reasons, but maybe it wasn't a good idea. Zach never saw eye to eye with Lucas. How sure was she that he wasn't going to blow the whistl
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375. His Gentle Touch
Placing both palms on his chest, Heidi wanted to refute his words when he leaned in and kissed her long and hard.Every thought flew from her mind, leaving in its wake the sheer pleasure of having his tongue explore her mouth. He slid his hand behind her back, his fingers tracing up her dress to unzip the fabric. Heidi yelped as the warm air in the room flushed over her skin.Shifting away, Lucas pulled the dress off her body, his gaze falling on the roundness of her stomach.His eyes swirling with emotions, he whispered, “Beautiful…” his whispers, a gentle caress to her heart.Heidi's toes curled up, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment as his unwavering gaze traveled down her body. Not knowing where to hide her face, she closed her eyes, feeling his hands removing the rest of the clothing on her.Now left only in her underwear, she kept her eyes shut and fisted the bedsheets as he placed soft kisses down her neck.Her breathing hitched when his fingers curled around the hook of
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376. An Intimate Expression of His Love
Hearing the sound of the doorbell ringing, Heidi didn't think twice before scurrying out of the bedroom not caring who it might be or what they might be up to…She just wanted to escape this embarrassment.The sound came from downstairs. By the time she reached the door, Heidi was already panting. “Here's a delivery for Mr. Harrison,” said the guy standing outside. He handed a box to her casually and even asked her to put her signature.Wondering what was inside the huge box, Heidi returned to the living room. She sat on the couch and tapped on the box. It was shallow inside. It wasn't heavy either.Contemplating if she should look inside the box or not, a delightful aroma interrupted Heidi's thoughts. Huh?Was there someone else in the house?Standing up, her feet took her to the dining area. She found food perfectly set on the table.“Mrs. Harrison, you have come down.” A middle-aged man appeared, wearing a Chef's uniform.While he introduced himself, Heidi's eyes were fixed on
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377. Brace The Storm Together
The night dress was more transparent than it was comfortable.Heidi sat on the edge of the bed, knowing she was supposed to be sleeping- at least, she was supposed to be pretending to be sleeping,But then,Who was she kidding? She sighed, her fingers trembling a bit as they fumbled with the lacey outline of the golden dress. Her heart skipped when the bathroom door opened. Looking up, her eyes met with his hazy ones. As if intoxicated, he took her in, his deep gaze awakening the weird sensations again. Lucas stumbled forward and planted both palms beside her on the bed, leaning in until their breaths mixed.He gave her a lopsided smile, eyes darting to the exposed flesh on her chest. “Heidi, what are you afraid of?”In the most sensual tone, his deep voice floated into her ears, resonating within her core. That was right. What was she afraid of?Deciding to come with him was enough reason that she was willing to take any risk. Swallowing for the umpteenth time, Heidi shuffled b
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378. Having A Bad Premonition
Lucas dealing with Steve Anderson… well, Heidi couldn't wait to witness the drama unfold in the courtroom.Despite wishing she was there, it was safer to remain hidden from the public's eyes for now especially now that she was in this stage of her pregnancy.Heidi knew better not to risk the life of her baby. Shuffling down from the bed, she hurriedly got ready for the day.Downstairs, the Chef had already made breakfast. One of her favorite foods once again. Seeing the plates of food on the dining table untouched, she wondered if Lucas even ate breakfast before leaving. “Mrs. Harrison, is there something else that you need?” The Chef lingered, his face holding a radiant smile.Heidi smiled. “This will be enough, Chef Sam,” she replied. “By the way, when did Lucas leave?”As if reading her mind, the Chef asked, “Are you worried Mr. Harrison didn't eat his breakfast?”“Uhm…” Heidi twirled the tablecloth around her fingers. “Did he?”The Chef shook his head. “I urged him to, but he
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379. Welcome To Her Doom
Two minutes later, the maid hurried downstairs with a thick shawl in her hand. She helped Heidi wrap it over her shoulders. They left the Villa together and Heidi felt the girl's peering eyes on her. She initially chose to ignore it until the maid's gaze on her was getting disturbing. “Is there something on my face?” Heidi chuckled. The maid snapped back to her senses. “I'm so sorry, Mrs. Harrison… I was thinking… How did Mr. Harrison find such a beautiful wife?”Heidi wrapped both arms around herself. The veil wasn't enough to prevent the cold from seeping into her body. “Do you live in this city? Mr. Harrison originates from Phoenix City and his whole family is there. Phoenix City is much more civilized than GreyHills, but he kept you in this Villa instead. Uhm, may I ask?” She lowered her voice. “Are you perhaps his…”Trailing off, the maid gave her a knowing look. As she spoke, Heidi's gentle smile gradually transformed into a subtle frown. She gave her a proper look. “What
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380. All Villains
Kate stood by the wall, her hair messed up, her skin looking deadly pale as if she'd not stepped into the sun for a long time.On her lips was a sinister smile, her eyes holding a promise of vengeance.“Kate, Oh my God-”“Oh, please save it!” Kate strolled forward, maintaining that creepy smile on her face, her hands folded across her chest. “I shouldn't have underestimated any member of the Olsens Household, especially you, Heidi.”Heidi sighed. “Kate, I can explain-”“Steve is in the courtroom about to receive a life sentence and all he did wrong was expressing his love for you. What's the point in explaining?” Kate murmured, her expression hard. “I'm quite surprised that you dared to come here.”“Oh, but you're mistaken, Kate.” Heidi tried to hold her hand. Kate shifted away. “Do you really believe Steve loves me? Haven't you heard of his bad deeds?”“They are nothing but a lie,” Kate's voice cracked. “I don't believe Steve will ever do that! You are framing him, Heidi, all because
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