Lahat ng Kabanata ng Bonded: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
82 Kabanata
Chapter 21 - A Love Song
 Skye was painfully aware of the pairs of eyes on them and he only reluctantly agreed.He was just starting to fit in, he didn’t want to cause a scene or embarrass himself with his clumsy steps.It seemed that now his alpha has decided, Linus mate was determined to teach him how to dance. His mate slowed down Trace’s tempo even more before he was happy as he led Skye to a small clearing just beyond the campfire.The night was creeping in on them and most of the light came from the fire now, casting the shadows of the band on them where they stopped.The alpha positioned himself in front of him and showed him the step in whatever dance he had chosen for them.Skye stared at his feet but still stumbled each time they tried to put the steps together and Caige’s occasional teasing didn’t help matters, even with Brite shushing him.“And now you just need to follow my le
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Chapter 22 - Not A God
  Linus nearly balked when he was assigning tasks to each of the band members to complete during their brief stop over in the small farming community of Brinegrasp. He hadn’t been able to banish the images of a glowing, pregnant Skye for days now after seeing him with children at Athelney and even now, they surfaced unbidden in his mind. The last thing he wanted was to invite his mind to conjure up even more images by accompanying the omega, but he was his mate, so the task fell to him. The very fact that thought didn’t alarm him as much as it did the first time was, in itself, alarming. Thankfully, so far, the only ones who had visited their makeshift clinic on the village Millvalley were all beyond their teenage years. They were a cautious lot here, mostly untrusting of strangers, and Linus didn’t blame them. Brinegrasp was technically counted in the
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Chapter 23 - A Hopeless Case
 “That’s not good enough!” the woman stepped forward; hand outstretched as though to grab the omega but Linus stepped in front of his mate with a low growl of warning.Distress rolled off Skye in waves and it had his jaw clenching with the need to soothe him.He half turned to give the sheepskin to Skye before facing the woman again, stance set, ready to do whatever was necessary.“Kashiko,” the mayor stepped forward, trying to placate the woman. “Calm down, there’s no need to yell.”She slapped the mayor’s hand away and stood toe to toe with Linus, red faced and screaming as she poked his chest. “Move! I want him to cure my girl!”“He said he can’t do it, so fuck off,” Linus snarled back, hand inching towards the sword at his hip.“He’s lying! Filthy omega- ” she was cut off abruptly as s
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Chapter 24 - Foolishness
 Linus stretched having just awoken.The sounds of quiet activity greeted his ears as the early risers set about organizing breakfast. The distinct sound of Urkane snoring quietly off to the left and the faint light tickling his eyelids suggested it was still too early to be up just yet.He stretched again, working out more of his muscles but stopped at a sleepy protest beside him.Glancing down showed Skye curled up on the sheepskin, eyes closed with a frown on his face as he tried to move back into his place against Linus’s chest.The alpha smiled at the image, feeling oddly warm at the unconscious desire to be close to him that his mate showed.They had curled up together early the evening prior, Linus deciding that maybe the comfort of the soft wool under his cheek wasn’t such a bad thing. Skye had certainly seemed to find comfort in it, which was exactly what the devastated omega needed af
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Chapter 25 - Consequences
 Carefully sliding his mate from his lap, Linus took one of Dyllen’s legs with Urkane taking the other.Brite and the bulky beta Yash took an arm each as Dyllen thrashed, trying to get free.There was some strength in the movements, but it felt oddly lacking and the alpha was easy enough to hold down.Skye pulled the alpha’s pants down and Linus could almost hear the dirty joke die in Caige’s throat as an oozing bandage was revealed.Skye cursed again as he held his hand over it, the silver glow showing his healing Diyari being activated.“It’s festering. I need a small sharp knife sterilized by fire, clean water, and the medical kit.”Caige and Lejend leapt to gather the required items as Skye slowly pulled away the haphazard bandage.Dyllen groaned in pain and the smell of disease and rot hit all
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Chapter 26 - Easing Up
 Skye frowned down at his charge as he reached out with his healing to assess how the wound was doing.The few hours he had rested brought little change to the alpha, other than a heightened fever, but that wasn’t unusual.The body could take a long time on its own and Dyllen was still too weak to heal again.Brite had kept a cold compress across Dyllen’s forehead and a sharp eye on his features, looking for any of the tell-tale signs that he was deteriorating, but so far, he had remained stable. That was a plus, at least.The biggest problem now was that all they could do was wait.In the past, when he was training in Aldea, he would have other patients or some task that needed his attention to occupy his time. Now though, they were all stuck until Dyllen was well enough to be moved and that would be at least another day or two.No one seemed to mind, other than Caige who keeps mak
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Chapter 27 - On Alert
 The river was within sight of their camp but they were heading downstream to where it apparently opened up into a small pool that’s good for swimming.Rocket had found it the day before when he was out hunting with Caige. Terni and Linus were already stripping out of their clothing and they looked up at his approach.Terni slipped into the small inlet off the main river with a contented sigh while Linus waited for him to get closer.“Brite got sick of me hovering and shooed me off to come for a swim too,” he explained, feeling a little awkward suddenly.He felt almost like he was intruding somehow, but Linus gave him an easy smile before turning to wade into the water.“The water’s nice here, if a little on the cool side. A swim should take your mind off of things.”After a moment of dithering on the shore, Skye shucked off his clothes and gingerly dipped a
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Chapter 28 - The Revival
 Dyllen’s fever broke that night.It had gotten worse during the afternoon, to the point that Skye was truly fearing for the alpha, but thankfully, he pulled through. For the first time since that morning, he slept peacefully, undisturbed by lucid dreams.He had healed the wound further as well, so it looked like Dyllen might finally be in the clear. Of course, they couldn’t be fully certain until the wound healed all the way but the omega was feeling confident now.Only once he had told the rest of the band, watching them visibly relax bit by bit, did he realize just how tense they had been under the façade of normality. He had been too stressed himself to notice.The omega was changing the bandage on the alpha’s thigh, gently pressing in a healing compress to help his body along while keeping the wound infection free, when a gravelly voice interrupted him.“Fuck that hurts,&rdqu
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Chapter 29 - The Aftermath
 The next morning, Skye was able to heal Dyllen’s wound enough that they could begin to travel again.It still wasn’t fully closed and could be easily re-opened if he wasn’t careful enough, but the alpha had been quick to promise his cooperation.Whether because he wanted to avoid Skye’s stinging herbs or the look the other three alphas gave him when he hesitated, he wasn’t sure. It was enough that the alpha was keeping his word.The band had set out on the beaten dirt road, passing a few travelers on foot, and Skye found himself riding beside his mate with Dyllen on the other side of Linus.The air around the band had been relaxed and joking and Skye learnt that they weren’t far from their destination.Pearlcross was a large coastal trading town on the border of the kingdom known for exotic goods from across the seas. It was a prosperous town for merchants loo
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Chapter 30 - Unwell
 Linus didn’t reply, only gave Dyllen a look that told him he thought he was being stupid.It would take a lot more than him scolding him for being an idiot to get through that thick skull, especially after what had happened to him in the past.Dyllen had to nearly die to even begin to accept Skye, what would it take to get him to believe he was worth more than dirt?Although Skye’s sudden anger and backbone towards Dyllen would go a long way to earning his respect.Companionable silence fell over them and Linus took a moment to enjoy the soft breeze ruffling through his hair. The easy banter of the band, the laughter and jokes made a nice backdrop for their travels.While it was possible to have a private conversation on the road, it was rare that anyone chose to and as such, someone was always butting in. It made their travels far more interesting and fun though, a far cry from his time as a
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