All Chapters of Beta's Twin Mates: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
80 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Gunnar
HOLY SHIT! Henrik and I have had some threesomes in the past, but it was never like this. There was one woman who wanted to attempt this formation. It all came to a halt when she realized around the time Henrik got the tip in her ass that she couldn’t handle the two of us in that close proximity. Zoe is the only woman that’s been able to handle it. I will admit it was weird because there was just a layer of tissue that separated us, so I felt every movement of Henrik’s dick. So fucking weird. And to set anyone with twisted minds straight, this isn’t Game of Thrones or some fucked up twincest gay or bisexual porn. That did not turn me on. Zoe turned me on and how her ass clenched around my dick with each thrust and then how intense that was when she came. I didn’t know why I did what I did. Okay, that’s a total lie. I knew exactly why I marked Zoe. I did what is natural for a werewolf to do. The natural order of things after finding your true mate is the mating process. Which we all k
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Chapter 32 - Zoe
If I had come from any other family, I’d have freaked out when I marked Henrik and felt flames in my veins. By all other accounts, the marking part of mating should be intense, but it never is described to feel like your blood has been replaced with white-hot flames. But I’m not from just any family. I am a member of the Petridis line. Our mark is a phoenix for a reason. Our family is known for being born in the flames. Just as I know my parents’ love story, I know the story of their marking. I know they were engulfed in flames when they completed their bond. The fire didn’t harm them, but the room was totaled. There is still a faint smokey smell in that room, even all these years later. I never thought something like this would happen to me. After all, there wasn’t a pattern to when such a thing would happen. It didn’t happen to Nonno and Nonna when they mated. And there weren’t actual flames when I marked Henrik, but inside my body, I felt them, and I know Henrik felt them, too. Wh
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Chapter 33 - Henrik
Since when did marking include fire? I felt it in my veins when Zoe marked me. At first, I thought it was just the surge of power. All markings have that. When both parties have ranked blood, that surge is greater. Therefore, I wrongfully assumed it was because I’m of alpha blood, and she’s beta blood. That’s what I was feeling. But when she weakly moved to mark my brother, I realized that wasn’t it. I was still feeling the effects. I felt like I was on fire from the inside. I started to piece it together when I saw the blue glow surrounding Zoe and Gunnar. I looked at my skin and saw the light, too. Was there fire in my veins? A fire so hot that it burned blue. That couldn’t be good for me or any of us. It certainly couldn’t be normal. I didn’t get to try and work out what was happening. Zoe passed out, and we needed to make sure she was okay. Zoe was the priority. Besides, my brain was too hazy to think about the fire. I had to borrow energy from Pollux to get out of bed. I needed
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Chapter 34 - Zoe
It was a relief that Gunnar and Henrik were feeling better. I’d started to get worried when they hadn’t woken up. This is why I’d started singing that lullaby; it helps calm my nerves. And I needed to calm my nerves. They hadn’t woken up, and I was worried that something had gone wrong in our marking and caused some damage that Papa hadn’t caught. If Henrik hadn’t woken up shortly before Gunnar, I would call Papa back to the room. I wouldn’t take any chances with their health. I’m certain they both felt my relief when they finally woke up. I didn’t know what happened with our marking, but I will find out. No matter how much they said it couldn’t be, it had to be my fault. The only reason flames would try to spark is because I’m a Petridis. The fact that they couldn’t properly manifest was on me. Figuring out what went wrong with the manifestation of the flames is an issue of later. We needed to meet with Alpha Dorian and settle the matter of Séréna before I go into heat. Gunnar and H
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Chapter 35 - Gunnar
I am the first to admit I have a temper. I wouldn’t dream of denying that. However, I will say I don’t typically have such a short fuse. I want to blame the mate bond, but that aside, I’d want to rip Jordan and Marius’ collective heads off and mount them on the wall. The fucking entitlement these fuckwads had. Dorian needs to get his Gamma and especially his son in fucking line before his pack finds themselves on the wrong side of some powerful people. At least Dorian was smart enough to shut his Gamma and son up, knowing that Damon is affiliated with Incubi. It was smart of Henrik to name-drop. Dorian couldn’t be stupid enough not to know the stories about the infamous Incubi pack. I’m not an Alpha and was aware enough of them. So, Dorian should know who he was fucking with. He better also give the level of justice we think is necessary. If he dares to take it easy on either of them, I’ll not take it easy on him. It doesn’t matter that he’s an actual Alpha, and I’m a spare Alpha hei
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Chapter 36 - Zoe
It felt like we had gotten through to Dorian. I hoped he understood the seriousness of Séréna and Lazare’s crime. Beyond that crime, Séréna risked his pack by running her mouth. He looked sufficiently terrified when he was told she volunteered his pack for war. At least he’s not a fool to think that would have been a good idea. I wasn’t thrilled to see Marius and Jordan loitering by the docks. What were they doing here? Did Dorian call for them? I turned and looked at Dorian, but he looked as surprised to find them here as the rest of us. “Marius? Jordan? What are you two doing? I know I said to get some air, but you should be out front, not down here.” Dorian questioned. “We didn’t wish to simply loiter around the front doors to the Kilbourn family home. It gave the wrong impression. So, we started to walk around the property.” Marius shrugged. “No one permitted you to explore my property. You are in a foreign pack. I do not care that there is an alliance…one that your daughter ha
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Chapter 37 - Henrik
There was no way in fucking hell I was letting that bitch talk till necessary. We already heard her bullshit. It’s time to listen to what the one-handed fuckwad has to say for himself. He should consider himself lucky to be behind bars already. My brother and I wouldn’t like anything that could come out of his mouth. He’s already lost one hand, and I don’t think Finn will give me a pass for maiming him further. “I can accept that, Prince Henrik.” Dorian nodded. “Lazare, you will tell me exactly what transpired. Starting with why and how you ended up in a bedroom in the Ironfur packhouse, a bedroom that is reserved only for visiting ranked wolves and their families.” Dorian commanded. Lazare glanced nervously at Séréna. She narrowed her eyes and only briefly shook her head. Yeah, because that doesn’t silently confirm her guilt. Not that any of us were mistaking Lazare as some mastermind. “DO NOT LOOK AT SÉRÈNA.” Dorian’s command made Lazare’s head snap back at attention to focus on h
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Author Note
Dear Readers, Due to being sick yesterday, a new chapter won't be posted today. However, this worked in our favor as Beta's Twin Mates will be on a short hiatus from February 1st to 14th. Pausing here, at least, doesn't leave you on a cliffhanger or in the middle of a steamy scene. Why the hiatus? I am going to be writing two Valentine's Day bonus stories. The first will be A Valentine's Wedding, a bonus story connected to Man's Best Wingman from my Ravenwood series. The second will be A Moonlight Valentine's, a bonus story connected to Cult of Love (that was included in The Genius Delta) that will be added to the Bloodmoon & Incubi Anthology. Both bonus stories will be uploaded on February 14th. Thanks, Bryant
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Chapter 38 - Zoe
I didn’t put up any resistance to Gunnar and Henrik leading me out of the Ironfur jail. Alpha Dorian had a solid plan. I’ll be happy if he follows through and sticks to it. If I find out he was bullshitting us and let it go unpunished when they returned home, I’ll be visiting and leaving behind a collection of ranked statues. I didn’t like it when people lied to me. I hoped for Alpha Dorian and his pack’s sake he would follow through. All thoughts about the situation in the jail faded away the further away we got. I am fully placing the blame on the heat. Holly was right about them touching me, making things worse. I thought I had it under control till Henrik, followed by Gunnar, slipped their arms around me. Their touch was electric before but controllable. Now? Now, even the innocent brush of Henrik’s hand on my shoulder was like setting a wildfire in my veins. We’d barely pulled away from the dock when the fire I’d tried to keep at bay won. I could already hear Darren’s lecture o
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Chapter 39 - Gunnar
I know her heat is intense for Zoe. I can feel it through our bond. I can feel the fire of need burning inside her. It made her scent intense, and honestly, I don’t know how Henrik managed to stay focused enough to bring the boat to the dock and not try to join in. I’d say he had a stronger willpower than me, but I don’t buy it. If the roles had been reversed and it was his lap she climbed into, he’d be doing exactly what I am. I’m rather glad she chose to climb into my lap, not just because Henrik was steering, but last time the only time I got with her pussy was with my tongue. It’s my turn to get to fuck her. And fucking hell, even with a condom inside her, it is incredible. Then she did whatever the hell that was, and I went cross-eyed. That wasn’t an orgasm squeeze, she controlled that, and it was fucking hot. Like I nearly blew my load hot. I haven’t kept count, and I am not looking to brag, but I’ve fucked plenty of women. Never has one been able to squeeze my dick this tight,
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