All Chapters of Worthless to Priceless: The Alpha's Rejected Mate : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
145 Chapters
AMELIA’S P.O.VI couldn’t bring myself to go to school. I woke up early, I got dressed and I even went as far as to get into my car but I just couldn’t turn the ignition. I felt like a failure, like my destroyed relationship was written across my forehead in permanent marker. Shame filled me which was ironic because I wasn’t the one who did anything worth being ashamed over.There was a knock on my window and I turned to find Clara standing there with a small smile. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. You can afford to miss one day.”“It isn’t just one day. I missed weeks worth of classes because of them. I cannot afford to miss any more. I had a plan, I had everything set out in front of me and now it is going down the drain. I need something that I can hold onto. I need something that is wholly mine and not his.”She sighed deeply. I was sure I speaking a whole lot of rubbish but it made sense to me and that was all that mattered. She pulled the door open and I watched as sh
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AMELIA’S P.O.VAs much as I hated to admit it, Caleb was right and although I wanted nothing more to do with Kaden, I knew I would never be able to forgive myself if something were to happen to him and I could have done something to stop it. All eyes were on me but the room was as quiet as a graveyard as everyone waited to hear what I decided.“Find out whatever you can on her,” I said finally to Caleb and he nodded. “If there is anything remotely suspicious then let me know. As Kaden’s mother whatever you need to know and tell her that I sent you, she will give you answers.”“What else?”“That’s all we can do for now. We cannot do anything until we know that there is something suspicious going on. Just make sure that Kaden doesn’t get a hint that anything is wrong or it could go very badly.”“Thank you,” he began but I cut him off.“I am not doing it for Kaden. I am doing it because if there is nothing wrong with him, then I have what it takes to finally leave. I will have enough pro
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AMELIA’S P.O.VSerena and I sat alone in the middle of her living room drinking vodka and taking ice cream. To be fair, she did most of the vodka and I stuck with ice cream. I had never truly been a fan of alcohol, the first sip was just out of solidarity for her. Thankfully, she didn’t get drunk seeing as it was just plain alcohol. Our systems didn’t work the same way humans did and it took a shit ton to get any wolf drunk.It was sometime around evening when the door opened and I saw her parents walk in with a little girl. She was the splitting image of Serena but she had the same eyes as Aiden. There was no denying that she was their child. Her parents froze when they saw me and I saw brief panic in their eyes. They were not sure how much I knew so I gave them a gentle nod to let them know I was aware.I glanced over at Serena but her eyes were fixated on her daughter. I could tell she wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab her but something kept her still and I realized I
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KADEN’S P.O.VI sat in my driveway staring and unblinking wanting to be sure that what was in front of me was not an apparition but real. I was terrified that if I even risked a blink, it would disappear but it never moved. I blinked once fearing the worst but that car remained seated in the driveway unmoving. I slowly got out of my car for fear that any sudden movements would suddenly make everything go sour but it didn’t. Amelia’s car was here which meant that she was too.I felt something akin to relief and joy bubble up in my pit. As usual, my wolf was unbothered and chose to isolate himself in the corner of my mind. Nothing seemed to interest him much nowadays except it was Nadine. I found that extremely weird and I had done everything remotely possible to find out why but nothing made sense. Caleb hadn’t said anything since I told him about my concerns and if I couldn’t count on Caleb to help me then I couldn’t count on anyone else so I kept my secret to myself.I put up a firm
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI waited for Kaden to return but he never did. I set the table and sat down anxiously waiting for him to appear from the room he had disappeared into with Nadine but he didn’t. it took one hour, one long hour where I felt like the most stupid person on the planet before he finally emerged and when he did, he wouldn’t even look at me. Nadine walked out after him and I couldn’t help but notice that her hair was messier than usual. She had a cruel smirk on her face as she winked at me. I wasn’t stupid, I knew exactly what had happened in there.Despite the tears threatening to pour from my eyes, I steeled my shoulders and addressed Kaden. “Aren’t you going to have dinner with me? I waited for you.”“I don’t want it,” he said simply without even looking at me but I wasn’t going to let it go just like that.“You said you wanted it earlier. If you want something else then maybe I can-”“Maybe you can leave me the fuck alone,” he snapped finally turning to me and I noticed tha
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI was at Caleb’s faster than anyone could have thought humanly possible and the entire way there, my brain conjured all the possible scenarios. He sounded excited over the phone which I chose to interpret as him having good news for me but I couldn’t be sure until I actually saw him.He was waiting for me outside the house and the moment he noticed me, he pulled me in. It was just Caleb, Clara and I in the living room and I noticed some papers scattered all over the table. There were over twenty of them and I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was going on.“I think you might want to sit for this one,” he told me and I hesitated before doing as he asked. I was itching with curiosity but I forced myself to remain silent. “I did as you asked and I spoke to Kaden’s mother. It was not easy and she was not the most accommodating but she told me where Kaden had met Nadine. I couldn’t go myself but I sent some pies to get some information and they came back with something
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KADEN’S P.O.VMy mind felt like it was being split open, like someone had put their hands into my skull and was trying to tear my brain in two. Everything burned, everything hurt and it felt like I was watching from outside of my body as my own hands choked the life out of her. I couldn’t move, couldn’t stop the calamity that was about to happen until I heard her voice in my mind, soft and coaxing. I wasn’t sure how she managed to break through that haze in my head but she did and I felt it snap. My hands released her and she fell to the ground. I stared at what I had done in horror. She was breathing but barely.“You did so well, Kaden,” I heard Natasha say from behind me and fury bubbled in my chest like a raging inferno. I turned to her and she wasn’t even looking at me, her eyes were fixated on Amelia’s unconscious body on the ground.I slowly walked over to her trying to rid my eyes of the image that was permanently seared beneath my lids, the image of my own mate thrashing in my
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AMELIA’S P.O.VThe drive to the hospital was quiet. I could feel Caleb and Clara’s eyes on me. They held varying degrees of pity and worry but I couldn’t even look at them. The moment we arrived at the hospital, I was out of the car. They tried to follow me but I ignored them and heads straight for Dr. Brown’s office. None of the nurses tried to stop me, they all recognized me easily from all the times I had been here with Kaden. I felt their watchful and curious gazes but I ignored it.Without knocking, I pushed open the door. Dr. Brown was furious to say the least but as soon as she saw me, all fight deflated from her. “Are you alright?”I nodded. “I need you to check and ensure nothing is broken. Then I also need you to make sure no one comes into my room tonight, I want to be alone.”“Amelia-”“Can you do it or not?” I snapped. I knew she was not the reason for everything that happened but I was on a tight fuse already and she was making it worse by not answering. “I don’t need yo
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI was released from the hospital after two days. I had a feeling the only reason I stayed that long was because of Kaden. For some reason, he seemed insistent on keeping me away. I knew he was trying to fix what he broke and sometimes, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe we were beyond repair. He had been so busy with the pack work that he had abandoned but he made time to be in my hospital room every night when I thought he was asleep.“What are you looking for?” Clara asked when she noticed me looking around the hospital while she signed my discharge forms. I gave a dismissive shrug but she could clearly see through it. “We asked him not to come. I thought it would be easier for you if he wasn’t here today.”“He actually agreed to it?” I shot back and she nodded but I didn’t believe her. Kaden wouldn’t just agree, it wasn’t in his nature and I couldn’t shake off the feeling of eyes on me. Kaden was in the hospital and although I could not see him, I could feel him.Wh
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AMELIA’S P.O.V“I’m sorry,” he apologized profusely before stepping aside.I tried to hide the small smile on my face as we made our way in. She held onto my hand and I was greeted with the smell of paper and ink. It was a rather distinct smell and wasn’t what one would usually enjoy but I loved it because it reminded me of peace and tranquility. Once we were away from the guards, I turned to her.“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that for me,” I whispered. “I would have just left. I am truly grateful.”“Please, you are Kaden’s mate, I would do anything for you,” I tried not to let my disappointment show but she saw it. “Ah, I can see that look. You are doubting your relationship after everything that happened.”“You heard about it?”“Darling, the entire pack knows about it.”I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. It was bad enough that a few people knew but knowing that everyone knew was even worse.She led me towards a chair and
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