Semua Bab Savage Maui Boys : Bab 1 - Bab 10
47 Bab
Chapter One
THE MOVE DAKODA "I'm struggling to understand why we have to move. I mean, seriously... we live in the beautiful state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest, and now they want us to move to Hawaii? It's so humid there, I'll probably die. Or at least melt. And let's not forget that school has already started there."Jax walks up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in for a hug. "You never know, babe; this might be good for your tan. Besides, Hawaii isn't really that far from Washington.""Don't joke, Jax.""Look, all I'm saying is that you've been dealing with a lot of crap since that party. This move might be good for you. It sucks that I won't be able to see you whenever I want, but we still have FaceTime and holidays.""I know, it's just a big change, and they didn't even ask me if I was okay with it. I'm sure I could have stayed at one of my friend's houses until the end of the school year.""You shouldn't give them a hard time, Dakota. They've been through a
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Chapter Two
DAKODA I dream of the three boys by the ocean, their beauty surpassing my memory. The blonde boy with shoulder-length hair, dark blue eyes, and a cocky smile that exudes confidence. A smile that suggests he can easily seduce any girl.Oh my god, his hands are enormous. The other two boys are equally stunning, both with dark hair. One is darker than the rest, with stubble on his chin that I could play with for days. The other, slightly smaller in build, possesses a face like an angel.They approach me with a certain look in their eyes and matching mischievous grins. I instinctively back away until I stumble into a hole.I wake up to their laughter and pointing, mocking me, telling me I don't belong here and should go back to wherever I came from.When I check the time on the clock, frustration overwhelms me, and I slam my fist into the covers. I drag myself out of bed and prepare to face my first day at a new school.Once dressed and having breakfast, I head out the door and climb into
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Chapter Three
DAKODA The following day, I'm incredibly irritable because I've only had four hours of sleep for two consecutive days. And to make matters worse, it's all thanks to three individuals I can't stand. How is that even remotely fair? I head downstairs to grab a quick bite before heading off to school. It seems like my parents have already left for the day because they don't respond when I bid them goodbye.Upon arriving at school, I park my car in the first available spot I see. Suddenly, a jeep comes speeding up behind me, and a deep voice shouts at me to move my damn car."Screw you. I don't see your name on that parking spot anywhere," I retort without even bothering to look at him, as I already know who the jerk is. I don't see what happens next. He forcefully grabs me by the waist, pulling me back into his body, and whispers in my ear, "Move your damn car, Dakoda, or we'll do to you right here, right now, what we did to you in the classroom yesterday. You don't want to be labeled as
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Chapter Four
DAKODA "I hear a familiar voice in my ear, saying, 'wakey wakey eggs and bakey.' Startled, I jumped out of bed and came face to face with Korey. 'How did you manage to get into my house?' I ask him. 'I told your parents that I would give you a ride to school today because your car is having issues.' 'No way,' I say, getting out of bed. 'Move aside so I can get dressed and go to school in my car,' I pushed him out of my way. Korey grabs my arm, turning me back towards him. 'You don't seem to understand that you're riding with me because your car is messed up.' 'And how exactly is my car messed up?' I ask, placing my hands on my hips. 'That doesn't matter,' Korey retorts. 'Ugh,' I sigh in frustration. 'You guys are giving me a headache. You'd think you would just ignore me like the rest of the people at school if you want me to leave.' 'Nah, we like to make your life a living hell until you leave.' 'Leave me alone, Korey,' I snapped. But before I can react, he wraps his arms a
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Chapter Five
DAKODA I'm gasping for air, unable to catch my breath, still feeling a tingling sensation all over my body. As I come down from the high, I keep my eyes closed, feeling lost until I sense the bed dip a few moments later. Opening my eyes, I see the boys silently getting dressed and leaving without a word, as if nothing happened.Right now, I can't help but feel like the biggest whore on the planet earth.I need someone to talk to about this, but the only person I want to confide in is unavailable. So, I decide to call my new best friend and share my experience with her."Whoa, chick, I think I just got really turned on," McKenzie exclaims."McKenzie, you're not helping.""Sorry, but I don't see the problem, Koda. So, you had sex with three guys. What's so wrong with that?""What's wrong is that they left without acknowledging what happened," I explain."Well, babe, did you expect them to stay and hold your hand?"Maybe I chose the wrong person to talk to about this. "No, I didn't expe
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Chapter Six
DAKODA "Ouch," I grimace."Shit, sorry," Gage says, looking down at me."It's okay," I sigh. Because your girl is hooked. Those eyes alone I could look at all day. Then you add those smoking hot bodies, and I'm doomed."Oh, is that right?" he retorts, kissing my neck and rubbing me over my pants."Yep, yes, that's okay, too." He just smiles and then gets up.I pout a little. They all chuckle."As much as we want to have sex with you, we also know you're going to be sore as hell in the next couple of hours, and we don't want to add to that," Gage says."Well, I'm not sore right now," I say, wiggling my eyebrows."Is that so?" Gage says. "I mean, we can't say no to the beautiful princess when she is asking for it, right?""Stop calling me that," I say, slapping him on the chest.He just chuckles."Not today, buddy," Korey says. When he sees the look in his friends' eyes, he explains."We need her well enough to practice. The meets start in a couple of weeks, so she needs to be ready to
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Chapter Seven
KOREY "Korey, just calm down. If she wants to have a good time, let her enjoy her night," Kasey shouts at me."Let her enjoy her night?" I growl. "She's out there getting drunk and fooling around with God knows who.""Well, buddy, if you're so concerned about our girl stepping out on us, then let's go to the party, have a good time, and keep an eye on her from a distance.""Good idea, Gage." So, we get dressed and head out to the party. Once we arrive, we grab some beers and search for our girl.When we find Dakoda and Mac, they're on the dance floor, completely lost in the moment, ignoring everyone else around them. "Man, she looks beautiful when she's carefree."We stand there, watching the two girls dance until that jealous Harlan pushes Dakoda, causing her to stumble into Mac and both of them falling. Dakoda tries to help Mac up, but she's too drunk and falls forward. I can't help but laugh at how adorable she looks right now. But then Harlan kicks her."Fuck!"Harlan attempts to
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Chapter Eight
DAKODA I'm extremely angry with the guys right now. They completely ignored me on Sunday, didn't help fix my car or offer me a ride to school, and then gave me dirty looks for talking to another guy. Well, I've had enough of their games. They can take their training and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I'll find someone else to train me.Mac and I were on our way to the diner for a burger when Korey, with his strong tattooed arm, grabbed me."Where do you think you're going, D?" Korey asks."Get your hands off me! I want nothing to do with you," I snap back."Do we have to go through this every day, Dakoda?" Korey growls."Yes, because you're an arrogant asshole.""Just let her go, Korey. We're going to grab some food and then study for tomorrow's test," Kasey says, smirking at me. I respond by sticking my tongue out at him like a five-year-old.Korey loosens his grip on me, and I slip out of his arms, walking over to Mac's car. But of course, I couldn't just get in the car and l
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Chapter Nine
DAKODA The following afternoon, I find myself at Mac's house, working on school assignments, when she confronts me about the guys. "Spill the beans, sister!" Mac exclaims. “What do you want to know?" I inquire. “Don't be so vague," she retorts. I chuckle at her. "Okay, relax." “So, you know, we went to the beach and trained for a while. I tried to stay angry with them, but as we both know, it didn't last long with those three." “What happened after the beach?" Mac asks, grinning. “What do you think happened?" I ask her, winking."Oh, girl, you better spill the details," she says, playfully tickling me. “Okay, okay," I laugh, and I proceed to tell her about my encounters with each guy separately. “Damn girl, that's hot," Mac says, wiggling her eyebrows. I laugh so hard that tears stream down my face. “Well, I should head home and prepare for school tomorrow." “Okay, call me when you get home," Mac tells me. “Yes, mom," I reply. She playfully smacks my butt, and I burst in
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Chapter Ten
DAKODA The following morning arrives quickly, and before I realize it, the guys and I are at the beach for the surfing games. My stomach is filled with nerves, and Korey leans in, planting a kiss on my cheek."Relax, D, you're going to do great," he reassures me.I playfully slap his shoulder. "Don't jinx me, Korey."He chuckles. "Sorry, didn't know you were superstitious.""I'm not about most things, but I really want this and I'm nervous."As we wait in line to register, I hear her annoying voice."What is she doing here?" she asks Korey."What does it look like?" he responds to Harlan."She'll never beat me, so she might as well give up now," she taunts."You're talking a lot of smack for someone who only scored a 5," I retort, then turn to get my number and write my name on the paper. I watch the other girls surf, and they are incredibly skilled. I start to feel anxious, considering taking Harlan's advice and leaving."Stop fidgeting," Gage says. "You'll be fine. Don't let Harlan
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