Semua Bab The Alpha King's Heart: Bab 1 - Bab 10
145 Bab
Adira Wade Pain rippled through me as I watched my chosen mate and future alpha, Grayson Mars, utter vows of love to another woman, Stacy Stevens. She was the beta's first daughter and my former best friend. Like everyone else, Grayson turned his back on me when my parents were accused of being traitors to the pack. Alpha Mars didn't hear them out, and he ordered them to be killed. According to them, they traded pack secrets with our enemies and were part of a coup to overthrow our current alpha, but it was all false. My parents were loyal members of the pack. The only reason I was left alive was that they didn't find evidence against me. However, they didn't retreat me well... They locked me up in cells and tortured me for months in hopes I'd admit to being part of the 'coup'. All that didn't hurt as much as Grayson's betrayal. I begged him for months not to leave me, but he did. He did that in the presence of the whole pack. He embarrassed me and ordered me not to go anywhere clo
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The Future Luna
I was in the alpha suite, cleaning as I did almost every day when I felt hands around me. I jumped and clutched my chest. I glared at the man who dared put his hands on me. " Hey, you," he said. I gave him a dirty look, showing him how much I abhorred him. " Excuse me," I spat, grabbing my supplies and leaving the room, but he held me again, wrapping his filthy hands around me. " Let me fucking go, Gray!" He was indeed shameless, he didn't care that Stacy could walk in any minute now. " I'm sorry they hurt you," he said, his gaze roaming around my body. I pulled my shirt lower. I didn't have a wolf, so my healing was really slow. I scoffed and turned around. " You are married, don't touch, or speak to me again," I sneered. Opening the door, I met Stacy at the door. She gave me a disgusting look and her gaze went past my shoulder to see her husband. Grayson just turned around and went to his office. She sniffed me. " You are such a whore!" She screamed, slapping my face.
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The two men made room for a third person to walk through, the man who spoke. He was the most gorgeous man in the entire world, standing at 7 ft, with black hair, dark blazing onyx eyes, and high chiseled cheekbones. His blazing gaze stuck on me and slowly, I felt Grayson's arms ease around me and I almost stumbled, but touched the wall for support. The man took three large steps towards me and raised his hand to caress my cheek. I felt sparks rush through my skin, making me jolt back. " Mine," He growled. I was trembling ever so slightly and my heart was pounding as he stared at me like I was worth everything. I wasn't though. I've been told and reminded that I was nothing every day of my life by the way they treated and mocked me, but the handsome man's gaze on me made me feel like I was worth something. It was a foreign feeling, I didn't know what it was yet but it made me powerless-not in a bad way. I was frozen in place, unable to react, while my eyes were stuck on his. " That
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The Alpha King
The alpha king circled me and I shivered when I felt his nose on my skin. He was inhaling my scent like a drug he was addicted to. His finger reached under my chin and tilted my head up. His eyes showed shock. I could tell he was startled but kept his composure. " What's your name?" His voice was calm. " A- Adira, Adira Wade," I stammered. My heart was still pounding in my chest. Everyone in here could hear it if I could. " You're extremely gorgeous, really beautiful," he said. My cheeks flushed. I never thought of myself as extremely beautiful as he put it. I felt ordinary. I was thin and not curvy like other girls. His fingers caressed my cheek. " Why haven't you shifted yet?" " I- I don't know, sir," My voice was alien to my ears. Most of my peers shifted at age eighteen, but I didn't. " How old are you, Adira?" My heartbeat was irregular, I loved how my name sounded on his lips. " Twenty years old," I murmured. My voice was so low but he heard. " Are you scared of me?
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Her Scent
Wyatt's pov She was mine, and oh goddess, she was more beautiful than I expected. She had long blonde strawberry hair, amethyst eyes... A unique color. I was restraining myself from fucking her right there. My mate was beautiful and to think I didn't want one and now, I couldn't imagine losing her. Adira, my Adira. After years of hoping and praying for a reunion, here she was in my arms. I doubt she'd remember me since she was a child when I saw her last. We were only kids. My mother and hers were best friends growing up, but they separated since they went in different packs. One day, Aunt Meryl came to meet us with her little girl too. She was only five, and I was twelve at that time, but we connected well. I remembered the anxiety that welled in the pit of my stomach when she was leaving, ' Can she stay here?' I asked my mother. She smiled at me and shook her head. ' No, my baby, maybe when you are older, you can go to see her,' Mother had told me. I nodded and gave her back
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You Can Cry
Adira Strong long arms were holding me tightly and as much as I tried to wiggle out of them, I couldn't. I sighed and inhaled his scent, it was alluring like fresh-cut grass. I took this time to study this man, my mate. I still couldn't believe it... My fingers caressed his face, he had a stubble beard that suited him well and high cheekbones, his black hair was nice too, and I couldn't resist running a finger in it and then his lips. His cherry lips were inviting, and I could kiss them now. I jumped when his eyes suddenly opened and a slight smile graced his lips. " Good morning," " Good morning," I responded, trying to get out of bed, but he held me tightly, making my heart pound out of my chest as faint tingles rushed up my body. He looked at me with his onyx gaze, taking me in, and I swallowed, maintaining eye contact with him. " Have you taken me in?" His voice was manly and deep, it made me shudder. My gaze fell on his bare torso and I swallowed. I raised my hand and touch
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The Truth
I abruptly turned around to see Grayson standing there, looking pissed like he wanted to attack the alpha king. Wyatt pushed me behind him and advanced toward him stealthily. " Who the fuck are you calling in such a way?" he growled. Stacy ran to her husband with a few guards. She bowed in the presence of the king several times and said "Forgive him, Your Highness, he took some pills that are bad for him," Indeed, Grayson was high on something and couldn't stand straight, but his red eyes were on me, and he looked like he was crying. " fucking pest, I'll deal with him," Wyatt said, but I grabbed his hand. He tilted his head and his eyes met mine. I shook my head no and his eyes softened immediately. "Please, help me take him inside," Stacy whispered to the guards. " No, I want to talk to her... it's important, please," Grayson slurred. The guards dragged him back into the packhouse despite his struggles. Stacy once again bowed to the alpha king, " Forgive him, the drugs he t
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Adira I was watching a movie with Lucas when I heard a buzz through the mind link. People were saying that the alpha king's men were going around, selecting members of the pack from their homes to torture them. I wonder what they did this time. This pack was trouble, and I'm sure they did something to bring the king's anger. I shut off the mindlink. " What do you want for lunch?" I asked. He thought for a while " No pizza," I said. This kid loved pizza so much. " Take out or are you making it?" " I'll order from a restaurant," I said, feeling too lazy to cook. " I want fish and chips, and a coleslaw without mayo," I grabbed his phone and ordered the food, and in thirty minutes, they delivered it right to my door. We ate the food in front of the TV. " I don't get why boys get excited about violence. Look at that guy, who was just a bystander, and boom, he's dead," I frowned. " I don't get half of the films you select, but I watch anyway," he shrugged. " No wonder I liked wa
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Hot Men
Their punishment was done for the day and Waytt and I went to his guest bedroom." Want to shower?" he asked. " No, I'm good," I said. It was a little chilly. He took off his shirt and my gaze roamed over his god-like muscular chest. He was curved perfectly, sure the creators took special time to make him because no one could compare. My pussy was pulsating at this point yet not all his clothes were off. Wyatt smirked and his eyes were darker than ever now. He smelled my arousal. He gestured for me to stand up and I obliged. He caressed my face and bent down to kiss my lips, my heart was pounding and he bit my bottom lip gently, I parted them and he explored my mouth with his tongue. The kiss was soft but intense, his hands were on my side, caressing softly. He pulled away from me and I felt so much emotion and passion. My face was burning red under his searing gaze. "You're my mate, mine," he said and put his forehead over mine. The king kissed me again, this time more demanding. It
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My Mate
Thirty minutes later, I brought the food out, and I was shocked to see Wyatt follow me to the kitchen. Assisting me to bring out all the food. I smiled at him and he kissed my temple. " Thank you," We finished eating and everyone was pleased with my cooking. Luca was sleeping and Aspen offered to take him to bed. The boys decided to watch a movie and after debating on what they will watch, they decided on Deadpool. Waytt pulled me in his arms but I slept halfway through the movie. I woke up later in my bed. I sat up straight and went to the salon, they all left and cleaned the place. I sat on the sofa. Picking up the cushion Wyatt used and inhale his scent. I took a shower and changed into my lacy nightdress. I opened the door to get some fresh air and found myself on the bench under my favorite tree. I was thinking about my king. He was so gentle and sweet to me. Making me wonder if the rumors about him being a monster were false. My entire body stiffened when I saw him in front o
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