Semua Bab Ember: Bab 1 - Bab 10
52 Bab
Chapter One: Hector
A young hunter stalks his prey. The forest is eerily quiet when his prey comes into sight. He takes aim and the shot rings out. The hunter goes to his prey and kneels. His short black hair blows in the wind and his green eyes shine in the fading light of the day. He smiles at the deer at his side. “Thank you for your sacrifice so that my family and I may have another meal,” he declares. He picks up the buck and swings it over his broad shoulders. They gleam with sweat from the heat of the day. The deer's weight doesn't bother him, because he is well built. He heads back towards town, when he hears crying. “Hello, is someone there?” he calls. The crying gets louder. He walks towards the sound and sees a girl on the ground. Her blond hair covers her face. There is blood on her left leg. He sees a tear streak down her cheeks. Not wanting to scare her, he sits the buck on the ground, leans his musket against a tree and slowly approaches her. “It’s okay, don’t be afraid. I am here
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Chapter Two: Kelanar
In the town of Sung it is silent. Kelanar sits by the windowsill of her living room and shares a tiny house with her mother and twin sister, Eve. “Kelanar?” She hears a voice call from the kitchen. She gets up from the windowsill and heads into a little kitchen where her mother is standing in front of a boiling pot, stirring supper. “Yes, mother?” she asks. “Is he here yet?” her mother asks. “No, not yet, but he likes to hunt until dark. He will be here soon, I am sure,” says Kelanar. Her mother wipes her hands on her blue apron and goes to her daughter. “Don’t worry, love, he never missed my famous dinners before. He will be here,” Kelanar's mother says with a smile. Kelanar nods and smiles, too. Her mother places a lock of black hair behind Kelanar's ear like she has done a thousand times before. “You're right, mother. He'll be here.” Kelanar returns to the windowsill to wait for Hector, her love. After the sun goes down, there is still no Hector. Kelanar paces the floors
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Chapter Three: Hector
Hector feels bad about killing the girl. Rex takes him upstairs to meet his new Master. Hector walks up nine sets of stairs before they get to a living area. The living area is decorated with red and green banners and wooden chairs. The hallway leads to a throne room. Hector walks into the room. Carpet is red and golden, with the oak tree in the dead center of it. Ceiling is rimmed with gold and white mason oak tree carved into it in the middle.. The chandelier is gold, with candles and red crystals hanging down from it. The walls are lined with stone statues of every king that ever was. Hector gets to the throne. He notices one statue is broken, all that remains is stone pieces. “Sire, I bring you Hector,” Rex says. Rex kneels before the throne. The throne is made from an oak tree found on the battlefield of a ten-year war covered in the blood of the slain. It is a high-back, oak wood that is stained red with the blood of his enemies, studded with jewels along the armrest, with a
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Chapter Four: Kelanar
Kelanar sits by the river for a few hours. Thereafter, she searches the woods for any signs of Hector. She heads to the spot he would normally set up to hunt at. When she gets to the quiet clearing, she sees Hector’s bag and picks it up. Looking inside, she finds the deerskin flask and knife that Hector always carries. He wouldn’t leave this behind, she thinks. She swings the bag over her shoulder and continues to look around. She arrives where Hector was attacked, only to find scuff marks and some blood on the ground. “He was hurt. Something is wrong here.” She heads back to the village to talk to Sheriff James. Kelanar goes into the sheriff’s office. An older man, who sits behind a wooden desk, looks up. “Hey Kelanar. You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” says Sheriff James . “It is Hector. Something has happened to him,” says Kelanar. “What do you mean, something has happened to him? I heard he left town from his mother.” “That letter isn’t from him. You know him well enou
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Chapter Five: Hector
(Eight hours after Hector’s first time in the maze) Hector hears the door open. “Rise and shine, Hector and Ruby. Rex wants you both downstairs in ten minutes,” says Jesse. Hector looks out from under his covers and sees Jesse standing there. “Do I have time for a shower?” asks Hector. Ruby is already jumping out of bed and making a run for the shower. “Sorry mate. Looks like you won’t be getting that shower. Ten minutes. Downstairs. Ruby, be a doll and show him the way. I have to get the others up,” Jess calls through the bathroom door. “Sure, no problem, Jesse. We will go down in a minute,” Ruby calls back. Hector yawns and wipes the sleep from his tired eyes. Jesse leaves the room. Hector gets up and drags himself to his dresser. He feels no pain now, but his body still feels tense. He opens it to find a stack of black shirts in the lower drawer and a stack of blue jeans in the middle drawer. The upper drawer contains socks and underwear, all uniform style. Pulling out w
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Chapter Six: Kelanar
Kelanar sits in a small cell, playing the last few hours over and over in her mind. The blood still stains her hands. She doesn’t know what happened, she just got angry and then Gage was lying there, covered in blood. Sheriff James told her that if Gage dies, then she will be charged with murder. She prays he survives. Sheriff James comes in and sits on a chair by her cell. “I have some news, Kelanar. He will live, thanks to the doctor,” Sheriff James says. “That is good to hear. I am glad he will make it,” says a very relieved Kelanar. “Tell me, girl, what was going through your mind when you hit him with a rock?” She stands up and paces the floor. “I don’t know. He was bad-mouthing Hector, and I was angry. I remember picking up the rock, and then there is nothing but blackness. When I came back to myself, he was on the ground bleeding. I didn’t know what happened until I saw the bloody rock in my hand.” “So, you blacked out, acted in rage, and you didn’t realize what you had
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Chapter Seven: Hector
Hector walks into the game room and perceives that they have many games. From pool, darts, corn hole, archery, to knife throwing. Hector notices a few vampires and demons hanging out, playing games as they walk in. They spy Trevor by the pool table, playing with two demons. “Look who finally passed the first part of the training.” Trevor sneers at them. “Took you long enough as well. You just passed one day before us. Besides, Hector passed on his first night,” Ruby sasses him. “Shut it Ruby, no one needs your smart mouth,” says Trevor. “It's not necessary to be mean to her. She speaks the truth. You just passed,” says Hector. Trevor sets his pool stick down on the table. “Look here Hector, she's been a smart mouth off since she got here. I wouldn’t defend her. Besides, isn’t she the reason you’re here now?” says Trevor, getting closer to Hector. “She is part of the reason, but from what I understand, she was doing as she was told,” says Hector. “Think again. She volunteered for
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Chapter Eight: Kelanar
Kelanar sits on her bed. It's soft and warm. She just wants to curl up and cry herself to sleep. She knows she can’t, as she needs to pack to leave in the morning as well as talk to her mother and sister. They will want some answers. Answers she herself didn’t know. She doesn’t know why she attacked Gage. What made her pick up that rock and smash it into his skull? She hears her mother come in. “What did the judge say? It must not be too bad if you’re home, my dear. Tell me what happened?” begs Sarah. Kelanar turns to Sarah, trying to not cry. “He realized that I was sorry and not sure what happened, but thinks it could happen again. I am sentenced to the Guard Tower for a year and only allowed to come home on the weekends.” Sarah sits on the bed beside her daughter and holds her. “Oh, my daughter, a year is a long time. At least it wasn’t jail or banishment. My heart couldn’t take that. We will see you on the weekends. This could be part of a bigger plan. We have to trust the go
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Chapter Nine: Hector
Hector gets up and searches the bathroom. A few bottles of cleaning supplies, towels and soaps are what he finds when he opens the cabinets. He gets into the shower and washes his body. It leaves him feeling refreshed after his last encounter with the maze. His mind drifts to Kelanar and what she could be doing. Hector is so lost in thought that he doesn’t hear the knocking on the door until Ruby is standing by the shower yelling at him. “Hector, hurry. I need a shower and we are going to be late!” yells Ruby. “I am coming,” Hector calls out. He is breathing hard after being scared. Quickly shutting off the water, he dries off and goes into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. “About time, Hector,” shouts Ruby. Ruby goes into the bathroom, and he hears the shower turn on. Hector gets dressed. He wears the vampire uniform. By the time he is dressed, Ruby is out and dresses herself. He looks away to give her privacy. “Tell me, what you were so distracted about that yo
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Chapter Ten: Skorn
Skorn watches Rex leave his study. His newest project seems to be doing very well. Hector has surpassed all his other vampires at this stage of the training. Skorn expects he will continue to see this at each level of the tests. Skorn gets up from his desk and he feels a sharp pain in his chest. He calls out as he falls. Jack, his most trusted friend, comes in. “Sire, are you unwell?” asks Jack. “I don’t know. I feel a sharp pain in my chest. Something is wrong. I need you to figure it out, Jack,” orders Skorn. “Yes, My Lord. Let’s get you to your bed where I can do a full scan to see what’s going on with you.” Jack helps Skorn to his feet, to his bedchamber and into bed. Jack, using his magic, scans Skorn’s body to locate what is causing his king’s illness. He scans Skorn from top to bottom, and finds nothing plaguing his body or mind. He is quite puzzled about it all. “Sire, I can’t seem to find anything that is causing you this pain. I don’t understand it. You spoke of a cu
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