Semua Bab Reckless Renegades Goof and Silvy's Story: Bab 1 - Bab 10
61 Bab
Chapter 1
SilvyToday is the day that could change my life forever. I will explain all of that in a minute. Let me tell you a little about who I am. My name is Silvy Ramone. Silvy is short for Silvia. I’m thirty and single. I work as a nurse in the intensive care unit at the hospital. That is where most of my stories start. That is where I met the Reckless Renegades and my dear, talented friend Lilly. And my other friend Goof. He was one of Lilly’s guards while she was in the hospital. I focused on my work but we chatted and got to know each other. He took his job seriously and didn’t flirt when some of the other nurses like a few others did. I thought at first he had a thing for Lilly but I was quickly proven wrong. Tank is the love of Lilly’s life. Goof was just a friend of hers. Most people might be afraid of the guys but I wasn’t. There is a very good reason why. For the early part of my life I was raised in one. My mom was a skank and poked holes in a condom to trap my father. She wanted
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Chapter 2
Silvy I can tell he is thinking about it which is good. He could have blown me off as soon as I asked. After Goof finishes his bite he lays his elbows on the table and leans on them. “ I have questions,” he said. Questions, that’s great. I have to work hard to keep my excitement in. Goof, my dear friend may do this for me. Help me achieve my dream. “ Of course. Ask me anything.” I said. “ This doctor you found. Is he good?” Goof asked. “ Yes. I talked to the top obstetrics doctor at the hospital. She recommended him and I checked him out. His credentials and past clients. I even checked to see if he had any malpractice suits or complaints against him.” I told him. “ That’s good. And I assume I will have to do some testing.” he said. I told him about the testing he would have to give a sample to make sure his sperm is viable and disease testing. “ Give the doctors information. I’ll do it tomorrow.” Goof said. I squeal “ Does that mean you will do this for me?” “ I will but I have
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Chapter 3
Silvy I got a text from Goof two days after our lunch telling he went to the doctor. He was cleared of any disease and his sperm was in good shape for the insemination. I wasn’t so worry about his troops not being able to march I was worried one of the skanks he has fucked gave him something. But that is just me not liking the skanks. I’m sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office waiting to be called back. Today I will be starting my shots to increase my chances of conceiving. I have to give myself a shot once a day until I get pregnant. Waiting is bad for me because it lets me get trapped in my head. I can’t believe I agreed to have sex with Goof to get pregnant. What was I thinking by agreeing? Oh, that’s right. I wasn’t thinking. Would it be so bad to have sex with Goof? No, as long as I keep my heart out of it. That is why I want to do the insemination. So I don’t get attached to him knowing he is going to walk away when this is done. I will just have to put a wall
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Chapter 4
Goof I have talked to Silvy through texts everyday since our lunch checking on her. I wanted to make sure she was doing alright. I would go by the hospital everyday if I could or wouldn’t look like I’m stalking her. She had her insemination two weeks ago and was supposed to go to the doctor for a blood test to see if it worked. She promised to call when she finds out the results. Call me an asshole if you want but I have my fingers crossed the test is negative. If it is positive Silvy is going to expect me to walk away. The hell I am. That is my kid and my woman. I’m not walking from either. I have thought over my options if Silvy is pregnant. I will have to change my plan. I am going to have to woo her and let her know I won’t be going anywhere. I am going to the same thing if I get to fuck her to get her pregnant. But if she gets pregnant this time I will have to come up with reasons to be around her. Which I am prepared to do. I will do anything to get my family. When I
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Chapter 5
Silvy I was stuck in the ER tonight for the late shift. Which means I won’t get home until early the next morning. I hated these shifts because it messed up my sleep schedule. But I only have to do them every other week, so that’s good. And I get the next day off after one of these shifts. Tonight is dragging, it is so slow. I’m always tossed up when this happens. Slow means there are no accidents, overdoses, sick or hurt kids, no one is having chest pains or anything else. And that is good. Bad is the night is taking forever and I’m bored out of my mind. All our beds are empty, stocked, cleaned and there is no one in the waiting room, so I have my feet on the desk, leaning back in my chair, playing games on my phone. When I worked on other floors there was always something to do. Watching the monitors that were hooked to patients rooms, checking vitals, answering calls or doing paperwork. Here nothing. I hear heavy books coming towards the nurses station but don’t pay attention
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Chapter 6
Goof I know Silvy was surprised when I brought her dinner and how I acted towards her. I’m sure she expected me to flirt with that slut in a nurse's uniform. Seriously, you are at work, lady. Unfortunately I have seen this shit often around here. Silvy doesn’t even bat an eye so I figure she is used to it. What did surprise her was dinner and I was more affectionate with her. I haven’t kissed her yet. Even though I’m dying to. I’m easing her into this. Just amping up the affection. When I used to give her a half hug I now wrap my arms around her and keep her close to me. That was heaven. Having her in my arms. I didn’t want to leave but I knew she had to get back to work. I delivered dinner to her twice more this week. Every time I make sure to hug her and kiss her head. And if there are men around I make sure they see Silvy in my arms. They know she is taken. Especially this one doctor. I didn’t get his name but I saw him eyeing my girl while that slut was doing her best to flirt
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Chapter 7
Silvy When Goof said he wanted to have sex what I thought would happen and what actually happened are so far off from one another you might as well be in the next state. I figured he would look at a magazine or watch a video, get hard, fuck me, cum and leave for me to get myself off. You know like he does with the skanks but with them he doesn’t need porn. Yea that isn’t what I got. First he showed me that he didn’t need help getting hard. And he kissed me. As often as possible. I never expected that. I know he doesn’t kiss the skanks. And the sex, holy shit, it was incredible. Not only did I have an orgasm, well multiple, and no other man I have been with couldn’t even give me one. Or took the effort to get me off. But he paid attention to every inch of my body every time we had sex. And trust me we had a lot of sex. Two to three times a day if we could manage it with our schedules. And it was good, no it was great every time. And the positions we did. Not just missionary like I
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Chapter 8
Goof Even though she tried to hide it I knew Silvy was sad about another negative pregnancy test. Me, I was a little happy. That means I have more time to win Silvy over. I can see my effort is starting to work but for some reason every time I think I’m getting closer to her heart she puts a wall up. I just don’t understand why. I know she cares for me and she is definitely attracted to me. She knows I am a good man so I don’t understand why she won’t let me in. I have her body, and her friendship. I just need her heart. And I’m not going to stop until I get it. What Silvy doesn’t know is she already has mine. I left Silvy to rest and get ready for tonight. She needed to let everything go. Even if it is just for one night and I know she loves going to Harry’s to listen to Lilly sing. I was on guard duty tonight so I can keep an eye on her and Lilly at the same time. Not that Lilly needs much anymore. It is more crowd control at this point. Keeping the fans from getting too close to
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Chapter 9
Silvy I’m so glad Goof suggested a night out last week. He knows I love to dance. I didn’t notice how bad I needed it until I got to Harry’s. As soon as I walked in the door all the stress I had been holding melted away. Ratchet was a sweetheart for dancing with me. I know what he was doing and I wasn’t going to call him out on it. He saw a guy not wanting to take ‘NO’ for an answer and stepped in. He knows he didn’t have to help me out. I am just a friend of the club, he didn’t have to step in. Then I danced with Goof to a slow song. No big deal. Do it all the time. So why did this time feel a little different? I’m sure he held me closer than before. And tighter. And he kept looking at me the whole time. Like he was trying to tell me something but I don’t know what it was. No, I had to be imagining it. All of it. I need to find something to do with myself so I quit thinking of the other night. I have the day off because I am doing a night shift tomorrow. It is Saturday and I hav
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Chapter 10
Goof Merigold had decided it would be a great day to go to the lake. She called everyone to come down for a family day and barbecue. Pocket even called a few Devils to come down. By the time I got there most everyone was already there. Viper had forgotten to grab charcoal so Merigold asked me to grab it which meant I had to borrow a car from the auto shop. I don’t own one. Never had a need. Now that I think about it I probably should invest in one since Silvy will be pregnant soon. I will need something to take the baby when Silvy is working. I’ll have to look into it. When I finally find a parking spot I unload the car. I dropped two bags of charcoal by the grill. I wasn’t going back out so I bought extra. I found a table that had an empty spot to put my towel. I left my extra clothes in the car. Last time we came to the lake Lita had gotten soaked running after her brother with a bucket of water. She went to dump it on him and missed, big time. Did I get mad? No, it was a silly a
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