Semua Bab The Red Wedding: Bab 1 - Bab 10
53 Bab
Chapter 1
It was an autumn wedding in the late afternoon. The area faced the breathtaking sunset on the Oahu beach. At the end of each seated aisle, cherry blossom scented candles hung from tree branches.Spread down the aisle were white leaves that were slightly moist so they wouldn’t crack when you stepped on them. There was a small group of close family and friends dressed in beach attire for comfort. On either side of the aisle, they sat in white chairs set up for them on the sand. In the dressing room where the soon-to-be wife of King Ryder sat, getting ready for the day she had dreamed of for years, was her older sister, Annalise and her bridesmaids which comprised King Ryder’s younger sister, Mirabel, and her friends. Isabella wasn’t one to keep friends as she saw Annalise as her best friend. Outside the dressing room were men, armed to the teeth, ready to give their lives to save Isabella if need be. Ryder had made sure she was safe. “Isa, you need to breathe. Can’t you do that for me
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Chapter 2
RYDER’S POINT OF VIEWDevastation.Pain.Anger.Sadness.I felt them all as I watched nurses put my Isa in the morgue, alongside other dead people. How could she leave me after the vows we had said? She said she would be by my side for better for worse, in sickness and in health. What went wrong? Why did she leave so soon?“Ryder?” Mirabel hugged me. “Please, come eat something. You look as though you’re going to faint.”I gently pushed her away from me. “Eat? My wife is in there and she hasn’t eaten. I’m sure she didn’t eat before the wedding because she was nervous.”“Please, Ryder.”“Drop it, Mira.” I sounded harsher than intended. With everything that was happening, I felt as if I was slowly losing myself.“I’m sorry.” She walked away, her head down.This was hard. Losing someone dear to you on the day that was supposed to be your happiest day. The day you show your love to the world, the day you promise to love one person for the rest of your life. Where did it all go wrong?“Sir
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Chapter 3
We were back home in Ordene and it was heartbreaking. It was heartbreaking because when I left the kingdom; I left with Isabella by my side and coming back home; she was in a coffin. My men were carrying the coffin into the car from the plane as we were going to bury her today. Just like everyone else, I was dressed in a black attire.I pulled my lower lip in between my teeth when I heard the click of a camera. Fucking reporters. How much it pained me it wasn’t pictures of Isa and me returning from our wedding and being newlyweds, but pictures of her coffin. How much it hurts knowing she wanted to have our honeymoon. It pained me to know it would never happen.“What happened to the Kings’ bride?” “How did it happen?”“Where is she?”“Who is in the coffin?”“Who attacked?”These questions were being asked by reporters, and I only wish I knew the answer to how it happened. As much as I wanted to let the people know what really happened, I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself
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Chapter 4
*Crash*The car crashed into mine, sending me forward. I hit my head on the steering wheel and Theo hit his on the dashboard. When I lifted my head up, I realized I had a cut on the side of my head and Theo had a bruise on his. I carefully got out of the car after checking to see if Theo had been seriously hurt. Thankfully, he was fine."Who the hell is that?" I asked no one in particular as I got out of the car.The driver of the car had also gotten down. A woman."Oh, my goodness." She ran a hand through her black hair, walking in my direction. "I'm so sorry." She stopped just a few feet from me. "Are you badly hurt? I can take you to the hospital if you want."Theo pulled out his gun and pointed it at the woman. "Back the hell up, woman."She raised her hands up in surrender and did as he instructed. "No need to get all serious." She looked away from Theo and toward me. "You're King Ryder, aren't you?"I didn't speak a word, just accessing her to see if she had weapons on her."Do
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Chapter 5
ELENA'S POINT OF VIEWKing Ryder Asshole.That should be his name. How dare he drag me to the police station even after I declared my innocence severally? I even cried. I grabbed a wineglass from the top shelf and poured myself a drink."Here's my favorite woman in the entire world." A cheery voice said from behind me."Not now, Quinn."I turned to look at my best friend. Blonde hair, blue eyes, very annoying and hot. She was always there for me. Well, except for earlier today."Why? What's wrong?" She snatched the glass from me and took a sip of my white wine.I grabbed another glass and poured myself another drink. "I crashed into someone's car today."Her eyes instantly went wide with fear and worry. "What? When? Were you hurt?"I took a sip of the wine. "No, but the person called the cops and I was arrested.""Who the hell is that?" Quinn asked, anger very noticeable in her tone and posture. "King Ryder Smith." I answered, going to stand beside her. "He's a jerk." When she said n
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Chapter 6
RYDER'S POINT OF VIEW"Come have breakfast."Mirabel covered her head with a pillow, ignoring me. I had sent a maid to tell her to come down, but she said she wouldn't. Now that I was in her room, she chose to be stubborn and not listen to me."Mirabel, I don't want to repeat myself, you hear me? Get your ass up and come down for breakfast."She removed the pillow and sat up. "I don't want to.""Mirabel.""Ryder, leave me alone. I said I don't want to have breakfast with you. Can't you respect that?""No." I moved closer to her bed. "I cannot respect that. Who am I supposed to eat with if you're not there?"She looked away from me. "There's Theo.""But you're my family." I removed the blanket she had used to cover herself despite her trying to put it back on."Ryder, please." She angrily kneeled on the bed, trying her best to appear the least bit scary."Mira, please." I teased, lifting her up from the bed. She struggled in my arms, letting me realize she really didn't want to have br
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Chapter 7
MIRABEL'S POINT OF VIEWStaying in my room all day long with two women who were monitoring me outside the room was becoming unbearable. Ryder wanted to keep me safe, and I was thankful for that, but I wanted to do something fun. I wanted to hang out with my friends. Where's the harm in seeing my friends? Isabella's death was getting to his head.He couldn't keep me locked up forever. I would do something I wanted, whether or not he liked it. He wouldn't understand, anyway. I threw on a black jacket on top of the black tank top I was wearing. I knew very well that the women in front of the door wouldn't let me just waltz out of the palace, so I was going to use the window.There was only one person who could help me escape from here. I had no intention of coming back anytime soon because I knew my brother would ground me for life before those women ever told him I had escaped. I grabbed my duffel bag and phone.I dialed my friend's number, and on the third ring; he picked up."Mira!" h
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Chapter 8
RYDER'S POINT OF VIEWMirabel surprised me two days ago. Just when I was considering letting her return to school and then she decided to mess everything up for herself. How could she even think of leaving me to go stay with some stupid boy who couldn't even afford his own meal? What if he wasn't genuine? What if the attacker was using him to get to Mirabel?But then, as I thought about it more, maybe I was being a little too much. Staying in the same place for three weeks must have been unbearable for her. I had to do something to make her feel better. I spoke to Theo about my plans and he said it was fine, as long as she would be with me at all times."Ryder?"I looked up from my phone when I heard Mirabel's voice. She wore a white, long-sleeved cropped tee, brown camo trousers and adidas sneakers. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had very little makeup on."You look nice." I smiled at her and walked around the car to the driver's side."You're acting weird, Ryder. What's going o
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Chapter 9
Mirabel rushed into the building. All I knew was the need to survive and the promise I made to my sister. Who were these guys, and how long had they been following us? Who in the world sent them to tail us? These bastards couldn't just appear at random, especially when they were working as a team. There had to be someone behind them. An asshole who wanted me and my family dead.The pedestrians had run away when they heard a gunshot. They were aiming for Mirabel.I ran into the warehouse as swiftly as I could, praying wholeheartedly that I wouldn't get shot. The men followed behind me."Ryder!" Mirabel called for my attention. She was hiding behind a steel drum. I hid behind the one across from her, so that I could see them easily."Be quiet." I instructed, bringing my index finger up to my lips.The men got closer, searching for us with their guns pointed in the air, ready to shoot. They were four and the one with a knife tattoo on the side of his face gave me reasons to believe he was
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Chapter 10
ELENA'S POINT OF VIEWWhen I said I would pay the price the following day, I wasn't kidding. My head hurt like crazy and the light wasn't helping my situation. I slowly got off the bed and made a beeline for the bathroom, where I was certain I would empty my stomach. If there was a reason I hated drinking, it would be this.Vomit was my nemesis.Unfortunately for me, my stomach decided puking all over my floor was the right thing to do. Vomit pooled beneath me, making me regret drinking as much as I did last night. I heaved on all fours. My stomach clenched in pain as vomit passed through my open jaws. Sweat dripped down my brow, my eyes watering.I wiped the disgusting liquid off the curve of my lips and rose to my feet. Looking down, I felt the need to double over and let the remaining demonic liquid in my stomach come out.Once in the bathroom, I went for the sink to rinse the involuntary tears that had streamed down my eyes. I brushed my teeth and hair. Now on to the part I didn't
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