Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 1 - Chapitre 10
Moving out day
Max’s POV “ I do not know why we had to move now, Teresa.” Max complained. They were driving on the free way en route to a little town in Alabama.They were followed by the two massive truck containers carrying all their stuff from their previous home in Manhattan.Truth be told, Max misses the bustling city life she grew up on. “You know what, I would really appreciate it if you call me Mom, I am still your mother.” They lived in Manhattan for all her life. She had friends there,a budding romance with her long time crush Zayn, and she and her girl friends were almost sure that he would ask her out pretty soon. That won’t happen now because her brilliant mother decided to pack up their things, shove it into two huge, green containers and have the audacity to tell her that they have to move in a little town called Haven ASAP. When Teresa meant ASAP, she meant the day after tomorrow. “Yeah, not happening, Teresa. After my birthday maybe, when
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The wood man
Max’s POV I cannot believe my ears and the woman whom I hated to call mom and the woman on the door who was supposed to be my grandmother. That was way too much information to process and my brain is about to go haywire. Any moment now. I agreed to leave our car and get inside the house. My steps were calculated as if I was ready to sprint back into the car and demand to be taken back to Manhattan as soon as possible. It was pretty cozy and bright and smelled nice and had pictures of my mom and of course, of me. A lot of them actually. It was all over the walls and the consoles. ” Teresa, I have a lot of questions on my mind right now.” “ I know, but lets get settled first and then I will answer all of those questions, kay?” I sat on the couch in the living room. Still amused by the fact that apparently, I had a grandmother but she was never a part of my life and why Teresa would never be caught dead mentioning her ever in my presence. The
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There is indeed a wood man
Max’s POV: Like any normal teenager, I disregarded what I saw or heard. Like my mother, I was just tired and maybe I just missed the Manhattan life that my mind was playing tricks on me. Yeah, that could probably be it. I placed my clothes in the closet and Ben was nice enough to carry all my bedroom stuff upstairs. I had a feeling that the burly man just wanted to give me a parting hug. I was their neighbor and their ward for a long time. “I will miss you, Max.” “Aw, I will miss all the food that Maria makes me eat and the two kids. Tell them I'd visit." “And?” “That’s just about it. Did I miss something?” “You hurt me, kid.” Ben sounded wounded. I chuckled. I was messing with Ben. “Aww. Of course, I will miss you too, but hey, there's this new app called Facetime. You need to connect wi-fi at home since we are already here. The kids would miss all the good stuff on the internet. Plus, it helps with homework.” They do not have internet so as an exchange for all the wonderful f
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Family in denial
 “Now...That is totally insane.” Betty said. I could tell that she was nervous. And Teresa was too. She stopped washing the dishes. “I know what I saw and heard. It happened twice.” “Max, I think you are tired.”Max’s POV I was not having any of the bull that they are feeding me. I knew that they are keeping secrets and that I am not stupid to put two and two together like these two would think. There was a loud animal howling that stopped me 
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Zayn Randolf
 “Tell me, did mom slipped you any money?” Teresa was asking me while they waited outside the principal’s office.They were told to wait at the bench in front of the door that read ‘Mr. Frank Hoff, School principal.’ “She did.”  “Oh, mom.” Teresa growled. “Don’t worry. I am gonna spend it wisely. In case you missed it. There are no starbucks in this place.” The door opened and a man almost my mom’s age stepped outside to meet us. He w
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The Black Pack
“The girl has arrived in Haven. I think it is high time that we strike.” A hooded man spoke. The room was dark and only a single light in the middle of the shabby warehouse where they like to meet for times like this was lit.The warehouse was a long abandoned one and only stubborn kids would hang around during the day for no one would attempt to be here after dark. “Hmm.” “Is that all you could say, Vlad?” Another hooded man retorted. "What do you want him to say? He is probaby scared that his postion in the pack might be compromised of a girl." Another man said. There were a total of six people in that place. All hooded and all were draped in black. It suited them well, because they were after all, members of the Black Pack. They had to meet in secrecy for, if the elders find out and the current pack Alpha hears about this, they would all be in deep trouble. “Borris, what do you think?’’ The one who was called Vlad asked his colleague. Borris was a big m
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Subtle changes
  MAXINE’S POV   I woke up with a grumbling stomach. Yeah, I know I was hungry. I wake up always hungry even when I was little. That was why I have formed this habit of eating toast and drinking warm milk right after I wake up. I blamed it on my active lifestyle. I run for the track and field team and running is not a minor feat. I was excellent in it actually. My track coach was the first to feel bad when they learned the horrible news that I am moving to nowhere. We were on tr
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Zayn's assigment
  I did not need Teresa to drive me to school today. When I first came to Haven, I had noticed that they love their bikes here. I saw a bike in the shed that morning, right after I finished dressing up for school. It might be my grandmother’s but it was fashioned to be too young for her. I went down to seek permission if I could use it today and if it was still in good shape. I went down to the kitchen and overheard them once again.   “...could you, say that&nb
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The past explained
 Teresa’s POV  I was once young and gullible. Like my daughter now, I was once stubborn. The pack we belong was a powerful one and highly respected among the seven packs. My father was the Alpha and I was groomed to be the next. I did not like being a wolf. I despised it. But unlike my daughter, I was informed of our origin at a very young  age. I knew everything about it and I grew up with like minded people. I grew up in Haven. Haven is a wolf-populated&n
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Manhattan, year 2000
 Teresa’s POV  I found money in the bag and the first thing that I looked for was for a place to stay. I also found a small convenience store where I parked the car that Clay gave me. I was not familiar with Manhattan but it was the city I was supposed to go. It was Clay’s wish that I end up here. I had to get some toiletries and food. I was starving. I got myself, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a change of underwear and some clothes to change into. I walked some more, clutching the satchel so tight as it only was the sole reminder of Clayton for us. I saw a small hotel and walked in. The receptionist was a sour man that did not know&n
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