

I jolted awake realizing that I must have slipped into a sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Looking around I saw I was still alone, instead of the sun shining in through the window, I found a soft glow lighting only a small sliver of the rooms’ floor.  A moment later Vycer appeared out of the shadow that darkened one corner of the room. 

“Feeling better, darling?” he softly asked

I just looked at him. Was he there the entire time I slept? How did I not hear the door open?

“May I leave?” I asked. 

He smiled gently and walked towards me. My gods, this man was what dreams were made of. I felt so nauseous even thinking that but my body would not listen to reason. I felt shivers run the length of my body and my jaw tighten. I couldn’t let him see my body’s desire. I need to get out of here. 

Before I could realize what was happening his large, rough hand was cupped around the base of my chin, tilting my eyes to him, as his other arm wrapped around my waist, dangerously low. His fingertips caressed my hip and I could feel my body pounding. Oh. My. God. This cannot be happening right now. I pushed back in an attempt to create space between us but the arm draped around my waist held firm. 

“Darling, whether or not you’d like to admit it, you are mine now. You. Are. Mine.” he whispered to me. Even though it was a whisper his voice commanded my attention. Deep and full, his words were not to be misinterpreted. 

“Well, it takes two people to agree to a marriage. I don’t know you. In fact, I hate you, your family, and all you’ve done to this kingdom. I am not property. Especially not yours.” I managed to croak out. 

“Ah, darling, but you have no choice in the matter. It is what your family wanted. Don’t you wish to fulfill their wishes?” At this he lifted me with the arm around my waist and carried me over to the long table. There he placed me down and spread my legs, positioning himself in between my thighs. 

A small gasp escaped as Vycer set me down with what seemed to be little to no effort. His eyes held mine in a steady gaze. He dropped his hand from my chin and ran his fingers through my wild, curly hair. His eyes then wandered from my green eyes down to my breasts all while his hand drifted from my hair, tracing down my arm to land on my thigh. He gripped my thigh in his sturdy hand, hard. 

As if by a trance, I snapped back into reality. With all of the strength I possessed I shoved him back. He barely moved. 

“Get off of me!” I yelled with as much force and conviction as I could gather. I pushed him hard. He took a few steps back. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I can feel your desire, my darling. You can't hide from me.” 

I was so embarrassed. Was I blushing? How did he know? Was he otherworldly beautiful, yes. Would I let him distract me from getting out of here, no. 

He was back between my legs before my eyes completed blinking but this time his breath caressed my neck. Just then I felt a searing pain form at the base of my spine. The pain was so bad I lost my breath and instinctually my hand reached for the spot that was on fire. As my hand fumbled for the spot I felt an icy cool calm come over the pain. Vycer’s icy fingers intertwined with mine on the small of my back. 

He whispered so forcefully “This doesn't need to be difficult but, I can make it so. Your father gave you to me. You are mine.” 

Vycer stood up straight and peered down at me. 

“I know this is hard, my darling, but let me assure you, this is where you belong.” With that being said he took my hand in his and motioned for me to follow him. As if bewitched, I did. I followed him.

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