What?! We're Mates?!

What?! We're Mates?!

Oleh:  Madel McDonough  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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22-year-old Anastasia Sanchez is a diehard fan of the e-book, Bonded: a werewolf love story with millions of fans around the world. When the final pages of Bonded cruelly tear the main leads apart, she is livid! She confronts the author and demands her to write the sequel with the two main leads getting back together. Instead of agreeing with her, the author gives her the task that’ll change her life forever: to write the sequel herself! But there’s a catch! Instead of writing the sequel with a laptop and Wi-Fi, Anastasia is magically transported inside the virtual world of Bonded and becomes one of its characters! Her problem doesn’t end there, her desire to give the two main leads a happy ending is cut short when she finds herself falling in love with Bonded’s male lead, Alpha Hugh Montemayor. Caught between loyalty to her beloved characters and the undeniable allure of Hugh’s embrace, will Anastasia sacrifice her own desires for the sake of the story, or will she rewrite the script of her own heart?

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86 Bab
CHAPTER ONE: A Reader's Disappointment
ANASTASIA'S POV: I just wanted them to have a happy ending, you know? The lead couple in my favorite novel, they deserved it. So, I started meddling, thinking I could make it happen. But, I ended up stealing the male lead from the female lead. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I never meant to betray anyone. I've inadvertently ruined what could've been a great love story to satisfy my own selfish desire. How I wish I never interfered and let things unfold as they were meant to.----------The soft glow of my phone casts a warm light on my face as I curl up on my worn-out armchair, ready to immerse myself in the final chapter of ‘Bonded’ - my cherished e-book. A cup of chamomile tea rests on a coaster by my side. As I swipe the screen to turn the pages, the plot thickens, and so does the frown on my face. The once delightful tale of romance is unraveling, leaving knots of disappointment and disbelief in its wake. The main leads, Yvanna and Hugh, stand on the brink of a breakup. I a
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CHAPTER TWO: The Agreement
The sun tiptoes through the floral curtains, casting a gentle warmth on the worn wooden floors and shelves laden with well-loved books. I stand before my modest vanity mirror, an unspoken excitement lighting my hazel eyes. My wardrobe is a collection of muted tones and comfortable fabrics. I slip into a shirt, a cardingan, a pair of well-worn jeans, and a comfortable pair of ankle boots.My hands move with purpose as I reach for a subtle palette of makeup. A touch of earthy eyeshadow and a stroke of mascara frame my eyes, accentuating the sparkle within, while a light pink blush and lipstick gives color to my pale complexion. I then comb my layered bangs and my brown wavy hair with my fingers, allowing some to fall on my shoulders and the rest, to my back. But, my excitement amplifies as I pick up my favorite accessory – my eyeglasses. “I can’t wait!” I giggle as I envision the events that’ll take place in a few moments from now. The wooden floor creaks beneath me as I make my way
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The soft hues of the setting sun paint the sky in shades of peach and lavender as I hurry down the familiar path towards home. The crisp air teases at my cheeks, carrying the scent of fallen leaves and the promise of a chilly night. My heart continues to dance with excitement, and I could hardly contain the bubbling energy that courses through my veins. As I approach the front door, I hear the comforting murmur of my parents' voices inside. "I'm home!" I call out, the jingle of the keys announcing my arrival.Mama’s voice, warm and inviting, responds, "Ana, darling, we're just about to sit down for dinner. Join us, won't you?"A smile plays on my lips, but I shake my head with regret. "Not tonight, mama. I've got something brewing in my mind for my upcoming novel. It’s something that can't wait. I promise I'll make it up to you both this weekend."My parents exchange glances, then nod with indulgent smiles, a silent way of wishing me well.Upstairs in my room, I perch on my favori
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CHAPTER FOUR: They Meet, At Last!
Then, with a sudden burst of spontaneity, I change my mind. "Actually, Hugh," I say, my voice tinged with excitement, "I would love a ride home." Hugh's smile widens, a spark of delight igniting in his eyes as he holds open the passenger door for me. With a graceful movement, I slip into the luxurious interior of the car, the scent of leather and fine cologne enveloping me. “Where do you live?” Hugh asks. “Watercress Village. You can just drop me at the gates,” I reply. As we speed through the city streets, the night air rushing past us in a blur of lights and shadows, and a thrill unlike any I have experienced before writhes through me. Warmth rushes through my neck and cheeks, my heart thrums with a heady mix of excitement and apprehension, my fingers fidgeting nervously in my lap. And with every stolen glance, I find my eyes drawn to Hugh—his chiseled features illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights, his hands steady on the wheel as he navigates the winding roads
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CHAPTER FIVE: Poor Anastasia
With a deep sigh, I turn away from the house that, all of a sudden, no longer belongs to me or my parents, and step out onto the cobblestone street. My footsteps echo in the quiet evening air as I make my way out of the subdivision's gates, my mind continues to swirl with questions after questions. Pulling my phone from my cardigan's pocket, I hope to find solace in the familiar voices of my loved ones. But as I unlock the screen with my fingerprint, my heart sinks like a stone. The contact list is empty, devoid of the names and numbers that have once filled it. A sense of panic washes over me as I scroll through the barren wasteland of my phone, searching desperately for even a single familiar name. My parents, my friends, my classmates—all gone without a trace. No?! Please, please, please!With trembling fingers, I tap on the icons for Facebook and Instagram, eager to lose myself in the familiar feeds of friends and acquaintances. But as the apps load, my heart sinks once again.
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CHAPTER SIX: Into Her New World
The rain falls in torrents, a relentless deluge that mirrors the tumult within my heart. I sit huddled on the pavement, my shoulders hunched, my figure a mere silhouette against the backdrop of the dreary evening. The cold drops cascade down, soaking through my clothes, but I scarcely notice, lost in the storm of my own despair. With trembling hands, I clutch at myself, as if trying to hold the shattered pieces of my being together while my tears mingle with the rain on my cheeks. I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour now, my thoughts swirling in an uproar of uncertainty and fear. But through the haze of my despair, there’s a flash of silver in the distance. The metallic Pagani draws nearer, and then, with a screech of tires, the car comes to a stop before me. My heart leaps in my chest and relief washes over me when Hugh emerges from the driver's seat. He doesn't hesitate, doesn't pause to shield himself from the rain. Instead, he rushes towards me with a single-minded determ
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CHAPTER SEVEN: Her Found Purpose
And... poof!I blink, my eyes widening in surprise when the figure before me has suddenly vanished into thin air. I blink again, rubbing my eyes in disbelief, but there’s no mistaking it—Hugh is gone!A soft chuckle escapes my lips as I shake my head in amusement, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks. My mind is already so exhausted with too many creepy, crazy things that happened and it even dares to imagine Hugh's unexpected appearance here while I’m half-naked, seriously?"Oh, Anastasia, I won't be surprised if you completely lose your mind," I mutter to myself, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I push aside my embarrassment as I adjust the towel around my body. Then I take a deep breath, gathering my composure before stepping out of the bathroom. As I open the door, I find Betty standing on the other side, her expression apologetic as she hands me a bathrobe that's far too loose for my slender frame."Thank you," I say as I accept the bathrobe."We
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CHAPTER EIGHT: Ready For a Second Chance at Love?
HUGH’S POV: The air feels thick with tension as Anastasia's words hang in the air like a heavy fog. Her offer in solving my already-done romance with my ex-fiancée gives me irritation. Who does she think she is to meddle in my personal life? She’s been showing interest in my failed relationship with Yvanna since earlier. I stare at her, my fingers tapping against the armrest of the chair. Without a word, I stand up, the legs of the chair scraping against the tiled floor with a harsh sound. “Hugh, wait!” Anastasia calls.With determined steps, I make my way to the kitchen, my movements mechanical and devoid of any reason to listen to her. I reach for the bottle of my finest wine, uncorking it with ease, and pour myself a generous glass. Its crimson liquid glints in the dim light. I ignore Anastasia's call again, not even sparing a glance in her direction as I make my way towards the staircase. Upstairs, in my bedroom, I find solace in the moonlit balcony. The full moon casts a s
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CHAPTER NINE: A Revelation
The lighting of the hallway casts elongated shadows as I stand outside my parents’ bedroom door, the only barrier between me and dad’s sleeping figure inside. Mom joins me, her expression manifests concern and apology. "Son, I'm sorry for putting this burden on you," she says softly. I turn to look at her. "It's not your fault, mom. Dad's health is what's important right now." She reaches out and places a comforting hand on my cheek. "I know, but asking you to find a mate so soon... it's a lot to ask." I sigh, my gaze drifting back to the closed door. "I understand why it's necessary. Without a Luna, I can't take over as Main Alpha." Fine lines deepen on mom’s face as she looks at me with heavy unspoken words. I know that they only want what’s best for me and for our pack, but the pressure is suffocating at times. I clasp mom’s hand with mine, pulling it away from my cheek, before kissing it. "Don't worry about it, mom." She squeezes my hand gently, her dark eyes filled with m
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CHAPTER TEN: We're Mates?!
ANASTASIA’S POV: Our breaths mingle in the crisp air. My heart races in a way that's both riveting and scary, my eyes are wide in surprise, my mind reeling with a thousand questions, my body thrumming with an unfamiliar energy. "W-Why?" I whisper breathlessly the moment we break apart, my voice barely above a murmur. Hugh's eyes bear into mine, his expression intense yet tender. "Because you're my mate," he replies, his voice low and husky with emotion.My breath is caught in my throat, my mind struggling to process his words. Mate? The word echoes in my mind, sending a shiver down my spine. "What?" I blurt out, my voice filled with disbelief. "We're mates?"Hugh nods solemnly, his gaze never leaving me. "Yes, Anastasia. When a werewolf finds their mate, they feel a thrilling sensation through touch, and an even greater kind of sensation through a kiss. It's a bond that goes beyond words, beyond reason. And I've felt it with you since the moment we met."My mind whirls with co
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