

Phill's POV

I don't know what I was doing with my life.

I don't know what Lea was doing to me.

I swear I never felt any emotion as strong as my emotions towards Lea. It wasn't merely physical.

I mean I am a man after all. I would be lying if I said that her touch, her smile, her head leaning on my shoulder, her lips accidentally brushing against my arms didn't turn me on.

Of course it did.

But what mattered most for me was her happiness. I wanted to be that relief when she smiled after a long and tiring day. I wanted her to smile with or without me.

Lea and I were very much alike in more than one way. We both loved silently. We both suffered hoping that the person we loved would be happy that way. We both lived a lie each day... day after day.

*** intense ringing of the phone along with the vibration in my pocket, brought me back from my trail of thoughts***

" Hello, Mother! What a pleasant surprise. ”

My mother rarely called. She called only under dire situ
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