
Penulis: Hope_seeker




"I wiped the warm blood that trickled on the side of my mouth. This girl is my fifth victim tonight, but I wanted more. My need and thirst for blood are growing daily, and I don't know how long I can endure this.

There's a voice inside my head forcing me to do all this evil thing. To kill. The voice clouded my mind of how sweet, fascinating, and appetizing human blood is. How does it feel when the human trembles in my hold as I suck them dry with their blood. How the warm blood tastes on the tip of my tongue, and how pleasurable it feels as the warm blood runs in every vein of my body.

The voice is like a force that has the power of my body, and it can command me anytime it wants. I knew that voice. It was darkness inside me that was slowly consuming me.

The darkness inside us slowly consumes a royal vampire like me the longer we live without our mate beside us. And like me, I've been living for many centuries, and my time is approaching. Our mate is the anchor that can hold the darkness inside us to stay hidden, and our mate is also one who can unleash that darkness.

I've been searching for her all over the world for centuries, but until now, I haven't found her, and I can't do anything to stop the darkness inside me but let it consume me or end my life before it happens.

I started to move again, looking for my next prey. It was easy because I could easily lure human girls towards me because of my appearance.

They say I am good-looking, very handsome. I don't know if it is true because I'm used to my face. Seeing your face for centuries, I'm sure you'll also get tired of it. And they said that's why human and even vampire girls always throw themselves at me. I can compel them to follow me if I want to, but I don't usually do it. I typically use it on my people who sinned and put the blame on others to make them tell the truth.

I am six feet and two inches tall, with pale smooth skin, typical for a vampire like me, and ocean-blue eyes, but it becomes bloody red when I become furious. I am the only vampire alive that has ocean blue eyes, and that's the other reason humans don't know that I am a vampire because normal vampires usually have light red or light gold eyes. Still, they become darker if they can't feed, and after two weeks without feeding, blood it turned completely black.

I have thick curly lashes and thick dark eyebrows, a small and pointed nose, and thin and plump lips. My body is slightly lean but muscular, and my hair is slightly curly and brown, which falls over my eyes.

I am in a small town near my castle. A place humans called a club. Humans of different ages are everywhere, enjoying their life without knowing the devil that I am is just lurking around. I'm in the dark alley near the club, waiting and searching for my next victim.

"Hi! Are you alone? Want some company?" A girl, I think seventeen or eighteen, stood in front of me with a smile on her lips and seductively bit her lower lips. I've been living for a long time, but that flirting act of a girl never failed to disgust me.

"Yes!" I replied shortly and moved deeper into the alley away from the club. I know she will follow, and a few seconds later, she runs after me and clings to my arms. Also, I'm not too fond of this act of the girl being clingy.

"Where are we going, sexy?" Another thing I hate is their acting cute and making their voice sound like a kid. I ignored her, and when I was sure we were far enough. I halted and quickly held her shoulders and pinned her to the wall. She bites her lips, looking up at me seductively, and her arm promptly wrapped around my neck.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck, and she shuddered. She smells of alcohol, but her blood smells intoxicating. I licked her neck, and she let out a moan. I quickly covered her mouth with my palm and bit hard on her. My hand muffled her scream, and she trashed when I started to suck her blood. I groaned when the warm, sweet blood touched my tongue. She struggled in my tight grip, but eventually, she became limp in my hold when I drained all her blood and I pushed her lifeless body to the ground. I let out a growl of contentment, licking the side of my lips.

"Sire, you need to go back to the castle now. The council guards are lurking around. They wanted to catch you in the act of killing humans so that they could use it to remove you from your throne."

Raul is one of my trusted guards—the one I chose to replace me on the throne when I die. Yes, I plan to end my life before the darkness completely consumes me. I don't want to destroy my race as well as the human.

The throne will be in good hands if he's the one to replace me because, unlike me, he is gentle and kind to everyone. He hears both sides before he makes a decision

"Where are they?"

"A few miles away from here, Sire." He answered with eyes cast on the ground. No one is allowed to look at my eyes because it shows disrespect.

"Let's go," I said, and with vampire speed, I ran toward the castle, but as soon as I halted in front of the door, a silver arrow flew toward me, aiming straight at my heart. But it didn't hit me because Raul caught it. Silver can kill an average vampire when it drives straight to the heart, the same with a stick, but for me, it couldn't kill me, but it can paralyze me for a few minutes, enough time for my enemy to kill me by removing my head or setting my body on fire.

Louis, Luther, and Lucas quickly ran after whoever fired the arrow while I stood there with Raul beside me, waiting.

Ten minutes later, they returned with two other vampires, both arms tied behind them.

"You're going to die. Sooner or later, you will die. Not in our hands, but more are coming for your life, vampire, King. You're not a capable king. You're not suitable to be called King. You're a piece of trash. Without your royal blood, you're nothing." A blonde hair mocks me.

"Without your royal blood, you'll become a rogue because no coven will want you. And no coven lives besides your castle because...

"You know why??" I cut him off. My face is emotionless, but I know my eyes are now bloody red. "Because all of them fear me. You wondered why because I could do this. My hand reached forward and snatched the man's heart like his flesh and ribs that covered his heart, just like a thin sheet of paper.

I hold the heart and squeeze it, and it splatters everywhere. Louis quickly pulled his head off, and her body turned into ashes. Vampires who were more than a hundred years old turned ashes as soon as they died, but those who were hundred years and below they don't, except when they were under the sun. But royal blood and pure blood vampire can move under the sun, but sunlight makes us weak, but we quickly recover our strength when night comes.

The other vampire staggered backward-looking at me in horror. What coven are you from? Ah, never mind. I will find it myself and wipe them all."

"No! You can't do that." He panicked, looking at me.

"How can you try to kill me when you're just an ordinary vampire? I am a king, and I can do anything I want. And I will enjoy doing it.

It is a warning to all the covens worldwide never to send someone from their coven to try to kill me because I will only wipe out their coven if they fail. Rest in peace because your family and friends will be with you soon."

"No, please, Sire, for... but I cut him by snatching his heart as well.

"I don't forgive those who sinned me." I threw his heart on the ground and stepped on it before entering the castle.

"Sire, are you really going to wipe out their coven?" Raul followed behind me with the other.


"But Sire, not everyone in the coven was...

"Raul!" I halted on my track without looking at them.

"Yes, we will accompany you, Sire." He said, kneeling behind me.

"Very well then. Find out what coven they belong to as soon as possible. I want them to know what the punishment for a traitor is.

"Yes! Sire." He quickly answered. I went to my chamber to rest. The sun is slowly rising at the horizon, and it is time for me to sleep. I have a coven to destroy tonight, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it.


A knock came on the door, and Raul stepped inside, carrying a tray with a silver goblet on it. It was already dark outside, and it was time to destroy a coven.

"Sire! He greeted me, and I just nodded and took the goblet, and drank the blood.

"What coven?"

"Sanguine coven, Sire."

"Okay, wait for me outside. We're leaving soon."

"Yes, Sire." He bowed and left.

"Sanguine! I heard rumors about this clan that they were abducting humans, but the council couldn't find evidence about it. Tonight, I'll find out if this is true or just a rumor.

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