
Chapter 5

Meghan's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I seriously thought that I misheard him but his forlorn expression told me that I didn't

" Baby, let me explain." Damn right, he better explain. How the hell can he be getting married? To who? I had so many questions but I held myself back to give him a chance to explain what he said.

" Well, I am waiting?" I say to him on the verge of losing my patience.

He scratches the back of his head while hesitating to talk.

" The thing is, I have to get married but trust me. It's just business. I don't even know the woman or care about her."

The is silence after he talks. I was waiting for him to continue but it seemed like he was done. " That's it?" I ask him.

" Uh...yeah."

I sigh and avert my gaze. I couldn't bring myself to be heartbroken. To be honest, I don't even care if he gets married or not. After all, I don't love him. But his marriage will surely become an obstacle in my plan. It seems my 2 years of plotting will go to waste with his abrupt engagement.

Still, I couldn't just look unfazed by the news of his wedding. So I put up a performance like I've been doing for all this time.

" What about me? What will become of me when you get married?" I asked emotionally.

He reached out his hand across the table toy hand. " Don't worry babe. This is just temporary. Between us, nothing is going to change. I will just live with that woman but nothing will happen. I'm only yours Meghan. You trust me right," he tries to assure me desperately.

I pull my hand away from his dramatically.

" What do you mean nothing will change!? That woman will be your wife and I'll turn into your lover?" I cry out.

Julian gets out of his seat comes to my side and pulls me into his arms as I cry.

" I'm sorry Meg. I know I am a jerk for doing this to you but I promise. Everything will be alright. This is my father's fault. Once everything is settled and I finally take over as CEO, I will get a divorce and make you my wife. That's a promise. I'll make that happen no matter what," he declared with conviction. I continued to silently cry on his chest as he rubbed my back for comfort.

Pretending is so hard. The things I have to do to look and sound convincing. Even after 2 years, it doesn't get easy. At first, I thought that it would be difficult to fool Julian Harrison. But it turned out that a woman is really a man's weakness. In no time, Julian was already smitten by me. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive to have me by his side. Thanks to that, I could initiate my plan.

I never loved Julian. It has nothing to do with him but my heart already belongs to another and for him, I am going to such lengths to get him what is rightfully his. Julian is a nice guy. He is a passionate lover and knows how to treat a lady. I will give him that. But unfortunately, he fell for the wrong woman.

For 2 years I've been planning to invade his life and the only person he thinks or cares about. It looks like I've managed to achieve that. The only problem is his father. He is also an obstacle. I know he is suspicious of me and will do anything to try and separate me from Julian. He is one sly old fox.

I left Julian's place after he managed to calm me down. I told him that I needed a few days to think and wrap my head around his marriage news. I headed straight for the bar. I got there and looked at the crowd. After searching, I saw a familiar bar sitting at the bar.

A smile appeared on my face as I walked towards him. I got to him and gave him a back hug.

" Hey my love," I say to him.

" You are here. I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. Did something go wrong?" He completely ignored my greeting. I sighed and sat on the seat next to him. Unlike Julian, this guy is cold and doesn't easily express his emotions. He is so closed off that it's hard to read him or know what he is thinking. Simply unpredictable. I suppose that Is why he doesn't mind me sleeping with another man. Still, love is strange so there is nothing strange about loving a guy who is cold and indifferent.

" Well, things didn't go as well as I thought they would. Julian is getting married so things are to have to change." I said but he didn't look surprised. It's as if he knew things would turn out this way.

He turned his head to look at me with a blank expression in his eyes. Every time he looked at me it felt like his cold and dark eyes could see through my soul. His gaze was uncomfortable but not in a bad way. He doesn't talk too much only says what needs to be said. I don't know what I love about this guy but something about his aura attracted me to him.

" Congratulations to them." He gave me a million-dollar smile making my heart flutter.

" Shall we raise a toast on behalf of the soon-to-be newlyweds?" he raises his glass beckoning me to do the same. He is so strange. I thought he would be angry that things are not going his way but now we are raising a toast for the "soon-to-be newlyweds". I played along with his game and clinked glasses with him. I didn't dare question him. He knows best and I trust that.

I remember very well how I met this mysterious and strange man. My stupid ex-boyfriend had just dumped me in public and humiliated me. In front of all my friends, he called me names and chose my best friend saying she was more of a woman than I will ever be. A few days before he was acting strange and started being closed off to me. Strangely, everyone was acting like him.

I tried to go through his phone but I couldn't guess his password after many attempts. I went through his things and found a box with something small and shiny. I was overjoyed thinking he was going to bend the knee and ask for my hand so I pretended not to have seen it and waited for him to pop the question.

To my surprise, I found out too late that I had it all wrong. I was being played for a fool all along by my boyfriend and best friend. I found out that there was a gathering at the regular restaurant and my boyfriend was going to propose to my best friend. Everyone knew everything and supported their relationship. When I got there to confront them, they made a joke and insulted me.

I became a spectacle in front of all to watch and laugh at. That was the worst day of my life and my blood still could when I think about it. I was running out of the restaurant in embarrassment and tears when I bumped into him. My savior. Our eyes met and I knew that my life would change drastically and it did. I was no longer my own person or anyone else's. I was his person.

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