Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

By:  Esoteric918  Ongoing
Language: English
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The world of werewolves is changing. All packs are being forced to concede to a more powerful wolf, determined to have peace among the wolves. Emily’s boyfriend of 3 years is forced to take a bride, from another pack, in a political pairing. After one night out, the worst happens. She gets knocked up and had no idea just who her mystery man was.

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8 Chapters
Chapter 1
No one likes being woken up at seven AM on their day off. Especially not when said person had worked a double shift in a busy emergency room right before falling asleep. But when woken up by a grumpy werewolf for a father, you didn’t give the snippy remark you had readied for whoever woke you. My father didn't just lightly tap on my door. No. That would be too nice. My lovely father banged on the door like the house was on fire, startling me out of bed. My brain desperately looked for the danger before I realized that it was just my dad giving me his normal wake up call. "Eddy's car just pulled up!" He yelled loud enough to ensure that I wasn't going to be going back to sleep anytime soon. "He's giving you a couple minutes to get presentable." I groaned and rolled onto my feet. "Alright." I grumbled. "This better be important." I said to myself as I quickly threw myself together. Eddy and I might have been dating for three years, but I still wanted to look nice for him. We were at
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Chapter 2
I sat on my bed in shock. How could this have happened? How long had Eddy been stringing me along? He had been distant for a couple of weeks. Even his normally high sex drive had been almost completely diminished. Did the whole pack know? I put my head in my hands. If the whole pack knew, then how was I ever going to show my face again? Of course they'd side with Eddy. He was actually a part of their pack. I was just a human. It didn't matter that I had grown up around these people. Pack was pack. I was human and therefore unable to become pack. When the door to my room opened, I didn't look over. There would only be two people who would come into my room now. My dad or Nikki. The lack of noise that came with my father told me that it was Nikki who had come in. She sat on my bed and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you what was happening." If it hadn't been for the door squeak as it opened, I might not have known she came into the room. She was always sneak
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Chapter 3
The car ride with Mike was…awkward. I knew he was going to be tip toeing around me. He didn’t want to bring up Eddy and his new mate. I was curious. Was she worth leaving me for? I really hoped she was ugly and a huge bitch. But with my luck, I probably wouldn’t get that combo. I'd settle for one of the two. When Mike finally parked the car, I opened the door to get out but I was stopped. Mike grabbed my wrist and stopped me before I got out of his car. He was really a man of few words, so stopping me meant it was probably a big deal. “You’re not going to cause a scene, are you?” I shook my head. “Don’t plan on it.” I hadn't even given it much thought. I was going to try to be a grown up through this thing…well now that I was done feeling sorry for myself. “Well don’t. This arrangement needs to go smoothly.” I rolled my eyes. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I hate Eddy’s guts right now.” He nodded and let me go. “They’re going to be here soon, so I expect you to control yoursel
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Chapter 4
“Ems?” My tormentor said gently. There was no way I was going to respond to the name he called me while we had been together. There was no point now. He hadn’t moved any closer as I ignored him, so he was probably asking for permission to get closer. “Emily?” I huffed and tilted my head back. I wasn’t going to get up for him. “What do you want?” He shrugged awkwardly. “I just thought I’d check on you.” I rolled my eyes and looked back up at the stars. “You don’t have to check up on me, I’m a big girl,” I said irately. I heard him take a few steps closer. “You don’t want to come over here.” I warned. Everyone knew I got my temper from my father. I’d make a scene if he came any closer. I wouldn’t be able to control it. “I just feel guilty that you’ve been so depressed because I left you.” I looked over just in time to see the shock in his face. He hadn’t meant to tell me that. He must think I’m pretty pathetic if that’s what he was thinking of me. Then the anger switch flipped. “Ho
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Chapter 5
I had to wait for my dad to leave before I could start getting ready to go out. If he knew I planned on going somewhere he’d hound me until he knew all the details. I wasn’t going to explain to my father that I was old enough to go whore it up without the approval of my father. Nikki wasn’t coming with me tonight. Normally she would be right beside me trying to sweet talk the bouncers into letting us into the club with the boys, but they were all at the Alpha’s house meeting Margaret’s family. I was not going to be involved with that. I didn’t need to meet the pack’s in-laws. That would have made everyone tense and made them all look at me weird…so it was easier to just avoid the whole thing entirely. The only thing I would have gotten out of it was having fun making Eddy squirm, but that wasn’t worth it. Plus I didn’t tell anyone I was going out. I didn’t want to be home, but I didn’t want to be around anyone who felt bad for me. I just needed to forget about everything. I needed t
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Chapter 6
When I woke up the next morning, I was a bit startled. During my sleep I had forgotten all about going out to the bar. It could've all just been a very vivid dream. The dull throb in my head told me last night had been real, but it wasn't anything that would take away my ability to function. Then I realized I was in his shirt. There was a second's worth of panic when I looked around. Maybe this guy wasn't just like I remembered. Maybe he left me with the tab for this room. I scanned around for my clothes. I didn't want to get caught in nothing but his shirt. Maybe he was out looking for a conquest and made off with my clothes as a trophy. I didn't hear any running water in the bathroom, so I knew he wasn’t there. When I got out of the bed, I saw a note on the desk saying he’d be back. I got out of the bed and tamed my hair. I was finishing putting it in a cute, curly side ponytail when the door opened. I held my breath not knowing what to expect. I was instantly relieved when he lo
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Chapter 7
I was beyond nervous when I pulled up to Nikki’s house. I wasn’t so naïve to believe that she wouldn’t have tried to get in contact with me last night. She had probably called multiple times. If she got desperate enough, she’d go over to my house to look for me. As customary, I didn’t knock when I walked into Nikki’s house. Her car was in the driveway, so I knew she was home, but I couldn’t hear her anywhere. I slammed the door and waited for the scurrying to tell me that someone was coming to chew me out. That didn’t happen. “Guess she’s not home.” I muttered to myself as I walked to the shower. I took a nice and long one because I knew that Nikki would be home when I got out. Her neighbors are the biggest snoops I’ve ever met. They would’ve called her when I walked into the house. I hung my dress to dry in the shower stall when I finished. I had to get Mac’s scent off of the dress so Nikki couldn’t scent him. I didn’t want to give him the headache if she ever happened to come ac
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Chapter 8
The next few weeks were hard on me. I threw myself into work. I did at least 3 double shifts every week on top of my regular schedule. In one pay period I went from my regular 80 hour work period to almost a 130 hour work period. I was exhausted. Too exhausted to do anything besides sleep and eat. Dad didn’t say anything because he knew that I was almost exactly like him. When he was troubled, he would throw himself into work. I knew he would have stopped me if this all got too out of hand. It was almost six weeks later that I was told that I needed to take time off of work. I was given a week of paid vacation. When I asked why I had to do this, they told me to look at my ankles. They were swollen. I hadn’t been eating right and I was on my feet all day. I had even complained a bit about being exhausted. When I complained about a painful lower back, they sent me home without completing my shift. My patient was overweight and would not cooperate and use the li
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