Turning Tables on the Princess

Turning Tables on the Princess

By:  K.K.S.  Updated just now
Language: English
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She’d escaped me once. She’d not do it again. I am the brother of the Alpha of the Asara Pack. I did everything she asked of me. She was a queen up on her throne. I was her Captain of the Guard. Her secret assassin killing anyone who'd threaten her. I had declared my intent to claim her as my mate. And she had fled. Like the coward she is. Still she went ahead and seduced me, bidding me do whatever vile thing she commanded. Now she claims to rule this kingdom. However, her people are starving and her new fiancé is to blame. But will she hear a word of it? Of course not! Well, I've found a way to make her listen. To no longer allow her to deny what she really is. To rip her from her sanctuary amongst the humans. It's high time she learn a she-wolf’s place in this realm. She needs a real king, and it won't be that sniveling lord with designs on her. It's going to be me. She’ll learn I'm no longer hers to command. She is mine.

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38 Chapters
***Note from the author:Explicit sex. Forced and rough sex. Shape shifting. Vengeance and captivity. Dark erotica.Can be triggering for some.***“Run, Girl! Run!” Marta’s voice was echoing in my ears. Her urgency. She had shown me the break in the border wall.Where I can get through. And I needed out.I never wanted to be part of this pack. But Edrick, the Asara Pack Alpha, had made me at the get. Despite that I was residing amongst humans. Nearly invisible as what I was. He’d known me as a wolf.He had his two vicious sons drag me into Asara territory and I was forced to join their pack and become fated to be prey of one of the unbred males because I was considered one of the few ‘breedables.’Females of mating age.And in this ferocious pack, breedable she-wolves were easy prey for the males that became fiercely lustful under the Mating Moon. Willing to throwdown the nearest she-wolf and rut her into submission to sate their insane drive.Like the malevolent wolves they are. I
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An Opportunity
“Which is the only thing I want.” He finished.It was his vow that he’d have me that set me with determination.He will not. My face hardened. Making me seem far sterner than I usually was.I’m leaving this damn place before he has the chance.I knew enough about Alaric to feel intimidated and to know he didn’t bluff. He meant what he said.Then tonight, just as dark was beginning to fall, the camp exploded in chaos.Draven and Alaric returned from a hunt with Edrick on a makeshift gurney. Bleeding everywhere.Fury, Edrick’s Beta, jogged from his hut and swore at the sight of the Alpha. “I told him I needed to go with you boys. Damn him!”Fury followed them into Rebekah’s hut.It was one of the only times I ever knew of, that The Healer let males beyond her threshold.Despite all of Rebekah, efforts, Edrick was soon dead.Our Alpha was dead.Killed by the Alpha of the NightHunters and his son.Edrick had managed to slaughter the Alpha but only to scar the adult son.The camp was awhir
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So, when chaos ensued as they came through the huge swinging door, bearing the body of our dead alpha, I’d taken advantage of the shouts and clattering and panicked shouts…I got out.Through the trees and through that crack behind the tree, and out to freedom. Evening light cast pink and orange hues along the horizon. Signaling that dark would soon be here.And this close to the Mating Moon, my smell would be more potent.Easier to follow.But I was counting on the fact that everyone would be too busy mourning the alpha and honoring Draven’s ascension, to pursue me.And the wolf I was the most worried about hunting me down would be in the thick of the mourning.Alaric.This is the only chance I’ll have. I reminded myself. As I wove to the back of the hunts.So, I took it.***“Run, girl. Run!” Marta urged from behind me. Her words echoing in my ear as I did my mad flight through the trees. Swinging around the trunks and lunging sideways to mark trees in directions I wasn’t going.Try
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Strange Salvation
I looked over my pale shoulder and through the strands of my straight blonde hair, watching the silvery wolf emerge from the trees so close behind me. Loping through the grass. I forced my legs to go faster. Carrying me at a nearly inhuman pace that should’ve lent a clue as to what I really was.If anyone knew anything. I was counting on the fact that they were simple humans who did not.Most wolves abhorred the company of humans. Knowing they were more powerful, faster and more animalistic, they tended to keep their distance.Which also keeps them from hunting us as zealously as the mages do.The wolf behind me was cutting the distance.Heading for me.He leapt and his teeth barely missed strands of my knee length hair as he tried to catch it without taking out my legs entirely.Trying not to hurt me at least. I could appreciate that.He could’ve torn my leg out from under me and injured me.But he wants me for a mate. And doesn’t want me broken.At least not until he’s done with me.
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Blending In
LARAI’d cowered behind the king. Wondering if that door would hold. Willing to let that pack of nights stand between me and the vicious brother of the Alpha hunting me.I’d let anything stand between him and I. As long as it kept him from getting me.“You poor thing…” The king rubbed my hair down around my tearstained cheeks. Brushing away the dampness with old fingertips.He had a kindly face. Gentle eyes but a hard jaw beyond that white beard, that told me that his hand could be as brutal as nice.I was going to work for nice. I looked at him and wondered how far I could take this. How far will I go to avoid the wolves?Any distance. I decided. Steadying myself to what might come.I clung helplessly to the old king’s arms like a lost child. Forcing my face as vulnerable as I could make it. “Please, please help me. I’ll do anything…”“Of course, Dear. Of course we will. My, my you are a pretty one, aren’t you…Beneath all those tears. You’re luck you made it. He nearly got you.”You’
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It was a normal morning. I rose and my maid tended me in my morning rituals. Brushing my hair until it was a soft yellow halo framing my face. She then plaited it. Weaving in some shining white pearls. Next, she dusted my lips with a bit of rouge to freshen my face.She pulled a sky blue dress of fine silk over my head and helped gather my hair from beneath it. Tightening the laces until I felt I couldn’t breathe. Then helping me into the matching slippers.The fire was still needed to warm my room because though the sun was up, it was a moggy, damp morning. And the castle seemed to encourage the dampness to cling. Building the chill.I grabbed a gold silk wrap with tassels on the edges and pulled it around my shoulders. Emerging from my room with a purposeful walk.I’m starved. I had every intention of heading straight to the Dining Hall to retrieve some breakfast when I was stopped in my tracks.A knight was passing me in the corridor. He wore full armor, but his helmet was tucked u
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To my secret relief, he was unable to perform and soon gave up.I sensed his frustration as he lay next to me. “It changes nothing, My King.”It’s better this way actually.“Such a great frustration for a man such as I, to have such a beautiful wife, alluring from her toenails to her forehead, and be unable to enter her.”“I’ve told no one, My King.”“Do not. Not so much as a whisper to a maid.” He said sternly. “Though you’re forgiving, our people would not be. They’d say our marriage was unconsummated.”It was.“They’ll cast you from this castle when I’m gone.”“What do I do when you are?” I asked softly. Feeling a bit fearful. Though I was strong, there was still much I relied on him for.He’s my guarantee of safety.Though I looked forward to being Queen to run the realm, something I’d been learning for a year now, I feared what might happen.“Consider Bartholemew, My Dear. He has an eye for you. And he’s young enough to give you heirs.”“I’ll consider it. But not a day before the
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Controlled Rage
Alaric.Asking me how long I’d thought I could hide from him.A lot longer than I had, it appeared.“What do you want?” I lurched off the wall but met his solid chest. He had me caged in such a way, he was inescapable. His breath warm next to me. Still tainted with the hint of some wine.And far too close.“I’ll call for my Guards.” I gave him a hard shove but found his body utterly unrelenting. I tried to twist away but he caught my elbows and held me to him.“Do you think any of them would hear you before I silenced you?”Silenced? Killed or knocked me unconscious?As far as his question, no.He’s far too fast.“What do you want, Alaric?” I said acidly. Working hard to hide the fact that he had me trembling so hard that I felt like my legs would give out.“You know what I want.” His yellow eyes slid down my face and neck to the low cut of my dress. “You ran away because you knew.”“No.” I denied. A bit too quickly. “I didn’t want to be claimed by wolves.”He frowned and gave me a si
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When I only nervously licked my lips, he touched the bottom of my chin. Lifting it to draw my eyes to his piercing blue ones.“Are you so sure, you don’t want me to take you now?” He reached intimately to caress the inside of my thigh, over my dress, slipping his hand up. Inch by inch. Bunching the fabric against my center. His hand finding the place already superheated.My hands fluttered and I dropped my head back on the wall, completely unprepared for his nearness.Or the effect it’s having on me.Swallowing hard, I fought for control. I knew it was nowhere near a Mating Moon.So why am I reacting so wildly?I could feel the response of my she-wolf. Writhing just under my skin. My arms rippled like a wave under my skin, as my body struggled against the change.Don’t. I willed myself. Trying to even my breaths, to slow my racing heart.“How long has it been?” He taunted. “Since you last ran?”His nimble fingers were stroking toward my opening and rubbing the bud at the crest of my c
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A Changing Tide
Things changed the day that I was eating in the banquet room.I’d settled down to some eggs and steaming linked, sausage for breakfast. The Dining Hall was relatively empty.As it usually is when I come to breakfast. It seemed I was generally the only early riser. Which was why I did it so often. I liked the peace of being the only one in this great hall, save for the guards near the mantle and door and a sprinkling of servants cleaning, I was the only occupant.I sawed at the bit of sausage with my knife and took a delicate bite. Savoring the spicy, tangy flavor.Nearly oblivious to the presence of the servants working diligently around the room. A man feeding logs into the fire and a few maids dusting. A servant stoking the fire, threw in the last log a bit carelessly. Which was what first drew my attention to him.Servants are not usually so careless for fear of reprisal. My blue gaze flitted over to him in time to see him spinning round and leaping into a full tilt run. Nearing
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