

Slow calculated footsteps magnificently palpitated in my direction. My breath had already quickened and there on the spot as I stood still, I tried to use every muscle in my quivering figure to Stiffler a whimper. 

"W-what…!?" I quietly aired a query through my shaking breath whilst I involuntarily counted every step he made in my direction. So bold and careless, the man smirked at my confusion, never stopping shuffling towards me. There was no reflection of welcoming emotions on his features — nothing! His eyes, instead of gleaming, were overwhelmed by menacing darkness. 

"Chief, everyone is dead!" An unknown soldier stormed into the fallen building, quickly followed by two more, their bloody hands firmly clasping what I believed to be guns. "There's only one of them left to die…!" The man hissed through his teeth, his eyes deadly staring into mine. 

With each word he spat, a shadow constantly flashed across his eyes as they loomed over my figure. I knew it, he was talking about me and there was no shame waving in the echo of his words. "Rummage the whole building, there must be a place we haven't looked at yet and I shall stay back and finish the Moonlight Pack!" The man growled with a smile that I knew was filled with poison. 

My heart quickly froze when I received his words — My stomach turned icy and I could not breathe. How could he…? Why would he want to…hurt me? I am his mate, I know he knows. Nothing was making sense and for whatever reason, his smile became wider, sharply spreading across his pale face as if he knew how confused and frightened I was. 

Shameless! The man scoffed when every muscle in my body was screaming at me to flee but unfortunately, I remained paralyzed on the same spot — on the ground where I felt as though something had walked through me and left me numb and shaking. 

"You are pathetic!" He suddenly aired smoothly in a passionless voice as if he was bored. A stab in my heart and I couldn't scream. I could only open my mouth to find out that words had deserted me. "How could he say that?" I asked myself — my wolf was slowly becoming quiet. I could not help but dart my eyes at his veiny hand that was confidently holding Alpha Xenos's sword which was covered by the blood of its owner. 

The blood left a menacing trail behind as the man continued to shuffle in my direction — lazily as if he did not want to rush himself. Instead of a smile, a hideous smirk came between his ears when he noticed where my attention was withheld. "Weaklings like yourself don't deserve to live. I don't know how you managed…!" Abruptly after halting just a few good seconds away from me, the man murmured words that broke my heart into thousands of pieces — pieces I could not manage to pick up. 

His huge, masculine figure hovered over mine, spreading goosebumps that I hadn't noticed were creeping on my arms until now. He was so cold — my wolf had gone stray, there was no contact anymore. For the first time since my eyes had landed on him, this was the time I could see the terrifying wrath as it was squeezing itself into his empty pupils. 

"Any last words…?!" Soon after crouching down to be on the same level as I was, the man growled a question that made all the hairs on my figure stand. The world seemed to stop moving — there, my eyes widened with aghast as I looked deep into his lifeless eyes. It was clear now…the man was going to take my breath away as he did to Alpha Xenos and the others — he was going to kill me even when he knew that I was his mate. I was going to be executed like I meant nothing to him…

"Moon goddess, is this my fate?" I breathed quietly as tears made an abrupt waterfall down on my cheeks. My heart was beating faster than before — faster and louder, thwarting me to hear anything else but it. Right there, my mind was becoming clouded by fear and a thousand questions I could not find answers to. I felt fear as it consumed every one of my veins; clasping every corner of my system with its sticky embrace. 

"Y-you…you felt it right…? You know…who I am to you! W-why…are you doing this…!?" 

"You must think that you are important, but unfortunately, you are not. There is nothing special about you — absolutely nothing!" The man exhaled with a treacherous smile while placing his hand on my chin, forcing me to look at him. He grinned with pleasure as soon as his eyes glided on my lips that had parted to release a cry. Inside, I felt my wolf beating itself against the wall of my soul, it was crying with pain. 

Every word of his pierced into my heart like a dagger meant to take away my pride. Everything inside of me died — black and cold. I closed my eyes just when his smile widened right on my face, his cold breath kissing every part of my skin, making me shiver all over. My chest was heaving as terror washed over me. He is going to do it…his eyes spoke in loud volumes than his smiles. 

My eyes remained closed but…I could feel his eyes were still lingering on my face, on my figure, analysing every little movement I made. 

"DO IT!" With newfound courage, I rose up to my feet, dangling as I took short steps back. I aired with my eyes still closed for I did not dare to look back into his eyes. It was now or never, I just had to accept my fate…I was going to die at the hands of my mate. "At least, at last, I will meet with my parents…!" I hissed as loud as I could and my ears instantly received a booming laughter filled with mockery, squeezing itself in the depths of my ears. 

The man was laughing his eyes out — all the veins were protruding into the skin. "Very well, then!" He suddenly stopped laughing and heaved a sigh. I sharply opened my eyes to meet his emotionless gaze fixed on me. "You will never be the one…! I have long rejected you, dear!" He roared with a smirk carefully dangling on the corner of his lips just as he roughly placed his huge hand around my neck, quickly robbing me air to deliver to my lungs. 

It was out of the blue — 

Desperate to breathe, I harshly dug my fingernails into his wrist, trying so hard to dislodge him but there, my attempt was an abrupt fail. His grip was too strong to wriggle out of. 

My lungs began to burn, a stifled cry quickly escaped from my lips when he tightened his grip once more. Slowly, I felt my feet dangling in the air whilst tears flooded my face; he had lifted me up with just one hand as if I did not weigh anything at all. I must say…I did not expect him to be this cruel —

"Anything you want to utter?" He roared, his eyes coldly staring at me as I struggled to breathe. How could he…ask me such a question? What was I going to say? The edge of my vision was slowly becoming dark as desperation to breathe overtook me with full force. 

"Lo siento!" He aired and soon I felt something hot piercing into my stomach. I wanted to scream but I couldn't — my eyes quickly opened with surprise and as I lowered my gaze, I caught Alpha Xenos's sword punctured in the wall of my stomach. I swiftly could feel my oesophagus closing in; I could not breathe at all. 

"W-why…?" I aired but that was it, the man pulled out the sword and without saying a word, he unceremoniously threw me out of the broken window. A shaking whimper released itself from my mouth as I helplessly clutched the air, hoping to have a grip on something that would help me from falling but there was nothing. 

Coldness — I crashed into something cold freezing my body. I totally could not breathe and that was all of it…my vision blackened out. 

"Oh! Moon goddess, shall I continue to live…!?"


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