The South Side

The South Side

Oleh:  chloe montedoro  On going
Bahasa: English
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Adrianna knew her first heartbreak at the age of eight- when Ash, her only friend moved away. Adrianna thought he was just a memory until her sister persuades her to go out to a club with her. He was once a sarcastic, stubborn, smart mouth boy. Now he's a killer, who is fresh out of jail, and involved in a gang. He was far from the boy she once knew, but now he's coming home to play.

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35 Bab
Chapter One
Graduation sure snuck up quickly. I wish I could say I would miss school, but I know I won't. It was hell for me, every single second.I stared at myself in the mirror for far too long trying to see if I looked any different. Felt any different even. I still looked the same. Graduating school had not developed me an ounce. I feel as I did yesterday and the day before that. They always tell you that things will be different once you are done with high school, but they're wrong. Which I guess is a good thing since change makes me nervous. I need a routine, and that is the biggest flaw in graduation; you move forward. I wasn't the  smartest in school, and I wasn't the most popular, but is anyone? The person you are in high school is such a facade. You only show people a part of you: some people you'll see again, and some you won't. And, I'm perfectly fine with it.
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Chapter Two
We pulled up to this place on the other side of town. I never came to the south side. I always heard the stories of people getting killed. In school they used to joke around about how you needed a knife to walk through this side of town. I glanced up at the building and I became slightly confused. I heard music and saw cars outside, but It didn't look like a club. It looked more like a warehouse. The outside was peeling paint, and rust littered the street from the tin roof deteriorating. Rory had never taken me here before, and I became nervous.Sensing my anxiousness, she touched my hand. "Trust me, Ade. I've been here countless times. It is on the rough side of town, but I've never had any problems here.""If I get killed just know, I'm going to be very pissed off."Rory laughed really loud and snorted, "Are you going to haunt me
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Chapter Three
The upstairs of this club was filled with smoke, and it burned my eyes. There was a slight aroma of weed, and the floor seemed to be somewhat wet. My shoes were sticking to the surface. I don't even want to know what made this floor so damn sticky. Disgusting myself, I shuddered."Are we sitting right here?" I asked, hoping she would say 'no.' My eyes couldn't take the burning sensation. Or the thought in the back of my head that bodily fluids are what made the floor sticky."No way, we're going to the back." Thank god. We walked through a curtain and inside this warehouse there was another club. This side was much nicer. There wasn't anyone bumping into me, and it didn't smell. The bar sat in the middle of the open floor. I wanted to sit down so badly. My feet were killing me already in these heals. There weren't any strobe lights either, thankfully. My eyes wouldn't be a
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Chapter Four
I hardly had any time to process what he had just said to me before a second long bang erupted throughout the room. I couldn't make out where it came from, but as soon as the first bang hit, another did too. I heard yelling, and glass breaking. I looked around the room frantically trying to see for a way out."Someone's shooting we need to go," Rory yelled. We both were looking for an exit when Ash grabbed Rory and I and hid us behind the bar. The woman who was bartending had her hands over her head and was sitting on the floor with us. She had tears in her eyes, and she had a pocket knife in her lap."You two, don't move," Ash yelled, sternly. The easiness that was in his eyes just a moment ago was gone. His eyes turned an even darker color, if at all possible.Rory and I both nodded. My hands were shaking, and my heart was poundi
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Chapter Five
"What the fuck are you involved in?" I whispered and climbed out of the closet. Kicking shoes, and random articles of clothing out with me.I was beyond angry, and I didn't know how to process it. It might have been years, but this is someone I thought I knew. As a kid, he’d gotten into trouble, but this now was more than trouble. This was criminal. This was dangerous. At the same time, I wasn't sure what I expected. People change. Some for the better and some for the worst. I'm guessing he was the latter."None of this was supposed to happen tonight. This was us brokering a business deal." He ran a hand through his dark hair and held a blank expression. He started collecting the papers that the man from before flung across the room. He had his back turned to me. His muscles tense."Are you in a gang?" I muttered. I'm not sur
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Chapter Six
The lounge was elegant compared to the rest of the club. It almost looked like an old Victorian home. The couches were a maroon color, and the walls were black. I saw countless men that I didn't recognize. Some were sitting around a poker table at the end of the room, and others were at a small bar next to me."Stay here. I'll be right back." Ash whispered in my ear and let go of my hand."Hold on." I gripped his shirt, "The last time you said that I got shot at." He was trying to leave again. I'm starting to notice a pattern.He snickered, "All of these men here are my brother's men. No one will touch you. You'll be safe." His brother's men? He managed to pry my fingers from his shirt, and I gave him an annoyed look.I turned on my heel and started walking away until he grabbed my hand. "I
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Chapter Seven
He's a murderer.I couldn't shake those words from my head. But, again what did I expect? He's in a gang for Christ sake. I watched Josh kill someone, why wouldn't Ash? It's has been a week, and I haven't heard from him. He had my number, and he knew where I lived."Aid, can you do the register today?" Kayla asked, snapping me out of thoughts. Kayla was the bubbly brunette that I happened to work with. She was very friendly, and inviting; almost a little too friendly.Mario's was a small, and cozy diner. It had a 1950's feel to it. My boss did say that his grandparents bought the place, and it's been in his family ever since. My boss was rarely here, and when he was, he would sit in the back room by himself. Which is nice; it gives us leeway to do whatever we want."Yeah, no problem," I gru
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Chapter Eight
"I'm serving house arrest here." I wasn't sure if I was happy or terrified. I was happy I would see him more often, but I was terrified for the same reason. In a way, I was still cautious of him. I trusted him not to bring harm to me, but I did watch him pull a gun out last week. I had such conflicting emotions, and I was just a mess.I hadn't seen Ash since last night. He didn't want to talk for long; just in case the police were keeping an eye on him. He also told me to take the back door when I sneak over. He didn't want the police thinking we were up to something."They'll think we're conspiring."I understood that and decided to give him some slight space. I still had questions that I wanted him to answer. Every so often I would take a peek at his house, and see the lights on. I never
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Chapter Nine
I must say Rory has been sober all week. I'm genuinely surprised, and very proud of her. She's been running every day. She also told me she was going to start gardening. I made fun of her and told her she was turning into an old lady. I stepped outside and noticed all the flowers Rory had bought already. I smiled and started walking over to see the asshole next door. I hadn't seen much of him this week since my work schedule was so packed. I guess it was time to catch up. Ash was sitting on the porch; which didn't make sense since he was on house arrest."I'm surprised that bracelet didn't go off yet." I smiled and walked up the porch steps."I'm allowed to the very end of the porch. I've tested it." He grinned and shoved a piece of bacon into his mouth. I heard the sound of tires squeali
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Chapter Ten
Rory slammed the phone down and groaned. "Who was that?" I asked, popping my head around the corner to get a better look at Rory. She sighed, and threw me a glance that said, 'do you even have to ask?'"Mommy dearest, of course. She wanted to talk to you." She muttered, obviously annoyed. "I bet she was going to try and convince you to move to Florida."Rory pulled the eggs out of the fridge and slammed them down on the counter. I'd be surprised if all of them weren't broke. Talking to our parents always added unnecessary stress. "Like that would ever happen. I have no interest in Florida.""I don't blame you. You'd have to live with them." She sneered."I ca
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