
The Rarest Anthromorph
The Rarest Anthromorph
작가: Eve_Tri

Chapter 1: Heat and Run

Bryle Akihiko's POV

Hard pours of the heavy rain along with the loud burst of thunders and the blinding lightning made me want to hide as I was carried by strong arms. Eyes flashing red as it was directed at me every single time. I can hear my own voice screaming and calling for my father but when he gaze upon me, his eyes doesn't portray hatred but hunger. As rain pours even harder, the louder I cried as I witnessed how my own father wanted to harm me but I how he urges not to scratch my pale skin.

"Father, where are we going?" My cries were faint harmonised by the rain and thunders. 

My father look at me once again, eyes gleaming as he fought himself from getting wild, biting himself and scratching his own skin as he let me go. Even at a very young age, I questioned if how did my father became so unfamiliar in a split of second? 

"Father! Don't leave me here, please!" I plead, hands tried to reach out for him but he would take a step back as if I was unknown.

"I beg you, Father!" I yelp which only made him to step any further. I can see that amidst the hunger and wildness in his eye, a tear fell. I have no clue what was happening but even a 2 year old kid can be hurt at the sight.

"Listen!" he shouted. "Do not trust humans! I—" 

Seeing him suffer while I cannot do anything but cry makes me feel like I was useless and brutal. His voice were cracking when he speak with a broken gaze.

"I can no longer stay with you, my child. I am so sorry! But please take care of yourself as soon as you grow up."

I was about to run towards him but he immediately stop me.

"Don't come near me, son. I don't want to hurt you. Go back on that house and knock. Give them the letter in your pocket and always remember. This world can be deceitful and you don't have anyone to fully trust but yourself, you got it?" 

I could not even nod from what he said. I just want him to not leave me. I want him to stay.

"Do you understand, Akihiko?" 

"Y-yes Father so please come back here!" But instead of him coming back, he smiled and for the last time, gave me a precious flying kiss as a loud sound of a car came to my sense of hearing.


Heart racing and cold sweats rolling as I was panting hard like I've joined a marathon. My eyes are open wide in shockness and my hands were clutching on my sheets as if my life depends on it.

I was awoken by a memory that became a terrifying dream once again which repeats every night like a broken record. And to be worst, it's raining early in the morning that makes me feel lethargic. I do not get why everyone likes rain while I don't. I hate getting wet from it, it makes you sick and rain always made me remember that memory. How bad I want to forget about it but past is always a part of life.

Today, I just wanna lay in my bed but I don't want to neglect my company that I seduloused. As I hop off my bed and done preparing, it's time for a conscientious masking for socializing with humans because creatures like me was in a very great danger in their hands.

I'm an anthromorph, an animal in a human body geometry. I can transmute into human and into my animal trait alternatively but having ears, tail, sharp fangs and the eyes of a wolf in a human form was my true identity. I was one of the rarest Anthromorph Traits that ever exist. I'm a wolf anthromorph with hermaphroditism which made me a uniqie man-wolf anthromorph. Because of my hermaphroditism, I have heats and I am able to conceive an offspring and that was the reason I'm being extra careful outside my home.

I drove off to my company and greetings bombarded me by my employees as soon as I entered my building and I bowed in exchange. Everyone was on their respective table in front of their monitors, working in sinc like machines. Today, I'm searching for a business partner for a product collaboration and called my secretary, which is also my bestfriend since college, for updating any companies for business proposals immediately.

"Good morning Mr. Alinsky." My secretary, Archer, greeted me as he walk along my side.

"Good morning, prepare the project descriptions and needs and send them to any company."

"Yes Mr. Alinsky, and also, the CEO of CZC Columbus Zoo Cave Company scheduled a meeting with you."

"Sure, when?"

"This afternoon because it's a bit urgent." 

"Okey, please remind me later. I'm going to work on the papers as soon as possible. Please do what I asked you too."

"I will." 

As we walk alongside each other, we were like the normal working colleagues but upon entering the elevator, he came closer to me as usual, he's clingy but not enough to make me uncomfortable.

"Wanna eat lunch together?"

"We always eat lunch together, it's nothing new. And besides, I have no one to invite."

"Awww don't be such a kill joy dude."


And when the door opened, we both go to our separate ways. Archer, even though we've been friends since college, I have never told him that I'm a Wolf Anthromorph. I'm afraid to tell everyone but the family who adopted me knew about it of course.

A few hours later and it's lunch already. Archer came to my office carrying the food he ordered.

"Hey, I've ordered your favorite food."

"Well thanks, should I give you my liver now?"

"Don't be silly." He laughed at my lame joke. He's always like that to me, he's too nice to be my friend who equivocates personality.

"Anyway, after lunch, you'll meet the client. Want me to assist you?"

"No I'm good. Just focus on what I assigned you to do."

"Whatever you say." 

After our break, I directly went to our meeting office and wait for my client. I sat on the chair silently until the door creaked open and a young man entered the room. The meeting between me and Mr. Smirnoff went well as I agreed for our deal about the treatments of the animals from CZC.

In a few, I've called Archer because I have nothing to do. "Hey Archer, are there any business proposals yet?"

"There is, I'm gonna bring it to you."


I've waited a bit and Archer gave me the papers for business proposals. I instantly check on them but there isn't any good proposal I reviewed. 

"Archer, is there anything more?" 

"There is, but just a few."

"Bring them here."

Lot of hours had passed, there aren't a single proposal that I've like. All are dull and not clear enough. Night has come and yet, there's none chosen among the proposal I've received.

"I can guess that you didn't find anything good." Archer said which is right.

"Right. Makes me wanna take a drink."

At this point, Archer knew that I was frustrated. I do not drink liquor unless I'm frustrated enough to do so.

"Then let's go and take a shot."

We both stood up and drove off in a Casino owned by my parents, the family who adopted me who're also anthromorphs, a Cheetah Trait Anthromorph. Arriving at the place, guards bowing as soon as they saw me wasn't anything new. Wealthy people having their own business, gambling and just chilling are scattered everywhere.

We took a sit at a very secluded place as I let Archer order our drink. As I was sitting alone, girls start coming to me, hands running softly against my suit and it's unpleasant to think that they're humans.

"Wanna hang out tonigt?" 

"I'm sorry. I'm not interested in all of you." They were surprise and soon their face was contorted with disappointment.

"Oh man! You rejected them again? How cruel of you. You're lucky enough that girls approach you first." Archer said as he shook his head, handing me the glass of liquor.

"Their perfumes sucks." I reasoned out. I just don't really like them. 

"Come on, we're getting old, get a girlfriend at least."

"Don't wanna."

"Then, want me to be your boyfriend?" he joke and I gave him a blank reaction.

"I'm just kidding, I just wanna make you laugh." 

"That's not even funny." 

"Can you sugarcoat the sentences coming out from your mouth? It's hurting me already!" 

Archer rambles and sulk like a little kid that haven't bought an expensive toy but soon left because he have something urgent to do. Now I'm all alone, I didn't drink a lot, afraid of what might happen if I get drunk. As I was sitting alone, a man came to sit beside me.

"Hey, alone?"

"Does it look like I'm with someone?"

The person laugh that out but what makes it worst, it made my body tingle for no reason. Was it because of the liquor? Am I drunk already? Impossible, I only drunk one glass. 

"Sorry 'bout that. What's your name?"

He asked, but I still didn't bother to look at the person. My instinct wanted to, but I forced my self not to.

"If I told you my name, would you propose a business to me?"

"Sure, why not. Are we making a deal?" he chuckled once again, as if luring me to look at him and I did. And upon seeing him, my body shivers.

His eyes glimmering as it scanned my face, it's making me hot and tingly unconditionally. 

"I'm Bryle Akihiko Alinsky, I own the HOMETOWN Company, currently searching for a business partner." 

I introduced, letting my eyes explore every inch of his perfect face. His not so sharp jaw with a visible line, a manly thin pinkish lips, pointed nose, thick eyebrows and finally, his eyes that send electricity run through my veins.

I felt him grabbed my hands and as I stared at his moving lips, I cannot hear the words coming out from it. As soon as our skin touched, I trembled in anticipation. My breath began to hitch and raspy, my body heating up and in to my terror, I began emitting a sweet pheromones. I'm in heat in front of this human, in fact surrounded by them.

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