The Prophecy of the Second Moon

The Prophecy of the Second Moon

에:  Kayna larie  연재 중
언어: English
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Two species and a viscious prophecy meant to tear apart everyone and everything in its path. Two halfs of a whole joined against all odds, but do they have what it takes to make the heart shattering sacrifices needed in order to save all they care about. Will love and heart reign over logic and mind? Can they even survive the horror that is the prophecy of the second moon, hanging above their heads like the sharpest of swords waiting to strike? ”I love you Shay” he whispered painfully and with that his eyes gazed upon their last star in that night’s sky.

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The story keeps getting better and better!!..the F/L is kick ass!!
2023-01-24 01:10:08
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Marissa Gilbert
This is a fascinating read with an original plot line. The authors are very detailed and know how to keep your attention. A must read ...
2023-01-15 11:21:29
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Erica Collazo
Highly recommend it has strong female lead, betrayal, love, death and everything in between. It will bring out all types of emotions. Great book. Must try
2023-01-11 04:53:26
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Loving this story so far!!!
2023-01-11 02:27:12
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Definitely give this book a chance! It features a strong female lead that isn’t your typical push over. It breaks traditions and gives you all the feels and twists! Updated weekly ... You will not be disappointed that’s a given!
2023-01-11 02:20:16
34 챕터
When the second moon rose in the sky that night, they had to admit they had lost. Shay fought through her intense feelings of grief and despair. All she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and let the world consume her but she knew deep down she must fight until she had no more breath left in her lungs, until there was nothing else to spare. But not yet. All that despair that threatened to suffocate her could not quench the thirst for blood of those responsible for this masacre, nor stop her from caring for the people who were of her blood. People she grew up with and amongst, people who she trained with and learned from, laughed and danced by the bonfires in the darkest of nights. She had to ensure that her people survived…she owed that to them now. She was now their queen. “We must carry on, fight with all you have left. Fight for your loved ones. They must not breach the village!” Shay screamed to the fighters who flanked her on both sides, eager to hear ev
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3 months earlier
“Shay, come in.” A mature voice sounded through the beautiful massive wooden double door left slightly ajar to let the breeze flow freely through the office behind it. The door was made of what seemed to be amberwood, while each side of it had an intricate design carved across the entire length of its surface. It was only when you brought them together and closed them entirely you could see that the two halfs represent the whole. The upper side of each half of the double door held room for a beautiful moon on a high rise; one light and beautiful as a cherry blossom against the clear blue sky and a promise of a new dawn; the other magnificent but dark and ominous as the heart of the Lord of the underworld himself, overpowering and menacing in a gut wrenching threat to stop the sun from ever rising again. The lower part of the door was carved in a very naturesque fashion, portraying a gorgeous mountain range towering over a lake and amberwood forest. The lake itself was made out of the
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Grandmaster Corin Harkenfield sat at the head of the table, getting impatient. It was not so much due to the fact the pair were ten minutes late but rather because his son sat next to him non-stop complaining about waiting for his sister again, doing his best to be heard by all those already present in the boardroom. Hendric went on and on with rambling about how disrespective of everyone’s time was of Shay to be late yet again. “We are all busy men and got better things to do than waste precious time waiting for her spoiled highness, don’t you think father? The very minute I take over”, he mused with almost a wistful look to his face, “that spoiled brat will be made to know her place once and for all. Her frivolity and tardiness will be punished and I will see to it personally that she is made to learn some manners.” Corin was seemingly looking at his son as he spoke but could have equally been looking through a glass window as he stopped seeing him really; hearing the words still
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Someone’s not happy
““Whoa, whoa…” Hendric raised his hands as if to stop the invisible car from bashing into him while bewildered expression changed his facial features into something one could only greet with ‘hello, dumb-dumb’. “Excuse me?! What do you exactly mean by the ‘leader of the troops’? I would still outrank her, she would still answer to me, right?!” Hendric asked with anger. “No, my son.” Corin responded, bracing himself for the chaos he expected to ensue after his next words. “She will answer to me and me alone. You will take my place in day to day governance of anything concerning the welfare of our people as well as political and economical development of our territory but our warriors with Shay as their commander will not answer to you. All the costs and allowances that are to be allocated to our military fund will be governed and appointed only with Shay’s blessing. Corin was now studying Hendric’s face, watching how a young spotless face was lining with creases faster than parch
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Shay stared at herself in the mirror, one part bewildered because of how good she looked and one part almost appalled just because she looked that good. Not that she thought badly of herself or was self-conscious, it was more about her absolutely adoring the tough but comfortable look her usual outfit provided while this was something way out of her comfort zone. If she was about to go to training she would most likely choose one of her gazillion workout leggings or black faux leather spandex pants that looked smoking hot but still provided her with the ability to move freely, combined with any crop top that got under her hand. Never the glossy leggings though, the kind that makes you squint your eyes since you reflect the sun like a stained glass when worn…she hated those with a burning passion. If she had to look presentable, she would just pull the “I’m a soldier” card and show up all “dressed up” in her real black leather pants, topping it up with a white or slate grey t
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Finally they meet
Shay’s grandfather, Theodore, had gone all out with the decorations for the ball, sparing no expense. An innocent spectator would probably say he wanted to present their coven in the best light, but Shaylin knew the truth; it was a sparkly reminder of their power in order to show supremacy over their werewolf guests who Theo despised above all. He had the arbored walkway leading to the compound lined up on each side with a row of large crystal orbs equally spaced apart and filled with thousands of tiny fairy lights, enchanted so that they emanated the changing icy blue and gold and pinkish hues illuminating the path through the darkness of the forest. Above, the tear shaped vials filled with sparkling liquid in the same hues as lights, floated in the air like a detachment of fairy guards on duty forming a welcoming line and keeping an eye over the delegates in attendance. The liquid in the vials glowed and moved like little wave pools, splashing against the glass walls of their c
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Two weeks before the ball Damian had just finished training and was wiping the sweat off his face with his now ripped t-shirt, when he heard Ivan’s voice through the pack’s mindlink, coarse and impatient as always: “All senior members of the pack, meet me in 30 minutes in my office. Don’t make me wait.” “Oh great…what is it this time? Five bucks the Luna dearest is throwing a tantrum again,” Beta Cain laughed. “Probably,” Damian snorted unapologetically. “Moon Goddess help me, I’m so glad I turned down the Gamma position. Could you imagine having to protect HER at all times?” Damian visibly cringed and shook his head as if trying to get rid of a nasty taste on his tongue. “Training pups and being in charge of protecting the pack is something I am definitely more adept in…it feeds my soul really,” Damian exclaimed, emanating love for what he does with a fervour rarely witnessed. Not being able to help himself, he added chuckling shamelessly: “Poor Kairon though, he got stuc
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Damian part 2
TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter may contain sensitive parts regarding sexual content. I will make this section marked with double row of ****** before and after that section, so that anybody wishing to do so can easily skip this part. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Reaching his room in the pack house he thanked Renee for her help and limped away trying to close the doors behind him, but that hellish harpy put her foot down to stop him and stomped into his room instead, adamant on ‘helping’ him get into bed. Damian, still under the influence of the witch’s brew, slumped down on his bed with every intention of sleeping in his clothes, already dozing off into the la-la land of dreams. Persistent tugging jolted him out of his alcohol induced semi-coma, only to see that Renee had already unbuckled his
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Heartfelt introductions
“Shaylin, I would like to introduce you to Alpha Ivan and Luna Renee Thunderridge of the Nightblade pack,” Corin said when Shaylin reached the last step as she descended down to the ballroom, as gracefully as she could. Just as she was about to step down on the safe ground, her heel got caught in the loose thread of the woven carpet that adorned the staircase. Out of all fucking time in the world, it took the very moment she started stumbling forward to finally lock eyes with the one she was looking for; the same one who was at her side in an unnatural speed to steady her flustered self before she fell, and the same one who breathed out incredulously the very last thing she would expect to hear from a werewolf directed at her. “Mate…”, that gorgeous stranger said. Damian caught Shay in the very last moment before it got really awkward for her. His left hand gently welcomed her skin just under her exposed right collarbone, and his right arm around her backside support
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A divine Day
“This is obviously a mistake, it has to be!” Theodore breathed out, trying to control his surfacing anger. “My kind does not intertwine with lower species in this way, and even if we did, you cannot surely expect my granddaughter to leave the coven only to join some werewolf pack!! By our laws and considering her position and lineage, a male, if the latter is not a part of our coven, would have to join her here,” Theodore delivered a low blow, not quite choosing his words that drew a warning growl out of almost every member of the werewolf delegation, ready to feed him his own tongue. Only Ivan and Damian, both turning toward the rude intrusion, remained silent watching Theodore’s every move under their eyebrows, like two wolves stalking their prey. One would get very worried seeing two walking mountains looking at them like that, but Theodore really believed himself to be above all other species. Puffing his chest up to cover his initial outbreak and remaining seemingly unbothered w
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