
Chapter 6

"Welcome Sofia. You know that I'm not one for small talk so let's get straight to business. Today we are honoured to have Olivia Grant-Toliver in our midst. Olivia is a good friend of mine and throughout her stay here in Venice, I expect her to be accorded the same respect that I have been accorded through the years." So she's the one who pulled Leo away last night. Olivia Grant-Toliver. I have heard so much about her but up until today, I had never met her. Leo simply blindsided me with this meeting as I entered his office this morning. She was indeed beautiful and she had this intimidating presence that resonated with her. Also, she scented expensive but also heavenly. I couldn't put my hand on it but I could spend all day hugging her just to get that scent on me.

"Hello Sofia, it's a pleasure to meet you." She extended her perfectly sized and manicured hands to me and I took it.

"Pleasures all mine. So, what have we done to be graced with your presence?" 

"Why don't you take a seat first?" Leo said as he eyed me. So he was still angry. I put on a smile and sat down next to Olivia. 

"Your boss tells me that you recovered the Lamden file while you were on a mission at Karrion Black's home."

"Yes, I did."

"Good. Now, I know my good friend Karrion and I also know that he wouldn't dare ruin our relationship just to get a document from my husband's family. So, I'll make you a deal; get close to Karrion and find out where he got the file from and I'll owe you one for a lifetime." She's quite full of herself, isn't she?

"Why do you think I'll need you to owe me one?"

"Or I could just let my husband handle you and Karrion in the ways that suit his sick mind. And believe me, this offer is limited. My husband will be here by tomorrow morning and he'll get to work as soon as he gets here and you'll be the first target on his list. Think about it long and hard and when you make a decision, Leo will tell you where to find me." She got up, kissed Leo on the cheek and walked away. I don't know why but I felt intimidated by that.

I waited for Leo to say anything after she left but he just got back to work as if I was a ghost.

"Did you seriously just sit there and watch her insult me like that?"

"It's only an insult if you choose to not make the best out of it."

"So you're saying I should do it? We got into a fight last night because you believed that I was spending too much time around Karrion and now you want me to spend time with him because Olivia asked not so nicely?"

"You seem to like spending time with him so you might as well have Olivia owe you one for doing something you already like doing."

"That's not fair."

"Is there another reason why you're still seated here?"

"At least look at me, Leo." He raised his head and I couldn't see anything but the indifference on his face. "I can't do what she wants me to do. It's too dangerous Leo."

"No matter how dangerous it is, it can't be worse than what Andrew Toliver will do to you when he gets here."

"You're not even making a move to protect me?"

"No! Because I warned you! You had a mission that night to get a different document but instead, you went rogue, as usual! We wouldn't be in this mess if you had just listened to me, Soph. I told you last night that if something happens to you because of Karrion, I wouldn't be able to do much to help you and I meant it. You've caught the eyes of Olivia, Karrion and Andrew, the three most dangerous people in history. I'm afraid that I can't help you any more without ruining some major relationships."

"No. Without ruining your relationship with Olivia. This is all about her. Are you..."

"Don't! Don't even come in here with that suggestion. Olivia is one of our major sources of funds. She backs away and we'll suffer dearly for it. Now, unlike you, I know how to keep my job out of my personal life. Olivia is my friend and only my friend. Any reservations that you may have about her, can be kept within your mind. My advice, give her a reason to cancel her decision and protect you from her husband because she's the only one who can do that."

I left Leo's office upset, but not at him, at myself. He did warn me and as usual, he was right about it all. I crossed a line when I became too comfortable around Karrion. 

"For someone who just met her hero, you sure look down," Franco said as I stormed into my office. He was always hanging around my office. So much for The Organisation being secure.

"Well, never meet your heroes. She's a cold-ass bitch!! Can you imagine her, giving me ultimatums?!"

"I heard about that. She's right though, and so is boss." Seriously?! 

"So everyone's on her side?"

"You know that's not true. You messed up and I would be a bad friend if I didn't make that fact known to you. Besides, you'd be a fool to turn her offer down."

"Let me guess because she's so important?"

"No. Because her husband is the devil's incarnate. He's not the person who you want on your trail."

I was about to reply to him when my phone rang. 

"Sophie Kane."

"Ms. Kane, Mr. Black wants to see you tonight." The person was using a voice disguise and I was not in the mood for it.

"Tell him I don't want to see him."

"I don't think he's going to take no for an answer."

"Well, that's his problem, not mine."

"Well, he said that you'd be stubborn so he's giving you an ultimatum. Join him at the Venice Private Hangar or he'll be joining you at The Organisation." 

"He's bluffing. "

"Are you willing to take that risk?" My silence gave my answer. "8 pm tonight. He'll be expecting you. Dress nicely." And he just hung up. What have I gotten myself into?!

"Let me guess, Karrion?" Franco asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I need a personal favour. Boss is still mad at me but I need to leave work early tonight and I'm pretty sure he won't let me...."

"So you need me to make up an excuse on why you had to leave work early without telling him, he's onto our lies Soph. Try being honest with him, he loves you so much he might listen to you." So now he's mocking me? Wonderful. 

"Will you do it or not?"

"Anything for you. Just stay safe, believe it or not, it's my job to protect you. I'd be dead by the time he realises that we both lied to him."

"I'll make it up to you."

"Fine. Just make sure you're back by morning for work, I don't want him getting suspicious. " I smiled and watched him leave my office before getting to work. I had a bunch of paperwork to do and I'm guessing this is Leo's way of being an ass. Up until our latest issue, I never had to do any paperwork! But, I sucked it up and got to work. Hours and hours went by and I didn't even realise how late it was until Leo stopped by my office with a food package.

"I've been thinking and maybe I was being an ass about Karrion but I wasn't wrong. So, I'm sorry." He extended the package to me and I took it. He felt comfortable enough to sit down and I poured us some drinks.

"You weren't. But you were an ass so I'll accept your apology. Putting me on indefinite paperwork duty though, that's petty. Petty is not a good colour for you. "

"No, it's not. Look, Soph, when you started working here, it was easier for me to throw you in harm's way so long you got me what we needed. But then we got involved, and then it became harder. I may run things here, but I have the people who I have to please to keep things that way and those people know how good you are at what you do. The only difference between those people and me is that I care about you enough to keep you away from those situations." I got up and walked to where he was and sat down next to him.

"You pay me a huge amount of money for every job I execute perfectly, I don't have an issue doing my job because I love it and I'm paid handsomely for it. My relationship with you changed that. I used to have a sole focus; complete your assignment but now, all I worry about is getting home to you. I don't know what we are Leo, but it's not the fling it started as. I do know this; whatever this is, it has completely taken our attention away from the main focus in our line of work. We're no longer worried about getting the job done, instead, we've put ourselves first and that's not fair to this Organisation."

"What are you saying?"

"I'll work with Olivia. I got myself into this mess and I'm going to get myself out.'s going to be my last assignment with The Organisation."

"You're quitting?"


"You can't do that Soph. You mean so much to The Organisation and much more to me."

"Hear me out, Leo. I'm leaving so you and I can see where this is going. No more throwing myself into danger's arms after this. I want to see where things will go with us." He managed to put on a smile and he hugged me.

"OK. Just stay safe this last time. Karrion is someone I can't risk losing you to."

"You won't. I promise." He reached out to touch my face softly and I leaned into his touch. I had made two mistakes; getting involved with my boss and getting into bed with Karrion. I had to fix these problems and at the end of it all, I would move. I hear Milan is quite beautiful. What am I saying?! I can't run from this problem, not again. I checked my phone and I had to leave now or else I would be late for my meeting with Karrion. "Babe, I have to go."

"You can't. It's not even closing hour yet."

"I know but this is important." 

"Where are you going to?" 

"Well, I have to go see a friend...." I'm a bad liar.

"Oh really? And this friend can't be seen tomorrow?"

"No! She's sick. Sick and she insisted." He knew I was lying but I didn't care. Anything is better than Karrion coming here. 

"Fine. Stay safe and call me if you need anything." He gave me a quick kiss and then he left. I felt bad about lying to him but I need to sort this thing out with Karrion. 

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