The Lady And The Billionaire Scoundrel

The Lady And The Billionaire Scoundrel

By:  Alexandra  Ongoing
Language: English
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Charlotte Astor's heart is broken. She's had her eyes and dreams set on her childhood love, Edward, until she learns he's getting married to her cousin. So she sets on a path of revenge: to scandalize everyone in the conservative Atlanta society by getting engaged to her boss. When Logan, the mysterious obscure billionaire who owns the building where she works enters her life, he threatens to pull her in another direction and steal her heart- though she doesn't know it yet. --UPDATED DAILY--

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Sheraline Austin
This is one of the few novels I have read that does not have the main character being slapped in the face for no reason, and everyone ending up going to the hospital for frivolous reasons. I'm enjoying this so far and really like Charlotte and Logan's chances.
2022-02-05 10:02:35
user avatar
Interesting story! Can’t wait to read what would happen next to Charlotte.
2021-12-20 07:33:37
user avatar
Ack, this is indeed a hidden gem. The narration is so good and the events that happened were so fast that I did not hesitate to scroll to the next chapter. Three men around Charlotte having different stories are more than interesting. Plus, it's of great mystery of whom she will end up with. Awesome
2021-12-15 09:02:04
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Michelle Swenty
This is such a captivating story! A hidden gem for sure! Great job, author!
2021-12-14 07:24:30
user avatar
Lovely! Absolutely beautiful. I felt drawn to the characters like never before. If for anything, I'm going to keep reading this book to the end. This is perfect and the humor is just on point. Good job, Author. It isn't easy creating a masterpiece like this. Best of luck!
2021-12-13 13:54:00
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Asiya H. khan
not really a fan of this book, but I would like to say that the author surely did work hard on this book. and her efforts are work reading. to me the story felt like it was based on a real life story! amazing job.
2021-12-12 02:57:08
65 Chapters
Chapter 1: Soon To Be Wife
Today was the start of the promising future Charlotte had worked so hard to attain. It was way too early to be in the office, but she had gotten up at 6 am and hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. Now she stood by the glass window on the 33rd floor of her office building and looked down at the parking lot with a warm cup of tea in her hand. Coffee wasn’t her thing. Her car was far out towards the street, but after today, she’d be able to park right next to the door with all the other partners at the law firm, under the shade of the sycamore trees. Her promotion was to be announced. Too many good things were happening at once. About a month ago, Edward had called to tell her he was applying for a job at the firm. The dormant love she had always felt for her childhood friend lit back up like a wildfire. He could have worked at any of the best law firms in South Carolina, but he had decided to join her in Atlanta. That was the only logical explanation as to why he was coming back
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Chapter 2: A Big Surprise
“I’m sorry, guys! I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Mary said, giving Edward a kiss on the cheek. "But this man forgot his lunch!" "My bride to be, ladies and gentlemen," Edward said to the cheer of the conference room. Mary looked at Charlotte and mouthed an “Oh my god” at her as if she herself was just hearing the news for the first time. “Oh darling, how I’ve missed you!” she then said, giving Charlotte a hug as Floyd said the meeting was over and the men exited the conference room. Charlotte stood there with her arms to her sides, transfixed on the wall behind Mary. “I… When did you arrive?” There were far too many questions fighting to burst through Charlotte’s mouth, and the one that came out was the most innocuous of them. How had this happened? No one had told her anything about Mary and Edward. When had they even started seeing each other? How the hell did the love of her life end up with someone else? “We flew in together,
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Chapter 3: For A Man Who Had Rejected Her?
She went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face, taking care not to ruin her makeup. Pulling herself together, she headed out, thinking of what to do next. There was no way she was going to give up on Edward so easily. Despite everything she had said to him, she knew they were meant to be together. The problem was figuring out how she was going to convince him to realize it. And the partnership, well, that would just have to wait. Just as she got back to her office, the phone rang. She wanted to ignore it, but it could be something important, so she reluctantly picked it up. “Charlotte, could you please come to my office?” Floyd said. Charlotte’s hands shook as she put the phone down. It wasn’t even ten in the morning, and not only had she apparently lost the love of her life and a promotion, but she was also probably getting fired. And she needed the job. Desperately. When her father died ten years ago, he left behind more debts than assets, especially with the girls’
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Chapter 4: Eating From The Palm Of Her Hand
Charlotte picked up the card from the floor and tossed it into the trash can before exiting Floyd's office. Who the hell did that man think he was? Well, he was the owner of this building and impossibly rich, but that gave him no right to think he could treat people like that. She wanted to go after him and tell him off, but she knew she couldn't do that. First, she'd have to find a way to get out of the agreement Floyd got her into through other means. She went to her office and finally retrieved the faxed documents from the Sterling case, but she didn't know what to do with them now that she was officially off the case. Well, if her new "boss" told her she had the day off, so be it. She picked up her things and left.Janet eyed her suspiciously as she approached the lobby."Taking the day off?" she said from
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Chapter 5: A Very Long Day
After lunch, Charlotte left the country club in a daze. What had she just done?  It went against her principles to get ahead using her looks, and although this wasn't technically the same thing, it felt just as wrong. And she wasn't taking into account Floyd's feelings, but she was certain his interest in her had nothing to with matters of the heart.  She drove home to her apartment, and as she was unlocking the door, she heard the phone ringing. She rushed inside and picked it up. "Finally!" Janet said from the other side. "We... have a situation here at the office. You need to come over."  "It's four-thirty... by the time I get there, it'll be past five," Charlotte said. "What is going on?" "There's a wo
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Chapter 6: A Correct Observation
Charlotte poured herself a cup of red wine once she had showered and got settled down for the evening. Too many things had happened in the span of a day, and it was overwhelming her. She tried to keep her thoughts from drifting towards Edward, but it was hard. If she could tell him about this, he'd surely be able to give her advice. The thing was, he was the problem now, and she couldn't think of anyone else she could confide in. It sometimes bothered her that she didn't have many friends; she'd lost touch with the girls she went to high school with while she was in law school, and they all formed new cliques and groups by the time she had returned. Most of them were married, had one or two children, and seemed to purposely avoid her whenever they ran into each other in the country club or the grocery store. It had never been easy for her to make fr
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Chapter 7: So Sure Of Yourself
 They pulled into a long driveway surrounded by trees. "What is this place?""The house I built for my mother, but she refused to move here," Logan said, pulling down the windows. The air smelled fresh and clear, of the countryside. "Did you have this built after you married her? What is her name, by the way? She never told me," Charlotte said."Julia. It was almost done when we got married."Soon the house came into view, and it was anything but a house. The place was a mansion, possibly bigger than the country club main house in Chateau Ella. It was three stories tall, and it seemed
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Chapter 8: Help A Damsel In Distress
Charlotte spent the day going over Logan's files and assembled a team of interns to help her sort them out. The papers were all copies that someone had haphazardly tossed into their boxes, and she pitied the poor assistant who had to have done the work.There were mentions of other foreign bank accounts, but those wouldn't go into the divorce agreement, so she filed those separately. It had been a while since she worked on a divorce case, and normally, she'd try to go for a swift and amicable agreement between the two parts. But it made her angry to think that Logan's wife had so much in her favor, and she had tossed it all overboard for someone who wasn't probably half the man Logan was.It surprised her that she had thought of Logan in a positive light because she didn't really like him. He was conceited, too full of himself, and a scoundrel at heart.
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Chapter 9: That Was Fast
Linda styled Charlotte's hair into beautiful loose curls while Logan was still upstairs getting a haircut. Every once in a while, she could hear the hairdresser's laugh pour down from the upper floor. She didn't understand why Logan had stayed for a haircut; it didn't seem like he needed one, and he surely had an army of hairdressers and stylists at his disposal.  She couldn't shake off the feeling that he was still mocking her. Like he was having fun spending the day like a normal person. Or a poor person, if you compared him to Charlotte.  "You look beautiful as usual," Linda said, holding up a hand mirror so Charlotte could see the back of her head. "Thank you," Charlotte said and hurried to the front desk to pay. She wanted to scurry out before Logan came down. But there was another woman talking to
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Chapter 10: There's A Woman I Can Respect
"What are you still doing here?" Charlotte said, surprised at finding him sitting there.  Logan stood and straightened out his suit. "You will need a ride to your event, Miss Astor. Won't you? I also had someone bring over drinks. Since you weren't specific about the ones you needed, I asked them to bring one I particularly like."  He gestured towards the lobby's door, where there were boxes of French champagne that Charlotte knew cost at least a thousand dollars per bottle. They were stacked into a pile by the wall. This was too much. She'd never be able to afford that and pay all the debts and bills she had.  "You really don't know how to step down, don't you?" Charlotte said. "I don't want you to drive me, or get things for me." 
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